Kingsley Family/Erik/Festival

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The Odd Company

The city streets of Alebad were an excitement and a whirl of activity as preparations for the festival were underway! Erik felt the wonder all around taking in sights of the colorful lanterns, the smells of various meats and sweets frying in street stalls. Scents of roast lamb, date cakes, grilled scorpion, fish kebab, roasted vegetables, cheerwine, turkey legs, blackberry pies, Mari mushroom stew, dough cakes, iced cream and more filled the air. Erik's mouth watered as his nose led him through the bustling city.

"Oi!" He heard a booming voice call out from the crowd. Erik looked around to see the source of the voice, spotting in the crowd a huge muscled man, his signature mustache curled over his lip in a dignified manner. Erik perked up, straightening his shoulders, his features lighting up as he recognized an old friend.

"Captain Bailey!"

Erik rushed up to meet the mercenary who on approach towered over Erik, by a full head.  The muscled behemoth chuckled as Erik came near with a friendly smile. "Well well well. If it ain't Erik Kingsley himself!" Captain Bailey laughed and picked up Erik in a big crushing bear hug. Erik awkwardly put an arm around him and gave a little "Ack" before being set down.

"Good to see ya friend!" Captain Bailey said boisterously, taking a seat on a nearby crate. A small group of toughs crowded in behind him. Benjamin Bailey's "Odd Company" were familiar to Erik who had travelled with them on numerous occasions on a couple of the band's adventure's across the Colonies. Some faces were missing and a few new ones were present but the company seemed mostly in tact from the last time he had seen them.

"So how ya been, Erik? Staying out of harms way I hope." Bailey said with a look of mild concern.

"Ah..." Erik began still catching his breath from the hug. "Well sort of." He said rubbing his chest.

"Oh..." Bailey said with a little frown. "I heard about that. You shouldn't be wandering around without any protection, mate." He raised his eyebrow. "You know, we're gonna be in town for a while... Maybe if-"

"Oh!" Erik said perking up again. "That's a great idea. You're hired Ben."

The toughs looked around excitedly at one another, while the two men shook on the deal. "You're in good hands, Erik.  We'll send you the bill later." Bailey said with a wink.  "We'll get started right away. You know most of the crew: Jansen, Marty, Redhand, Cringo, Mary Anne, Walther, K. P. New faces: Borio, Chaney, Leo, Bonhart, and me newest Lieutenant Alma."

An imposing woman close to the front gave him a wink, which came across to Erik as a bit frightening. She took a step forward and put her arm around his shoulder.  "Don't you worry m'lord. No more knives near that gentle heart of yours." She leaned in conspiratorially, her lips right next to his ear. "Unless you don't pay."

The whole company erupted in laughter, which Erik nervously joined as well. Bailey stood up and they all filed out into the street, the crowd making way for the big group of muscled warriors and Erik. Upbeat music from further down the street played out through the city and Bailey's toughs began snapping their fingers in time. In synchronized motions they worked their way up the street, Erik swept along with them, all of them snapping their fingers in time with the music. Bailey began to sing to the music:

If you're ever in danger, need help with a stranger then call! For a fight or a fire, or killing for hire then call!

"What." Said Erik, befuddled as the rest of the company joined in as a chorus:

The Odd! Company! Brave and daring! Singers who fight, and fighters who sing!

The Lieutenant continued the next verse, giving Erik a wink at the last line:

If you've got a problem, and no way to solve it then call! Need to backstab a friend, or protect sweet young men then call!

They all joined in again for the chorus and then continued snapping in time as they danced in sync down the street, Erik watching on confused in the middle of it. They continued dancing down the block, each warrior taking a few bars of featured dance to themself before coming to the grand finale.

The Odd! Company! Brave and daring! Singers who fight, and fighters who sing!

Everyone around cheered as the mercenaries struck a dramatic smiling pose.

Erik just stood there in the middle of them.  "Huh... Ok!"