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That was the anouncement that couriers carried throughout the island today to lands far and wide. The first tournament of these occassionally bleak lands of opportunity, is to be held in Poryatown.|}}
That was the anouncement that couriers carried throughout the island today to lands far and wide. The first tournament of these occassionally bleak lands of opportunity, is to be held in Poryatown.|}}
[[Category:Poryatown Press|Lurian Weekly]]

Revision as of 01:51, 7 July 2008

Lurian Weekly
Price: Free! Reporting on the Big and the Small! Issue #11
Previous Issue Apr. 20 - Apr. 26 Next Issue
Previous Page Page One of One Next Page
Letter to the Editor
April 21st Zanaras
It took us ten issues, twelve if you count specials, to get our very first letter to the editor about our something we wrote. Honestly, I kind of wish I got more of these, though maybe not of this nature. Anyways, our very first "Letter to the Editor" is from Royal Arbitrator and Duke Ludovico Sforza of Giask.

Sir Zanaras, I'd appreciate it if you did not twist my words in your paper. Any knight of Pian en Luries may present ideas for new laws or modifications of existing ones, as was the case under my predecessor. The only change I made is that the referendum that follows the submission is no longer open for all nobles, but only for the lords, who hold a representative vote based on the number of vassals under their command. A referendum that is not, and was not, in any way binding, might I add.

Which he wrote in response to the line of: "His first change of the laws was to make it so only lords and above held the power to submit law changes." which appeared in issue ten of this weekly publication. In response I'd like to quote Article 2 of the Lurian Arbitratorial Charter.

The following people may open motions to change any law in this document: High Council, Dukes & Region Lords. The motion will be presented by the Judge as a Referendum to all Lords of the land, who will have representative power. A majority vote decides the outcome. If you aren't in this group but wish to propose a change, speak to your liege & convince him to start a motion on your behalf.

I'd like to point out that it doesn't mention that knights or landless nobles may submit law changes. It mentions that if you are one of those you must talk to a lord and have him start the motion, or submit a change, on your behalf. Thusly, it's not that I twisted words, it's that I didn't explain what I said thoroughly enough.

Regardless, it's still nice to have our first "Letter to the Editor"! So Duke Giask, thank you for sending me your letter, and I hope more of you out there decide to send us your letters as well. Though I'd prefer it if they all said "Thanks for making such a great newspaper!" I don't mind if you want to comment on one of our articles. Gives me something to talk about and lets you know not only my view on things, but also the view of other readers!

New Paper in the Works
April 22nd Zanaras
Though details are still particularly sketchy, the Poryatown Press is working on getting publishing rights and a newspaper setup in Shadovar. As most of the details have yet to be figured out, I don't even know the name of this soon-to-be newspaper. As always though, I'll keep you up to date on it.
Tournament in Pian
April 24th Zanaras
Kaennji Shenron, Duke of Poryatown has announced a tournament of Swordfighting to be held in Poryatown 7 days from now.

There will be a charge of 15 gold for every participant. The winner will be rewarded with 250 gold in addition to the honour and prestige that his victory will earn him. There will also be a reward of 50 gold for the second best.
All nobles of the continent are welcome on the tournament grounds on the day of this event. Make sure you announce your participation in time.

That was the anouncement that couriers carried throughout the island today to lands far and wide. The first tournament of these occassionally bleak lands of opportunity, is to be held in Poryatown.