Ironsides Family/Bowie/The Last Stand of Qubel

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Legend of the Last Stand of Qubel

A new legend in Qubel arose as its Dark Count and his knight fought off the Monster Scourge together, against all odds.

In the Spring of the Fifth Year of Dwilight the region of Qubel was assaulted by the Monster Scourge.

At that time, the Dark Count Bowie Ironsides and his knight Sir Grotek Gurnisson resided in the region. When a scout report revealed the incoming monsters, the Dark Count issued the order for the region to evacuate. By an unknown cause Sir Grotek’s men were unable to travel and were stuck facing the monsters alone. When the Dark Count learned this, he decided to ignore peril and remain with his knight. Sallowsians always fight together!

The Dark Count performed a ritual offering to the ancestors asking for protection. In exchange for victory and defence he sacrificed the life of a little bunny on the altar in the Temple of Sallow. Sir Grotek performed a family tradition by creating a line of his own blood to defend his archers as they fired behind it.

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

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The Dark Count prepared an alter for offering to the ancestors. He was also preparing for the battle against the Monster Scourge.

It had been so long since he fought this terrible army that he was thrilled.

He placed a platter and a live rabbit on it. Then pulled out a blade. He raised his hands palms in, with the blade in one, and made his offering.

"O Ancestors of the Sallowsians, we offer this rabbit to you for victory. It is the greatest exchange I have ever done. I offer the blood of this rabbit as representation of the blood we shall spill from the monsters for your honour. As this rabbit dies make it analogous to the many deaths of the monsters."

"O Great Dragon Sallow, take the life of this rabbit into your Celestial Court and treat it with dignity and care, and see its blood as token to the blood of our enemies. Let it pour, gush, gore. Protect us, defend us, fight with us!"

"O Prince Sallow, protect me on the battlefield against the Monster Scourge. I have been in battle against them before and know their viciousness. Ensure that I am not overwhelmed and I will offer you a great reward when I enter the city of Sallowtown as Duke. Bless me and grant me victory!"

He put the blade to the rabbit's throat and performed the ritual sacrifice. The locals bowed their heads as the Dark Count whispered, "Good luck bunny."

The Dark Count,

Bowie Ironsides

Count of Qubel

Roleplay from Grotek Gurnisson

Message sent to all nobles in the region Qubel (2 recipients)

Grotek finish shaping his blade. It had been a long time since he had done this. He spend much time doing police work and helping with local administrations that now, the smell of the battle at sunrise seem to him like something taken off some old history book.

But for some reason, his body seem to remember all the rites that should be fulfilled before a battle. The fresh sharpen sword. The carefully crafted arrows all line up in his Quiver. His bow fully cleaned and the sting so thigh that as it move it seems to sing a song of his own.

Grotek stoped. He finish examining his troops. They were young, they were under prepared, Grotek know he had to do something to keep his man spirit, so he decided to do something that he hadn't done in a long time.

He reach for is dagger and make a deep cut on his left arm, then he started walking slowly in from of his men. He would stop at every small step, letting a few drops of his own blood fall to the ground and mumbling some strange words then no of the men could ever understand.

When he stop, in front of his last men, he raise his head and clean the rest of the blood from this arm.

With a renew strength he shouted to his men.

We all know that we have a difficult battle tomorrow, but what I have just done, is an ancient almost forgotten ritual that has been past from generation to Generation in the Gurnisson Family. As long as you stand behind that line of blood, no monster or undead can reach you. So remember aim strait, fire hard and fire fast. But keep your asses behind that line. For there no Monster can ever hurt you

When he finish his man start shouting the name of there Lord, since he as gone though a terrible pain to protect every man under his command.

When Grotek start to walk back to his tent, Nat, his captain approach him and ask:

- Sir does this ritual really work?

Grotek went for his dagger and pointed it at Nat's neck

The poor man just mumble - I'm sorry Sir. I should never have doubted you.

Grotek stash is dagger back at his robe. If you realy what to know Nat. No that ritual don't do such thing, in fact it doesn't do anything at all. But know they believe they are protected, and they will fight with the will of 1000 hungry Lions. And that Nat, may in fact protect them from the monsters that are coming...

Grotek Gurnisson (Knight of Qubel)

The ancestors were pleased with the sacrifice and the two won the day against the monsters. The monsters were not completely wiped out and fought in the region a few more times afterwards against the Black Lions and the D’Haran Guard. After the Dark Count’s battle he found an amusing way to recover from the fatigue. Duke Hexic and his men were not surprised.

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

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The Dark Count sat on a barrel amidst his incapacitated unit. The barrel was in fact half full of rum, the other half in and out of the Lord's mug.

"That's it! Come! Come to Qubel! We monsters welcome you!" he yelled to no particular audience.

The wounded men moaned as a reply. He answered them.

"What do you expect! There are no healers in this whole dragon forsaken realm! Do you think I can do anything about it? Say, let me borrow your swords and I'll solve the problem. It will be quick - probably painful..."

He slumped over after another drink, waiting for the Black Lions to arrive and rescue them.

The Dark Count,

Bowie Ironsides

Count of Qubel

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

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With the battle over, Hexic surveys the field.

"Captain Klaus, gather the men and tend the wounded, the Dragon King is among them, we must see to it that he receives care."

"Aye sir."

Hexic stumbles over a broken barrel, the smell of rum overwhelming. He spots the Dark Count, slumped over. He prays he is simply intoxicated, and not dead. He is greeted by a gentle snore. Hexic opens his waterskin and pours it over the Dark Count's head. He doesn't stir.

"Ah, so the Dark Count has a drinking problem.. Up you get."

Hexic lifts his good friend and takes him to his command tent. Setting him down on his cot, the Dark Count murmers: "Monsters... Black Lions..." Spotting a soldier pass by, Hexic calls out to him

"Soldier! Tend to the Count, and find him something for his head. He'll have one hell of a headache when he wakes."

Hexic sits at his desk and prepares orders to the D'Haran Guard, and a letter to the Military Council.

Hexic Jeckyl

Duke of Qubel Lighthouse, Marshal of the D'Haran Guard

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

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The Dark Count awoke inside an unfamiliar tent. When he sat up his head spun in a circle like a carriage wheel skipping loosely down hill. He fell back to the cot with a really dry mouth and a splitting headache.

"Am I dead yet?" he said mumbling aloud.

Another hour passed and he finally stood on his own feet. He then realized where he was. His greatest clue in this spatial query was seeing the back of an armoured knight sitting by the desk, Duke Hexic. Bowie spoke up,

"Hey, hey Duke, how was the masquerade? Were you able to tell who were the nobles and who were the monsters? Hahahaaa, I often get the two confused."

He walked over and took some water from a pale by the door. It had some sand and grime in it, which made him cringe a bit, but he still drank. He then realized he was not fully clothed and started looking around for the rest of his pantaloons.

The Dark Count,

Bowie Ironsides

Count of Qubel