The Church of Qyrvagg

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"We are the Holy Host of Qyrvagg"





  • Long ago, in the Battle of Nem-e-Kabu, a man named Sartan was elevated to the status of a deity. Because of his actions on and off the battlefield, he became the God of War. What is not recorded by the preists of Ibladesh is that his younger brother, who fought by his side, and his two captains (who were twins) were also raised up, but to the status of Demi-God, not full God.
  • The Church of Qyrvagg has its roots in the Church of Ibladesh. Long ago, Ibladeshian missionaries travelled the great sea voyage to the Far East, becoming the first Sartanians. They venerated Sartan above the other deities of the Pantheon of Ibladesh. But they, in the same folly as the Church of Ibladesh, failed to recognize the Lesser Gods, the Demi-Gods.
  • After some time, these Ibladeshian missionaries founded a Theocratic realm in the farthest eastern reaches of the Far East. This realm was known as Sartania. It venerated Sartan, the God of War,
  • Unfortunately, this Theocracy became a mere organization, not a Church. Within the first few moonturns, Sartan wept fro his home on the surface of the Earth. For they held not his values. they did not believe in War.
  • All this time, Qyrvagg had been gaining followers. He found loyal believers in the Vikings of northern Atamara, and one family in particular: the Vellos family.
  • Soon after one of these Vikings, Hireshmont Vellos, took up service in Sartania, Qyrvagg struck. In the great Spiritual Battle of Hakan-del-Zir, Sartan was overthrown, and removed of deityship. Qyrvagg became the God of War and Battle. The Twin Gods became one, the Demi-God of the Armies. And Sartan was demoted to the Demi-God of Virtuous courage.
    • But why did Sartan lose? His followers were weak believers. In the great battle, Qyrvagg summoned up the souls of his followers, and Sartan his. They did battle. Qyrvagg would have lost to the more powerful Sartan, but his followers were fanatically devoted, devoted more than any others. And Sartan's forces were butchered. But Qyrvagg showed mercy, and di not exile Sartan to Deep Heaven, but simply demoted him.
  • Hireshmont saw this in a vision that has become known as the Vision of Ascension. He found follwoers in Sartania, and formed the denomination known as the True Sartanians. But they could not achieve their goal. Thus he and one true follower fled. Bothw ere accused of Heresy, Hireshmont was to be executed. For the full details, read the Sartanian histories and Hireshmont's description by his grandfather(family page). In an epic defense of the faith, Hireshmont systematically demolished Sartanian theology in what has become known as the Trial of Hireshmont. Hireshmont became the First Prophet of QYrvagg.
  • Soon after, another member of the Vellos family was to become the prophet. His name was Hridriol, but he was stricken by disease, and perished. In his place, Amekal Vellos was made the new profit. He made his way Valentia, in Beluaterra, where he would meet up with Baiko, the other follower from Sartania.
  • Meanwhile, Hireshmont took up service in Oligarch, spreading word of Qyrvagg, fighting great wars.
  • In Valentia, Amekal recieved word of secret converts, soon to be made known.
  • Not long after, he learnt of Baiko's family members in Sirion and the Ash Sea islands, who worked for the cause of Qyrvagg.
  • Through the loyal efforts of a family which wishes to remain secret, Amekal learned that there could be even more Sartanian defectors than ever believed, and that the Church of Qyrvagg was growing faster than in Hireshmont's wildest dreams!
  • This history is recorded by any and all who wish to contribute with truth.


  • Lady Gheros, Pontifex of Sartania- Leading a realm in 1. Persecuting the Church of Qyrvagg severely, deporting all known members and threatening with death. 2. Encouraging assassination attempts against Hireshmont. 3. Blaspheming the name of Qyrvagg.
    • To do penance, Lady Gheros will have to step down as Pontifex, and serve loyally under a Qyrvaggian-type government for 4 months. Also, she must give 1/10 of all earnings to Qyrvagg-supportive causes, if not the Church itself. This is decreed by Qyrvagg, as spoken by Amekal, the Third Prophet of Qyrvagg.

Friends Who Do Not Believe

  • Any and all Vikings
    • For being what you are, war-loving norsemen!
  • Sparticus the Just, Haruspex Maximus of Sartania
    • For treating Hireshmont with the utmost dignity and respect, and support in need, even in the face of extreme adversity
  • White Assassin. Unfortunately, White Assasin to this day denies any connection with the True Sartanians and Church of Qyrvagg, even though all of his knights were in that party, and two were in the Church....
    • For inspiring his knights to live the life the God of War and Battle would want them to live
  • A family which wishes to remain secret.
    • For providing vital communications and logistics support in times of need
  • These are Chronicled by all Prophets and Masters of the Holy Hosts of the past and present.