Onyxien Family/Kisharianda/Roleplays/Ritual

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Ritual Ceremony

The men gathered at the grove as instructed by the Queen. The moon was full and the night was warm. Looking down into the grove you could see the reflection of the moon flashing from the hanging swords. Kisharianda went over the last details with the Queen and made sure everyone was in place. She walked behind one of the trees and took off the cloak that covered her robe for the ceremony. Thinking deeply to herself that she was no longer going to be secretive in Cenarious’s eyes. Blushing to herself she took the Athame and walked over to the Altar.


Kisharianda stood at he altar and closed her eyes, taking long deep breaths as she prepared her self emotionally for the ceremony. Turning around she faced the crowd. Her hair was tied up in long curls around her silver head piece. The robe fell on her naked voluptuous breast making her soft curvaceous body appear through the shear material, making every man look in her direction as they carefully tried to remain inconspicuous,

At the top of the altar Kish turned over and bowed to the Queen, and then turned her direction to the crowd, her body was trembling from head to toe, taking another deep breath

“On this day we gather here to this sacred place To call upon the Blessings of the Great Fafnir” she walked in a full circle pouring sand behind her. Entering the circle she formed the shape of a perfect star and stood in the middle. Raising her hands above her head with a clear loud voice she began her summoning ritual.

“On this night I call onto to Thee, To come to this land and see” “With the blood that runs in my veins, I call to Fafnir and all his fame” “Show yourself, hear my plea, Make yourself shown to me”

Kneeling down she took the bowl of herbs and brought it up above her head again

“In this Hour still of night, Let your presence reach our sight”

As she spoke the last words the winds started to blow, she chanted the ritual two more time. Silence completely filled the air not a word or breath could be heard. Looking above towards the moon the Shadowy figure of Fafnir appeared as he took his descent down to the calling.


“Who dares call me” a loud rumbling was heard all around as Fafnir landed before Kisharianda. A long narrow face with deep black eyes, leaned in to inspect her. With confidence Kisharianda looked up at Fafnir, admiring the red shimmering scales that reflected from the moons light, showing his grandeur with a snort he stepped back and took a look around.

“It is I… Oh Great Fafnir, I have called upon you so that you can give me the strength to perform a blessing ceremony for the Queen and her guards, those who protect these lands” she bowed showing her humbleness and true desires. Taking a step forward to Kisharianda Fafnir brought his face inches from her body as if to closely inspect her.

“And who calls for this ancient ritual” he looked into her eyes waiting for her trembling body to respond “My Queen, my lord” she bowed her head as she responded “You call for the blessings of my blood, but are you worthy of receiving it child” his long neck came around her body looking at her from every angle “Yes my lord” she took the Athame to her palm pressing down she cut from her thumb to her small finger letting the blood rise to the skin.

“Hear these words and hear them loud, if your mind isn’t as pure as this vessel you take, your soul shall forever roam the skies and your mind will never be freed” he took a step back

“To whom shall you give your oath” he looked at the attendance. “To the Queen, my lord” she bowed once again and turned over to Katayanna

Bringing her bloody hand up along the blade of her sword she placed it on the Altar doing the same with her shield. Closing her eyes she knelt down taking her sword and raised it before the Queen

On this day I offer my Oath onto Thee,

To always honor you as my Queen, and to uphold your actions. Whatever words you speak, or tasks you may place before me, I promise to uphold them to the best of my ability. Wherever your dreams may guide you, I will stand by your side and help you in accomplishing them. Whenever you are in need of counsel, I will lend an ear, and offer all my knowledge and support. From this day forward, with my sword I will keep your foes back, and with my shield I will protect you to my last breath and by my blood I Kisharianda Onyxien swear this oath before you and all those in attendance.

With the words spoken Kisharianda got up and looked at the Queen “My blood for thee, I will offer me” Turning over she faced Fafnir and bowed to him and put a drop of her blood in the goblet.

Fafnir stood on two legs and let out a loud cry reaching to his right hand he pierced it with his claw drawing blood, coming back down to face Kisharianda he let one blood drop fall onto her opened cut hand, and another into the goblet.

“May my blood shield your body, through the flames I shall bless” he stood back giving Kisharianda room

Turning over to the Queen Kisharianda kissed the Athame and reached over for the Queen’s right hand

“But a small prick my Queen” she poked the Athame at the tip of her finger drawing but a single drop of blood into the goblet.

Walking over the altar Kisharianda fill three parts of water over the herbs and blood gathered in the cup.

“On this night, I invoke the powers of fire to protect me from all that would harm me, whether be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual”

Turning to the south she took a small candle and lit the white candle “Nothing from the south can harm me” as the words were spoken a wall of fire rose in front of her and Fafnir let out a loud roar

Moving to the west she lit the other candle “Nothing from the west can harm me” a second wall of fire came up and Nailyon shadowy spirit appeared

Walking to the east she lit the candle “Nothing from the east can harm me” the third wall came up and the shadowy figure of Sairys appeared

Finishing to the northern candle “Nothing from the north can harm me” the fourth wall joined the three and the final shadowy figure of Grael took his place

Taking the southern candle up above her head she finished the calling “Nothing from above can harm me” as the words were spoken a gust of air calmed the wall of fire around her and a loud roar was heard as she spotted a black dragon fly away into the night. Surprised by the event Kish paused before returning to the ritual.

Taking the goblet in her hand once more she raised it above her head “Thank you Great Fafnir for your protection in this circle from any harm” Going over to each candle she leaned them over mixing a drop of wax to the mixture and walked again around the pentagram.

“Powers of earth I thank you for joining my circle and I ask thee for your blessing” blowing out Grael’s candle she took in the smoke “Powers of Air I thank you for joining my circle and I ask thee for your blessing” blowing out Sairys’s candle she took in the smoke “Powers of Water I thank you for joining my circle and I ask thee for your blessing” blowing out Nailyon’s candle she took in the smoke “Powers of fire I thank you for joining my circle and I ask thee for your blessing” raising the Final candle to complete the ritual she held the candle in one hand and the goblet in the other high above her bowed head to Fafnir. Leaning in closer towards her Fafnir blew out the candle and blew a small breath over the goblet offering his blessings.

Walking over to the Queen she handed her the goblet bowing her head as she waited for the Queen to anoint her with the blessed mixture. Closing her eyes she looked up at Katayanna as the words came freely from her lips

“I Katayanna, Queen of D’Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel anoint you with this blessing which is passed on through me, to protect you in all that you do. May the blood of Fafnir bless you and keep you safe from all harm” she dipped her long slender finger in the mixture and anointed Kisharianda who then stood and bowed and took a place by her side.

Continuing with the ceremony the Queen anointed the men starting with her Marshals and ending with the closest knights. To end the ceremony Katayanna turned over to Fafnir and held the goblet up. Fafnir reached in with a clawed finger and dropped a small drop of the mixture on the Queen’s head and stood up and let a fiery breath out to the skies.

“Blessed those under Thee” he spread his wings and roared as he disappeared into the night.

Looking over at the Queen, Kisharianda smiled and ask that everyone take out their swords and bow their heads taking a moment of silence for the departed Paul Ogren. Leading Katayanna by the hand to the altar she placed a lotus root in a small bowl and filled it with wine.

Holding up Katayanna’s hand she bowed her head and let her words speak freely.

From the flesh of this flesh we bid you farewell, From this heart of my heart I watch you depart Today We honor you Paul Ogren, Father of Katayanna, Jon Paul and Kellaine Ogren May the guardian dragons guide your soul safely up to the heavens

A moment after the words had been spoken a soft wind blew thru the valley making the blades of the swords from trees sway back and fourth as if the spirits were giving their farewell. Katayanna eyes watered and she swallowed hard, giving Kisharianda a warm smile.


The minute Kisharianda spoke the last words and closed of the ceremonies she return to the tree to gather her things and get into something a bit more fitting. Closing her eyes she felt a sudden rush of emotions take over her, she leaned on the tree and started to panic again.

“He will never look or think of me the same way again” she thought and swallowed hard wanting to hide within herself

Remembering herself looking down at Cenarious as he accepted the oath, not one time did his eyes leave the ground to look at her. She slid into her dress trying to tie the back as she overheard Ugyel’s whistling get closer.

“Well done my child” he hugged her neck pleased with her performance

Kisharianda continue to struggle with the ties from her dress keeping her silence

“What’s the matter child” he grabbed the strings and tied the dress for her

“Nothing” she knelt down and tied the strings from her sandals up her calf

“I know you better then that” he raised a brow waiting for an answer

“Master Ugyel didn’t you tell me that there were only four dragons” she looked at him confused

“Yes child there is only four, why” he stepped back eyes wide

“Well in the ritual when I started to close the circle, another dragon appeared over me and the wind from his wing span calmed the walls of fire” she turned over to him

“Well whatever it was, I felt an energy being brought down from him, and I still feel it now, here present in the field and I don’t know where it’s coming from” she sighed

“He was black, and I felt a strong connection by his presence, and I don’t know why or what it all means” she put the ceremonial clothes in a cloth bag

“I have not heard of such a dragon, I mean there are myths but nothing the ancients have recorded” he pulled on his long beard going into thought

“I think I need to return home, I’m a little tired from everything” she began to walk away from the Altar

Making her way closer to the crowd she noticed Cenarious standing there talking with the others. Bowing her head trying not to be noticed she tried to make her way to her carriage but was stopped along the way by the Queen who wished to thank her for the ceremony. Smiling Kish accepted the queens gratitude just as she was going to excuse herself the Queen requested that the gathered returned to her estate to share in some beverages and food, and personally asked Kish to be of attendance. With a smile Kish agreed and followed the Queen.

Kisharianda Onyxien (Dame of Port Raviel)

Sorsha had been summoned to the ritual and arrived as expected in full armor. Beneath her armor, she was dressed plainly, but well enough to continue the rest of the evening. Arriving with the rest of the knights chosen to attend, she waited for the ceremony to begin. When the Lady appeared dressed in only a sheer fabric, Sorsha recognized her from Cenarious’ estate and her body tingled with the same feeling of kinship from before.

At the display of nudeness beneath the fabric she politely averted her gaze. The ceremony began and Sorsha felt herself lifted, as if her soul was truly part of the ceremony.

When Lady Kisharianda called upon Sairy’s strength, something seemed to flow from Sorsha’s body to the ceremony. She didn’t understand the sensation completely, yet felt as if her entire body hummed with the powerful call. She seemed to lose control of her senses and watched the ceremony as if from someone else’s eyes.

When it came time for her anointment, Sorsha felt completely rejuvenated as if seeing from a fresh perspective. Her mind was newly focused and at peace. She smiled at the queen and bowed her head.

She truly felt a part of something now, as if she had truly found her place.

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Raviel)

While the ceremony had been taking place Cenarious had been shocked to see Kisharianda's garb for the evening. He had at once wanted to drink in her beauty with his eyes while at the same time he had felt the urge to take off his cloak and charge across the clearing to cover her up. As a man well accustomed to war and leading men, Cenarious had held his shock in check, projecting a calm and dignified exterior even as his mind raced. This was not how he had envisioned his second meeting with Kisharianda, yet there was little he could do to rectify the situation.

The one thing he could do was to offer her some semblance of modesty by averting his eyes from her near naked form. Keeping his eyes on the ground before her he could still follow the ceremony though obviously he would be missing the show that the rest of those gathered were sure to enjoy. His mind warred over the thought of her body so openly displayed before him, this was his chance to see his future bride in all her glory and it was surely her own decision to so display herself, she could hardly blame him for looking, could she? Despite the torture this dilemma caused in his mind, Cenarious's gaze never wavered from the ground, not once did he peek at her beauty throughout all of the ceremony.

Cenarious Stormrage Marshal of the Queen's Dragon Guard

Now that the ceremony was over, the gathering was beginning to break up as the newly anointed made to leave the clearing. Cenarious attempted to blend with the crowd as he fought to ignore the burning and itching both on his skin and in his chest. Trying hard not to sweat and to breath as little as possible he attempted to appear casual during his rush out of the clearing but as tortured as he was he couldn't be certain of how successful his attempt had been. His last thought before spotting MoMo bouncing around a top a carriage was how glad he was that he had hired it for the ride home, as he would shortly need the privacy in which to recover.

As he neared the road Cenarious whispered a prayer under his breath, "May the world weep in tribute to my Queen's grief."

Upon finally reaching the carriage door Cenarious yanked it open and dove inside the shadowy interior with MoMo in fast pursuit. Sparking off the protection spell MoMo jumped and sucked on his slightly singed fingers. Unable to contain himself any longer Cenarious let loose a ragged breath to burn away the remenants of Fafnir's fiery protection. To be so wrapped in another's element was stiffling and rather painful. He hadn't been sure what would happen when Kisharianda cast her spell on him but he had been forced to risk it. His Queen would hardly keep him on as her Champion if she had seen him reject the protection of her guardian dragon. Surely the luck of the dragons was with him this night as Kisharianda hadn't seemed to sense anything out of the ordinary about him, not to mention Fafnir choosing to keep his secret, as he most certainly must have sensed Cenarious's heritage. On that final thought, and with the first droplets of raining beginning to strike the carriage's roof, Cenarious succumed to the drain and passed out on the carriage seat.

Though Cenarious couldn't feel the heat he could suddenly see the sun beating down high overhead. Looking around Cenarious saw that he was standing in the middle of a large cloud as it moved slowly through the skies. The serene landscape was broken suddenly as the bright rays of the sun reflected off the radiant black scales of the massive dragon that burst up through the very cloud he was standing on. Effortlessly hovering in the air before him the Great Dragon Raviel lowered his head down to speak to Cenarious face to face, almost as a parent might when seeking to speak to their child at eye level.


Raviel spoke in a voice that resonated through the clouds surrounding them, "A normal man could accept the blessings of the Great Elemental Dragons, but as my blood flows through your veins you will never be normal my child. The Wind and Rain can not be caged by flame nor trapped by earth. As one of my children you are blessed far greater then the multitude of humans who walk this world without the blessing of dragon's blood in their veins, yet you can never be so bound by Fire or Earth. Do not forget your heritage, nor your duty, my child."

"I would never spurn your gift Great One. You ordered me to return to your birth place in Port Raviel and to protect the Queen and her new realm with everything that I am. I only took the risk so that I could continue to fulfill my oath to Queen Katayanna, the oath you bid me to take Great Father." Cenarious responded humbly.

"I didn't say that I did not understand your reasons," Raviel responded solemnly, "but it was foolish to take such a risk with your mortal life. This is not the kind of secret you can keep forever my child. One day D'Hara may well learn of your ancestory and when that day comes we shall see how open Katayanna is to the influence of another dragon on this world. I owed it to my parents to aid Fafnir's chosen and what better a way to do so then to send his chosen a champion of my own bloodline to protect them. Do your duty my child, protect Fafnir's chosen, and protect the island on which I myself was born for this convergence of sky and sea will forever be sacred to me."

The creaking of the carriage door awoke Cenarious from his dreaming. He still felt a bit drained from the blessing but speaking with the Storm Rager had revitalized him quite a bit. Opening the carriage window Cenarious reached out his hand and let the rain pour in. Reveling in his ties to the elements Cenarious took strength from the storm that surround him. He had intended to head home for some rest but now that he was feeling so energized perhaps seeking out Kisharianda would be a better use for his evening.

Cenarious Stormrage Marshal of the Queen's Dragon Guard

Colin had raised his eyebrows at the summons, and when he arrived in full battle-gear, he was even more surprised at what took place. As soon as he realized the form of the ritual, he averted his eyes, choosing instead to keep a close watch on his Queen instead. Since Marshal Cenarious seemed to be too distracted by a bit of pretty flesh to do his job properly, Colin would do it for him. He also made a note to find out if Cenarious was this weak to all women, or merely Lady Kisharianda...It could be a problem either way.

So he was extremely surprised when one of the Dragons manifested. There were several possibilities for this. Hallucinogenics seemed to be out, as everyone else reacted in the same way. Some masquerade was...possible...But he couldn't off-hand come up with even semi-convincing explanations for half of the physical events that occurred. Which left out-and-out magic, or the three supernatural forces in the known world that actually manifested. Undead were right out, and monsters were not known for intelligence or powers of this nature. As for magic...If they had magic this powerful, they would have a far greater degree of temporal power. Which left...

Daemons. These people had managed to summon some variant of the Daemons. Colin nearly went into a full-blown panic before settling himself. Even from Arlian's tales of Beluaterra, there were Daemons and Daemons. These were obviously Daemon Lords, to travel thus and speak intelligently and show such powers. And...Obviously they could be dealt and reasoned with, though via strange methods. They had obviously succeeded where the Daemons of Beluaterra had failed, and convinced some number that they were true Gods...

This was...Unexpected. It remained to be seen whether any true protection was granted, or whether the "Dragons" merely enjoyed playing with their worshipers. If Colin were a betting man, he'd place money on the latter. But...Regardless...They weren't, yet, working against him. And if going along with a few rituals and the like would prevent the atrocities Arlian had described...It would be worth it.

Colin saw no other options but to accept, for the moment, these "Dragon Gods". This didn't stop him from shaking at the end of the ceremony when he was "anointed" with the blood...Like all Bedwyr's, he believed in the power of blood, and being touched by the stuff...He resolved to wash it off in a clear stream as soon as possible.

And he would have to consider very carefully the rest of the actions he took...

Sir Colin Bedwyr Marshal of the D'Hara Dragons

Katayanna arrive at the site of the ceremony early. She was filled with great anticipation for what was to come. She had only seen Fafnir one time in person when she ventured to the region of Dragon’s Roost so long ago.

Kisharianda and her went over the ritual many times to make sure that each knew their parts.

As the circle was being cast she could feel the awesome power of the dragons more acutely than she had ever felt before. Each of them seemed to resonate a part of her. When Kisharianda was completing the circle, Katayanna felt another presence, another dragon in the sky. Was she seeing things, was this an illusion brought on by the ritual. No, she could feel the pride of the great mother within her and that too of the part of her that was Sairys. A memory of a legend that she had once heard. Could this dragon be the same one from the legend she had heard as a child. She had always thought that as a mere story as she had never found any other references to this black dragon. If this truly was he, then where has he been, and why was he here now. Every fiber of her being at this moment was atuned to the Dragon’s but she could not feel his resonance within her… or could she. She looked at Kisharianda and knew that she had seen him too. She felt only the pride of the Dragons at his presence. That was good enough for her, it was their Rite and if they saw no danger, then so to should she be at peace with this new dragon’s presence.

During the part of the ritual that spoke of her father, she found that not a single tear wanted to be released. Only the joy that her father had now was closer to the Dragons that he loved so much. Katayanna smiled, she could now release her feelings of loss and rejoice in the knowledge that she knew that she could call upon his wisdom any time she needed it simply by invoking the Dragons.

Katayanna unlike many of the others not surprised at Kisharianda’s ritual gown. She knew that none of the men present would ever look upon her again in the same way. Truly, many would not want to make her their enemy. One with the power to call upon the dragons and not have just one appear, but all four in attendance was not one to make your enemy. And this one had managed to do something that no other to her knowledge had managed to do. She had inadvertently called forth a fifth Dragon, one that had not mad himself know to man more than a few times in all of history. This one truly was Dragon Kin, in more ways than one.

After the ceremony she invited all those present to join her for drinks and fellowship in the estate that she had commandeered for her time here. The old estate of Mathias Ridder, When he was Emperor of Shadovar. It was a place that she felt safe and comfortable in. And she did not think that he would mind. She even found a case of her family mead that she had sent to him months before.

When it began to rain softly, she could feel the energy in the very air itself and the rain did not seem to truly touch her.

A memory came to her. A sarcasm that her father used to use quite often. She said it aloud “Never mess with a Dragon, for thou art crunchy and taste good roasted”, This brought a smile to her face. Those that stood against her would find out for themselves. She felt that she could almost fly with power that she had surging with in and around her.

She walked to the carriage and started to get in……. No. She had far too much energy, she would walk, it was not far just a couple of miles.

“Captain! I do not see, but I know you are here.”

Captain Halmaan came around from the other side of the carriage. “Yes your majesty, you know me well”

“Captain, I shall walk to the estate. Let the detail you have assigned to guard me know that they are only to approach if I am accosted. I want the solitude”

“Yes Your Majesty”

Captain Halmaan turned and quietly issued the orders. And was gone again.

Katayanna started walking, she was not in a hurry. She would take her time getting there.

Katayanna Ogren Queen of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel