Onyxien Family/Kisharianda/Roleplays

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The Arrival In Port Raviel

Kisharianda stood out on the terrace of her new home looking over the valley. Her long hair came down to the small of her back caressing her hips with bouncy curls, it was light in color almost a dirty blonde and it was tied to the back with a white ribbon which revealed her oval shaped face. Her brown tender eyes showed wisdom and knowledge yet they hid so much mysteries, full pink lips left an innocence to explore, her gown hugged her curvaceous body and the detailed neck seem complimented her voluptuous cleavage , her robe accented her slender neck and draped over her collar bones delicately. She looked fragile to the touch but could bring any men to their knees if she needed to. She was a truly amazing woman, and she had the attitude to back it up. She was short in temper, but patient with other and a very good judge of character and she chose her friends carefully. This wasn’t what she was used to but she sure could get used to it.

On her right shoulder perched the beautiful raven Maky, her closest friend. She had nurtured Maky back to heath after a few boys used her for target practice. She had a weakness for nature but even a deeper sense of responsibly to the animals, and despised anyone who killed creatures for anything other then the means to feed themselves, and if she caught them, she made sure they paid deeply for what she called a sin in her eyes.

“You think we’re going to like it here Maky” she rubbed her cheek along the beautiful birds feathers. “Quaaa” Maky danced on her feet from side to side pecking her head up and down “I thought you would, it’s so quiet here” she handed Maky a piece of dried bread

Reaching over for her cup of tea, she continued to admire the silence and everything her eyes could see.

“Milady” a man called to her attention “I have found you a scribe, he his young but, he comes with high recommendations” he smiled as he ruffled the boys hair “Thank you Bryan, you may leave us now” she motioned him with a hand gesture

The boy stood looking at his new mistress with a shy smile, and nervous eyes. Kisharianda couldn’t help but notice the boy glance over the plate full of morning pastries and invited him to sit with her at the table.

“Come and sit” she walked to the table “Are you hungry?” she asked as he got comfortable “Y..Yes Milady” he nodded and looked back down at his feet “What’s you name?” she asked as she reach for the biggest puff pastry on the plate and handed it over to him. “My name is Dmitri Milady” he bit into the puff of sugared dough “How old are you” as she watched him stuff the pastry in his mouth “I’m..” he chewed faster “ almost twelve this winter Milady” he said proudly wiping the sugar from his chin. “Well this is simple lad, your quarters will be at the end of this corridor, close to mine, you will keep a good supply of ink and paper at all times, you’ll be given two full meals a day and a snack when the sun is at it’s highest peak in the sky. You are to carry any orders given by myself or Siegmund my Captain directly. You are to answer to no one else outside these walls and you will also carry good manners to your superiors as your cloak crest represents me directly is that understood” she looked deep into his eyes and followed by a warm smile

“Yes Milady” he answered with a sharp nod “Do you have any questions” her brows raised “No.. Milady, I take notes from you and Sir Siegmund and keep good manners. Got it!” he convinced her. “That’s right” She nodded at his comment “Is that your bird” he asked studying Maky “Yes, she is my eyes where my eyes can’t see, she brings new of travelers when they are near, I trained her myself” she handed a piece of pastry to Maky “You can see through her” his eyes widened at the thought “No” she laughed

“When I was a child I used to hide things around the forest, kinda of like the games of hide and seek you young lads play” she looked at him for confirmation that he understood and he nodded back with interest.

“Well, I would play with Maky while my sister Aewyn and Fiona swung off the rope at the pond, I didn’t like to swim much, so I spent a lot of time with Maky” she turned her head over and rubbed her nose on Maky’s little silken chest.

“How would you find Maky?” he asked confused “She can fly high” he motioned his arms as high as he could and Kisharianda smiled

“Well I use to take the ribbon from my hair and I tie it around a little branch, then I would hide it from her, like on top of the hay stacks, balance it on the fence pole, or in a tree. She would fly around and bring it back to me because it was mine“ She paused “We played for hours” she smile while telling her story

“As the years passed our games continued , but Maky here showed me just how smart she really was. When travelers, strangers or even neighbor’s we’re near, she would bring me some of their things to show me we had visitors n ear.” she reached over for her tea.

“I have never seen nothing like that before Milady” he said excitedly looking over at Maky “She is very intelligent and loyal to her master” she commented while getting back to her feet. “Now as for you Dmitri, Gather your things I’ll have Bryan show you to your new dwellings” she instructed the young boy “Always keep an ear out as you might be needed at anytime” she opened the door and found Bryan waiting as he was told. “Show him to his room and around the grounds. She looked down at his bluish grey eyes, he wasn’t but 4 feet tall and with exaggeration, a head full of dark tight curls. A healthy young boy and light on his feet and fit to ride a horse at full speed if needed without baring exhaustion on a good stallion.

“Now to other matters” she whispered to herself