Ironsides Family/Armstrong/HappyEnding

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After some jokes were made at the expense of the Confederate Daralan, who was attempting to flea through Fontan once Fontan City was captured, Lady Fiona Onyxien arranged for a night of "comfort" for the Hero of Democracy...

Happy Endings - Armstrong's night to remember

Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien

Message sent to everyone in your realm (126 recipients)

Aewyn sat there drinking her cup of ale waiting for Fiona to arrive, all the years they had spent back in Woodglen together it was hard to put the memories that had been pulled away from their childhood behind her. She closed her eyes and remembered the sweet smell of lilac and the fresh baked bread her mother used to bake.

There was always laughter coming from the back of the forge, her father’s work it didn‘t bring much gold but it was honest days work and he kept the food on the table. Her father had built a tree house in the old oak tree for them out of the wood he had traded for doing some work for one of the local lords, she smiled at the memory of that old rope that kept the girls occupied for hours swinging back over the river.

Although Fiona had a couple years on Aewyn, she felt that she was the one who had to protect her, not so much from the men that constantly threw themselves at her but the men from her. When they burned her home down killing her father and doing unspeakable things to her and her mother before leaving them for dead, she had no tolerance for men and cared very little of their approach. She was bold, carefree, resistant and she had quite a temper that often got her into trouble, but she loved her like a sister.

“Woo pretty lady, what brings you here” a table of crowded men whistle as Fiona entered the pub.
“Not the likes of you” a smile flared on her face.
“Feisty one aren’t ya lil’ gal?” the man approached Fiona

But before he could say anything else to her he found himself on his back looking straight up between her legs. Fiona leaned down and grabbed his shirt bringing his face a closer to hers.

“Looking for an evening with me?” She smiled and reached behind her back.
“Fiona!” Aewyn grabbed the dagger from Fiona’s hand and secretly returned it to it’s compartment.
“Always a grand entrance cousin” Aewyn sighed and smiled.
“He started it!, I was merely going to finish it” she let go of the man letting his head hit the floor and walked over him as if he wasn’t there.

Fiona stood there smiling back at her cousin, beautiful long red hair complimented with those deep green eyes, she was hard to resist even woman had to take a second glance.

“Nice battle cousin” Fiona hugged Aewyn.
“Yes indeed, nice to see those perdanese dogs with a tail between their legs” Aewyn chuckled.
“Don’t get to bold you know we are just waiting here on our next orders” Aewyn called the bar keep over
“Two more ales” she ordered
“Now tell me Aewyn when are you going to approach this Marshall of yours with your undying love wishes” she laughed
“Marshall of mine? I beg you to keep your comments to yourself, Malfurion is not only our marshal but a dear friend of mine, you know not what you speak of Fiona” she tried to hide her emotions in her cup as she drank
“Rigghht…” Fiona shook her head
“Beautiful and Shy, and naïve I might add” her laughter stopped as she turned over to the bar keep
“My ale? Do I need to get it myself, what’s wrong with these place I’m thirsty.” She impatiently commented
“You know why I wanted you to meet me here right?” Fiona asked
“No… but I’m afraid to ask” She raised a brow
“Well you know I had a few words with Armstrong,” Fiona began to explain but Aewyn interrupted her
“Yeah! You intercepted my letter to Sir Armstrong!!” Aewyn didn’t look so happy.
“Well I only did that because I knew you would be to formal and I wanted to make sure my point got across to the vile tongue of Daralan” she smirked
“Anyways, I’m here to pick a lady for Armstrong, I keep my word dear cousin but we have a little problem!” she continued to look over her shoulder for the bar keep to bring her ale
“Pick a lady? What are you now a “Madame” Aewyn laughed
“No my dear cousin! a woman of my words” she grabbed Aewyn’s cup and drank the last of the ale before Aewyn could take it back from her sticky fingers
“Good Lord! Fiona you have gone mad” she sat back in her chair
“Well see the problem is I don’t know what kind of woman he wants?” she commented puzzled
“See all those woman over there? How do I pick one just right for him? A Blonde? A brunette? Maybe he wants a fiery Red head? She smiled
“Fiona you have gone completely mad did you get hit on the head in the last battle?” Aewyn grabbed the empty cup from Fiona turning it over watching a couple drops fall from the cup

Fiona Onyxien (Dame of Commonyr)

Roleplay from Fiona Onyxien

Message sent to everyone in your realm (126 recipients)

“Your drink ladies” the bar keep placed the cups on the table, and attempted to return to the bar but Fiona grabbed his arm
“Bring two more, and I have a question for you” she looked at the old man starring back at her
“Those woman over there how do I go about getting one for a night?” she questioned him
“Milady?” the bar keep eyes and smile growing bigger

Aewyn hid her face in her hands shaking her head

“Never mind, that’ll be all” Aewyn told the barkeep with her face still buried in her hands
“Now I know you have gone mad” she starred at Fiona drinking her ale like it was the last.

Fiona got up and walked over to the ladies sitting in the corner. She walked down the line and picked two blondes, brunette and a red head and returned to the table with all four ladies. Aewyn just could not believe what her cousin was attempting to do, now she was convinced something had hit her cousin in the head.

“What the hell is she thinking!!” she thought to herself
“This is Kasya , Ameliah, Contance and Natasha” she introduced her pick of the ladies.
“Ladies my cousin Aewyn” she smiled at her cousin

Aewyn could feel her cheeks getting red hot, she didn’t know whether she wanted to hit her cousin on the head to bring her back to her senses or just walk out of the pub, but not much mattered at this point as she was glued to her chair out of sheer embarrassment.

“I have a business propositions for you ladies” Fiona smirked

Aewyn got up and walked to the barkeep and ordered two more ales and returned to the table both cups set in front of her

“How would you ladies like a night with our Hero of Democracy?” she questioned
“Because I don’t know what kind of lady our Hero likes I figured one of each flavor would do him good, I will pay you well for your eve” she added
“All of us in the same eve milady?” Ameliah questioned
“Yes all of you” she answered
“One brunette, blonde and a red head” she continued
“But milady, there are two blondes? Constance replied
“That‘s because lil’ Kasya here is staying with me tonight” she looked over at Kasya and grin wickedly.

Kasya hid her face behind her mug, taking a quick sip before lowering the ale and licking her lips. Shyly realizing what she had just done, she blushed an adorable shade of red.

Aewyn finished her cup of ale and reached for the other cup not stopping for a breath as she drank the cup dry.

“Two more ales please” Aewyn almost choking on her own words
“Oh cousin, don’t be so uptight you need to loosen up a little bit have some fun” she got up and walked behind Aewyn
“Let your hair down, for a night” she hugged Aewyn tugging at her ponytail.
“No.. no that’s fine Fiona, I.. I “ she continued to drink at a lost for words
“I’m going to kill you cousin” Aewyn whispered to Fiona
“A slow painful death I swear to you” Aewyn shook her head with a nervous smile
“Can I count on you ladies to make our Hero happy for an eve?”
“Your wishes are our pleasure milady, it will be a matter of settling with “Madame Elanor” of course.” Constance answered

Fiona ordered a round of ale to be brought to the table in celebration

“Well there we go, I concluded my problem instead of picking one he can have all three!” she raised her glass
“Nothing but the best for our Hero of democracy!” she raised her mug
“To Sir Armstrong may his night be filled with pleasures unknown” she drank
“Good lord” Aewyn mumbled to herself
“To our Hero” Aewyn cheered trying to sink back into her chair

Fiona Onyxien (Dame of Commonyr)

Roleplay from Armstrong Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (127 recipients)

Armstrong was piling his papers in his study, preparing for the next day's court session. He had always found these sorts of jobs very boring. He was a Hero after all, his thrive was on the battlefield. But the demands of a count compelled him.

While he was seperating the guilty and innocent judgements he was to make for the next day, he heard a rapping on his chamber door. He turned and called for his servant Sess to answer.

After a minute or two, Armstrong completely forgot about the sound and returned to his work. Then, Sess entered his chamber rather awkwardly, trembling and shuffling his hands.

"What is it Sess?"
"Sir, Count...uh, there are three...there are three women here for you. They say they are compliments of Dame Fiona."

Armstrong's eyebrow raised.

"Dame Fiona? Oh my..."
"What should I tell them my Lord? Should I...well, there are three."
"Three? Hmm. She has certainly exceeded my expectations. I mean, I had said to her that this was unneccessary, and this whole matter is unnecessary...but, three?"
"Yes Sire, and they are in our front lobby now. Should I shoo them?"
"Of course not Sess! They came all this way, and I would not want to offend Dame Fiona by refusing such an...unforgetable gift."
"I see Count, and HERO of DEMOCRACY!"
"And? Send them in at once. Bring this room a fresh set of candles while you are at it, the ones that last a long time."
"Yes my Lord."

Sess left the room, and Armstrong sat on his desk in anticipation. Without noticing, his posture had mixed up his notes on who was guilty and who was innocent. Oh well.

After a moment or two, our Hero of Democracy heard a quiet and rhythmic knocking on his chamber.


Three lovely, exciting women entered the room and smiled at him. The first one, a knock out blonde, spoke.

"Good evening Hero. We are here for you. I am Amelia, this is Constance and this one is Natasha."

All at once the girls said "Hello Count Armstrong," and giggled.

"Hello ladies."

Natasha, the benign red head, spoke up and said,

"Count Armstrong, will you sing us a song?"
"Why, if I am able to do this right, it will be the three of you who will be singing tonight."
"Oh my!" each of them said.

Sess entered sternly and replenished the candles. Constance, a brunette like no other, noticed and made a comment.

"The candles that last a long time?"
"Those are the ones." Armstrong replied.
"Oh dear Count, this will be a night none of us forget," she said.

And so it was.

Hero of the Chamber, or,

Hero of the Democracy, actually, with many thanks to Dame Fiona for her fantastic taste in women (plural!).

Armstrong Ironsides

Count of An Najaf