Chénier Family/LouisJoseph/History

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The Second son of the Chénier family. Unmarried.

Starting Career

After immigrating from Norland, with the help of his older brother, he quickly found out that his new realm, Yssaria, was at war with another realm, Caligus. Determined to show his worth, he joined the army and went to the battlefield. Battle after battle alongside fellow Yssarian, he earned some respect of his fellow combatants. But then, earlier than he would have liked, the war ended, and he found himself without a job. That is when he started his career as a bureaucrat, waiting to collect money until he could join up with his brother, which he heard had emigrated to Fronen. A week later, after having barely collected the required ammount, he emigrated to Fronen also.

End of Fronenian Career

After joinig his former liege to whom he had been loyal since the beginning in the rebellion, LouisJoseph had no choice but to exile himself as they had failed. Is shame, he left Fronen for another realm who would accept him...

New Home

It did not take long to reach his new home, Khthon, however painful it was. He had seen his brother get captured by the vile avalonians, and he knew his fate could be very ill, with no realm supporting him. He never saw him again, and proclaimed him dead, something he saw necessary for the shame Jean-Olivier had brought them in this fiasco of his.

Khthonian Career

The realm of heroes... Louis-Joseph knew that all too well, and he knew that most of his friends went to Vlaanderen, though he would only learn the extent later, and that some had went to the east. Being a bureaucrat and a rather different opinion on foreign nations, he did not really fit in, but he still prided himself in providing a unique quality service, a service like not many others could provide, and did his best to keep all of their regions running as smoothly as possible. This whole phase of his career went rather well, with the exeption of the Apothes scandal, in which Louis-Joseph got furious when he saw the thief in their regions and chalenged him to a duel, which Apothes was quick to refuse before calling on the fronenian government to pressure his new realm. Seing it was pointless and there was nothing he could do, he had no choice but to step down, knowing he would have what he deserves eventually.

Since then, he has not had anything outstanding happen in his career. Shortly after his former liege's death, he took the sword once again and joined the army to fight the ever weakening Plergoth. Wether this gave him more respect among his peers or not, he does not know, but was none the less elected as minister of finances of Khthon on the first of april 2007. Being the first Chénier to hold such a title, he was obviously filled with joy, especially after learning of the power and influence his friends had gathered across the continent. Now having influence himself, he seeks to strengthen relations between his realm and some others.

First Mandate

To the exeption of a few bumps. Louis-Joseph handled his job well. He had innovated the realm's economy and prepared a second tax distribution scheeme, to accord more importance to the lords, within a week. However, Louis-Joseph wasn't quite as peaceful as he though he would be. The loathed Fronen considered executing his friend, Ravenous Onyx, for a while before deporting him. Most seemed to consider his reaction exagerated, none really understanding the circumstances. He too had been involved in the Fronenian rebellion, and both of them were newly appointed council members in small realms of the Ceeded City Alliance, and Louis-Joseph saw Ravenous' trial as his own, knowing he would probably suffer the same fate should he ever be captured.

When, at the end of the month, Avalon attacked, it was the revival of old hatreds, the opening of scars. He had wanted to put Fronen and Avalon behind him, but as time passed by, he found it hard to avoid them, and he knew there could be no peace.


Another first for the Chéniers in a long, long time: Louis-Joseph has become a landed lord. Much celebrating was done by his family back home, happy to see the family influence expand even more. Since the very beginning of his career in Khthon, Louis-Joseph had been a knight of Gaxano, and after his second liege got promoted, he finally went up in the hiearchy and got what was, in his opinion, rightfully his. Louis-Joseph Chénier, Minister of Finances of Khthon, Baron of Gaxano, has, by far, provided the most fame to his family, and his career has barely started. He was, however, too busy with other buisness to correctly celebrate the event.