Lefanis Family

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The Le-Fay family was started by Morgana who made her home in Soliferum, in the Far-East. Her brother in-law, Mordred, and her husband, Hericus, are in Beluaterra. Their motto is "Bellum vel Pacis Nos Dominor", meaning War or Peace We Dominate.


Morgana and her extremly loyal infantry men supported her in a battle that made her reputation what it is.It also made her decide to be a candidate in the election for countship of Azohib. The story is as follows. During one of her skirmishes at Azohib, which she won as usual, Morgana met a peasant who loaned her his steed, Shadowbane, and she, having lost hers, gladly accepted his offer and rode into battle. In the issuing battle, sadly, when a Lunarion dog crept up behind Morgana and was about to stab her, when the loyal peasant jumped up and saved her from a sure death. With his dying breath, he cried, save Azohib! The cry was heard, the battle was won, and Soliferum was safe again. The sobbing peasants pronounced Morgana and her 40 men their saviors and mourned the loss of their brave comrade who had given his life for the land. Morgana was moved beyond compare and pledged to help defend and protect Azohib at all costs. The peassants thankfull cry of "Morgana for count!" was heard throughout the lands and Morgana decided to announce her candidateship for count.


A loyal noble in The Republic of Fwuvoghor,Beluaterra. He immigrated there from Minas Ithil. He immigrated to Minas Ithil from Toren. More on his backround to be released shortly.


A handsome and intelligent man who currently is in Heen,Beluaterra. He immigrated there from Falasan, Atamara because he felt no use for himself there. So far, he is delighted with his change. He eagerly wishes to meet his wife again. He helped quell a attempt of a rebbellion in Heen. He feels for the plight of adventurers(his brother in law especially(even though they are not in the same realm )and plans to start a adventurers guild.)

Lunarion He is a adventurer in the far-east who one day hopes to become a Knight. He is Morgana's brother and technically not a Le-Fay. He also hopes one day to be worthy of that title. He is trying to make his sister hate him less.(He did somthing very bad when he was young.) He is(for now) disowned by his family.