Lefanis Family/Morgana/RP's

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Roleplay from Morgana Le-Fay Message sent to everyone in your realm A rather woried looking scribe walked up to Morgana. He appeared to be carrying two parchment, both which looked old and frayed. Morgana immediatly took them and the scribe hung at Morgana's shoulder. The parchment was faded, and yellowing, but words could still be made out.

                                              ----Parchment I----
                                           -The last words of Eodred-

I, Eodred Le-Fay of Rem-Town, know that my end is nigh... The enemies have arrived... This will be my last entry...Igrayne and the children have already left for Niel... Away from this madness... The warlord is taking over Rem-Town... I am afraid there is no hope for me... We have lost Rem-Town... I have failed!! My only hope is that one-day a Le-Fay shall return to our home and strike down the Warlord's ancestors, and reclaim their rightful place! The wielders of the Dazzling Scroll of Zolon shall have vengeance!

Signed: - Eodred Le-Fay

Morgana closed her eyes and opened them. Finally she spoke. “Where did you get this?…”

“In the Nocaneb library My’Lady… You asked me to find out details about your early family…”

“How did these documents find their way to Nocaneb?”

“My Lady, an unknown Arcaean nobleman died, and released his collection of old scrolls to the Nocaneb library. Then our forces took it over…”

“So it was the Arcaean dogs who robbed my family of their post... Eodred was my great grandfather… I only heard of him in legend. Now I have the facts. What is this Scroll of Zolon he speaks of…?“

“My lady… That is the second parchment. It was found in the same collection… It is written in a script that is undecipherable… Only its title is written in a modern tongue. It will take me a few weeks to decipher it...”

“Good Work scribe… You may go now. Leave the scroll…”

The scribe shuffled away, and passed through the tent.

Morgana sat deep in thought. This changed matters completely. Her family’s claim would be realized. It must be realized, and the arcaean wolves would pay with their lives. And she would wield The Scroll of Zolon…

Morgana Le-Fay Banker of Sartania