Verdant Sun

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Revision as of 19:55, 3 June 2021 by Thrane (talk | contribs)
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The Verdant Sun

"Solidarity, Perseverance & Prosperity"

"Solidarity grants us the strength to persevere, through which prosperity can arise and thrive beneath the Verdant Sun."

The Verdant Sun believes that rural territories are the foundation upon which great realms are forged and yet they are often taken for granted. Bushels are taken from granaries without notice or compensation, Knights are unable to field proper units and Lords are left with bare coffers. These acts, that are parasitic in nature, have become commonplace. Done so without a second thought, with no regard. It is this mindset, “this relationship” that the Verdant Sun strives to change.



Dwilight/Bankers Map of Dwilight

Dwilight/Marketplaces of Dwilight

