Melhed/History/Age of Reason/Siege

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It was winter, a cold winter, even by the standards of the northland. The city streets were choked with snow and terror. It was a time when the Children were in force; the provinces had already suffered under their occupation with the dead and missing numbering in the thousands. Those who survived fled to the city bringing with them tales of horrible feasts of blood and flesh, cruel games of man versus beast and the sounds of screaming young in the night that haunted them still. For a time all was well, or as well as it could be, the army kept the Children at bay and people could continue their lives in relative peace.

However, the Children soon grew tired of their sport in the provinces and sought to consume the last stronghold of humanity. Already knowing our resolve they decided that a direct battle where we could fight them would not serve their purpose. So instead they besieged us, slaying any who would leave the protection of the walls and displaying the remains for all to see, that which they did not consume anyway. The effect was devastating

Soon enough the swollen city ran out of food, there was none to be found anywhere no matter the price. Those brave fools who dared the blockade were quickly turned into snacks themselves, well until the poor wretches became too scrawny to be worth picking the clothing out of their teeth. Soon after the bitter cold and famine brought the peasants to the steps of the Imperial Palace, for in those days the Reformation had not yet been declared, though it soon was. They came to the palace demanding we feed them, we protect them, we tuck the scared little children in bed and deal with the things that go bump in the night.

So I did. First all able body men and women were conscripted, the official story, they were going to run the blockade and bring food. In truth they were to die so that there would be less mouths to feed. Next the bodies of the dead were not burned but instead used to lure wolves and scavengers so that those who had lost their friends and family could use them to survive. Of course there was the ever-present fear that a Children shaman would get too close and that the bait would become a hunter. I’m sure some took to eating the dead themselves, though such a practice has dire consequences of its own. Further it was declared that if the Children would eat us then we would return the favour, any monster captured would be offered up to the peasants as a bounty of alien delicacy. Many took great pleasure in taunting the Children that still lived with the bodies of their dead in those days. It was a long savage struggle, but in the end we managed to resist the siege and the Children were driven back. Though I believe the dead outnumbered the living many times over before victory was ours.

To this day, out of respect for those who died, I still drink the fermented blood of those monsters so that I might never forget what they did.

So you see though these days ours is a land of enlightenment and reason, our people are also a savage lot who will do what it takes to survive. It is our duty to protect the peasants, as a whole, and sometimes that means that individuals have to die.

-accredited to Aldo Unti, during a discussion about the past