Da Hadez Family/News

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Family News

Lady Erisha Does Well In The Colonies

A letter sent from Lady Erisha Da Hadez to her father reveals that not only has she been made Baroness of the mountain region of Iglavik but has also recently been elected as Grand Justiciar of Oritolon. She also commands a respected infantry unit in the Oritolon Army. She spends what little time these duties leave her studying and documenting the history and culture of Oritolon.

Lord Balian Cheats Death

For months Lord Balian has been based in the Moramroth mountains organising scouting parties into Eston lands. When Eston forces threatened an assault on Moramroth Lord Balian was unwilling to leave the small band of militia to their fate without noble leadership and so chose to stand his ground against an invading army some three times greater than the defending forces.

Despite the overwhelming odds, the loss of his entire bodyguard and the decimation of the militia Lord Balian survived the initial bloody onslaught only to lose a vicious and gruelling duel to the death with Lord Lukas of Eston, who is said (albiet by himself) to be the greatest swordsman in Atamara.

Assumed to be dead, the gravely wounded Lord Balian was found buried under the corpses of his fallen brethren on a charnel-cart by his healers and was smuggled to safety and slowly eased back from the brink of death.

Battered, scarred and missing an eye he has apparently now left the mountains, his destination unknown.

Lord Severn Encourages Households To Mingle

Lord Severn Da Hadez, acting head of the House Da Hadez, has ordered that family members as well as the household staff and guards be rotated between the family homes in Eurotan and Azzal to promote co-operation and unity between the Da Hadez households.

Lord Severn Adopts A Son

Following the recent death of Luchia Garilith Lord Severn Da Hadez, acting head of the House Da Hadez, has officially adopted her five-year-old son, Karith Garilith, as his own. After the death of her husband in a particularly bloody campaign Luchia Garilith served Darka single-mindedly in her role as horse trainer; preparing the best of the local horses to be sent to cavalry training centres. The birth of her son some years later caused some mild speculation about the identity of the father but this faded swiftly. Luchia and her son prospered although whether this was with outside assistance from an absent father was never known.


It has become a running joke among those nobles in Eurotan that support Lord Severn that his exiled half brother Balian is known to perform unnatural acts with horses. The source of this rumor is unknown and it's accuracy dubious.

Many in of the inner court in Azzal are speculating in private that Lord Severn's new son may in fact be his actual son, the result of a youthful affair with his riding instructor.

Some of those in Eurotan who still support the exiled Balian Da Hadez claim that the boy is in fact his son.

Speculation continues as to the health of Lord Luthor Da Hadez. He is said to be weak and tired but otherwise well.