Shenron Family/Kojiro

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Shenron Emblem Icon.pngKojiro & Aene, The Founders of the Shenron ClanShenron Emblem Icon.png



Long ago Kojiro Shenron set out to make his family name known with his newly wedded wife, Aene, by turning his family into the leading family of the Shenron Clan. Kojiro always believed in honour and believed his sons and daughters should grow up with some dignity. Kojiro always believed in many different ways of life and was a strict believer of the Ryou Gu Tykou which one of his sons, Saiga soon found out about and made it official for others to believe.

Kojiro was a fine warrior and his best weapon was his katana, Xinede. He wielded this mighty blade always and with it slew many. He became a master swordsman and gave his first son, Kojiro jr, Private lessons. His plans for his first son was to train him to be an ultimate swordsman like himself.

This led to his downfall as one day his son challenged him to a "friendly" duel and in it. His son actually delivered a real finishing blow at the same time. Kojiro jr formed his own clan. The Sasaki clan.


Kojiro always carries the blade that he of course forged, Xinede. He always has his armour on especially when in important events and has great deal of his mind set on the basics of honour thus the reason for the Shenron code.


Shenron Emblem Icon.png Shenron Family Members Shenron Emblem Icon.png

Kojiro & Aene | Nobukage | Katsuyori | Mitsuhide | Kazuma | Saiga | Kojiro Sasaki | Ayame | Mitsunari