Melhed/History/Age of Betrayal/Undead/Afterlife

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Death comes for us all in the fullness of time, and humanity has often wondered what happens after life has fled. The answers to those questions are finally here, thanks to the dead themselves.

I know little as to why I am an undead, other than the fact that I was chosen. We know not who entrusted us with our duties, but if we don't know and we are the undead, indeed, it is merely a theory, and I wish I knew. The one that we send all the souls to, she (Dark Mistress) is probably the one you speak of. ~General Sarge, Ancestor Legion

As can be seen here not all become undead, and it is this fact that sparked talks about the selection process and effects.

I don't know for certain what happens to all the dead. Those bitten by monsters cannot be resurrected. Those that die and for some reason piss us off, well, their souls remain trapped in their rotting bodies until we feel they have been punished enough, and release them to the next phase. We are "middle men" for the soul. We free them, and they go wherever it is they go, since I've never been there, I couldn't tell you.

"If you are middle men and souls have another destination, do you long for that final end? Is the task of Ancestor a burden?"

Do you long for the next step? I didn't in life, nor do I now. I am doing what I must, and have always done so. Whatever, and whenever, the next step comes, I will be as happy as I am now. My fate is as inevitable as the next righteous person's. ~General Sarge, Ancestor Legion

We ultimately determine who lives a second time. We traditionally resurrect only the greatest heroes and minds because their essence remains with them, and they are allowed to retain MOST of their memories, and thus serve us. ~Hierarch Summoner, Abyss Overlord

The soul remains tethered to the body, unable to move on, until the undead, or Ancestor, free them. It has been theorized that the legends of a place of suffering for the unworthy after death probably refer to this time of body imprisonment, however more information is needed to be sure. At this stage there are two paths for a soul; the strong of heart are returned to life as an Ancestor if they are needed, and the vast majority are sent on to a destination unknown. The Factorium pointed out that this sounds rather arbitrary, and political. With the state of undeath being so much like that of the living it would seem likely that patronage and corruption might be a serious hindrance. There is also the point that it is not known what happens to souls of those bitten by monsters.

Please do not cremate, it is not a natural form of death. From dust to dust, not from dust to ash...

Ash is truly, void of all life, unusable, physically, chemically and spiritually altered. Why do you think we burn the corpses of the monsters? Do you not see the fires from there? Heen is a pile of dead monsters, and wagons full of new members for our ranks. Unfortunately, some bodies are badly damaged, and because we need them immediately, aren't very "good" on the field. So many undead are dying here without proper training, but it is okay, they are Heenites for the most part anyway. Our good troops are inland with our allies, and they are getting getting more weapons and armour to outfit more elite forces. Bury them...or lay them out in a crypt/cave with whatever ceremonies that fit your culture...just do everything you can not to further/damage the corpse.

So for burial, no mummification, cremation, or any other form of disposal, the body should be left to decay naturally, but not damaged beyond that. Crypts are the preferred method of burial for those who will be raised again, having easy access and reusable once the dead have moved on. Finally burial with the tools of life, is a must to ensure each have what they need in their next incarnation. ~General Sarge, Ancestor Legion

So lists the accepted burial practices as outlined by the middle-men of the dead. The Factorium has proposed a few changes, such as keeping weapons away, but accessible, to stop peasants and malcontents from looting tombs. The priesthood of the Old Gods provided a short declaration on the topic when it became known, though it should be noted all guards around cemeteries were further ordered to carry torches at all times.

Brother Nawat is away on a research mission for a length of time, and that leaves us without an Augur. As the last Augur before Nawat took his seat, I am taking on the responsibilities of his chair temporarily, as it is not in our benefit to be without leader.

I am hereby issuing an edict to the realm at large.

In light of recent socio-political events, it is necessary for us to retool what we had believed to be true and proper. This invasion, and all the knowledge that we have gained from the shamblers as a result, has forced us to reconsider our accepted customs.

The undead, those we have fought for as long as we can remember, are revealed to be friends of humanity, sent by the Dark Mistress herself. The Dark Mistress saved humanity once, and she is here to save us again. As she gave us Incendia and Fertilis then, she gives us the Shamblers now.

It is now forbidden to cremate the bodies of able-bodied humans. When we are given a sword, we strive to keep it sharp. Thus we must sharpen our divine weapon with the unblemished corpses of able-bodied humans who die in battle or other circumstances. The bodies shall be kept in crypts, until the Shamblers do wish them to be used.

One does not intentionally blunt the sword given to him. Thus we shall strive to keep all corpses of the weak from joining the Shamblers. The body of one who has died of a ravaging disease that weakens and destroys him shall be cremated, as shall that of one who is weak from inception or through choice of lifestyle, as they are unfit to help.

The bodies of the Children (monsters) shall be burnt, and the ashes shall be thrown into a river or buried in a rocky grave. They are a poison, a plague, and their remains can only serve to destroy fertile land.

The key to surviving this struggle lies not in the strength of our arms, but the strength of our hearts. Mankind has prevailed, and will prevail, because our spirit and will is superior to those of any other. We cannot allow this strength of ours to be weakened or brought into doubt.

It is imperative that slanderous, heretical and divisive letters, as well as words of madmen, be kept from circulation. Even letters between nobles come into the hands of messengers, scribes, and other commoners. Should words that undermine our higher purpose spread, doubt and fear will enter the ranks, and we shall be defeated before the battle has begun.

We will require great strength to survive this onslaught. The Dragon-spawn are strong, and it will take everything we have to fight them back. However, we do have this strength within us, and we shall shine forth. We will prove, for once and for all, that we are the deserving heirs to Beluaterra.

To the fight! ~Vaclav Otakar, Old Gods Priest, Melhed

So it seems the Ancestors are tied closely with the next life, and while we now know more of our eventual futures, there is still much mystery to tantalize. The answers to those, and many mysteries, lie in the hands of Jonathan, formaly of the daimons, and reciently of the Ancestors. Being born a man, Jonathan is the only person still walking on this plane who has seen the netherworld, the here-after and experienced the state of undeath. Sadly before anything could be learned the tragic events of the Fall came to pass, and he has since refused to speak. Thus answers will have to wait for now.