Elves/Racial Comments

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Examples of racial views and comments.

From the region of Pedrera. Prime Minister Romul was the leader of the elven realm of Sirion at the time of this writing.

Prime Minister Romul,
I shall do my best to destroy every elf and everyone who follows their command. So yes all those in Sirion fall under this.
Dishonour? no, not by far, we are showing only honour when we free the world of a disease such as yourself you elf. And read your history books as well, the future can be very different from the past as well. The past is no proof for the future, it gives a possibility but nothing more. But never shall we bow to elves!
And no I don't find "your" better than "yours" but that is your own choice, but never shall the human race bow to you lower elves. Some may have done, but us strong humans will never! We are not cowards and weaklings like the once you have inside your nation.
Florian Rosinian
Baron of Pedrera

From a letter to all nobles in the region of Tabost on April 15th, 2010.

Actually, I don't speak for O.I., but I certainly speak for myself and my men. You'd do well not to assume our motive, Judge Erik.
We just like killing elves.
Cesera Azul
Marshal of the Army of the Obsidian Islands

From a letter to the High Council of Arcachon on September 27th, 2010.

Tested in other realms? You mean a realm of subhuman elves, which rule over a much larger realm than ours, withfar greater needs than our own. We are the Dark Islander's, not a bunch of elves.
Lady Farnese Vanimedle'
Holy Legate of Arcachon, Countess of Ecsetuah