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I'd hate to see these cases being hushed up behind Senate doors.}}
I'd hate to see these cases being hushed up behind Senate doors.}}
{{User:Foreign Curs/template:ForeignLetter
|title = New riots
|date = 23 March 1008
|author = Unknown official magistrate
|article = Cid initiated new riots in the region of Todtpiz against the Twilight. Hundreds perish.}}
{{User:Foreign Curs/template:ForeignReply
|title = Civil unrest
|date = 23 March 1008
|author = Unknown official magistrate
|article = The police unit of Shaun attempted to arrest a priest in Todtpiz and was forced into battle with a mob of angry believers. There were casualties on both sides.}}
{{User:Foreign Curs/template:ForeignLetter
|title = Shaun asks for Cid's departure
|date = 23 March 1008
|author = Shaun d'Peabee, Baron of Todtpiz
|article = Cid, your presence in Todtpiz is not welcome. I will continue to have my men hunt you down as long as you stay here. You are a criminal and a murderer whether our corrupt leadership wishes to acknowledge it or not.}}
{{User:Foreign Curs/template:ForeignReply
|title = NLaw was seen aiding in the massacre
|date = 23 March 1008
|author = Anonimous witness
|article = Nlaw walks into the middle of the riot in todtpiz with his sword drawn. When he arrives at where cid stand he looks at him
Brother it has been a while, I am here to help.
with that nlaw helps hunt down the heritics in the region.}}
{{User:Foreign Curs/template:ForeignLetter
|title = Religious unrest
|date = 24 March 1008
|author = Unknown official magistrate
|article = Believers of The Trinity have violently attacked believers of Guardians of Twilight in Todtpiz. 200 peasants were killed in the violence.}}
{{User:Foreign Curs/template:ForeignReply
|title = Victore ponders to take action
|date = 24 March 1008
|author = Victore zurralius
|article =Victore stands after Viracocha takes his seat.
"On a different subject, what of this fighting that is going on in Todpitz"?
"Can anything be done to resolve this matter"?
" Senator Shuan's region is becoming a battle ground over religions, does anyone have any suggestions that will bring peace to Todzpit"?}}
{{User:Foreign Curs/template:ForeignLetter
|title = Tony organizes the Senate
|date = 24 March 1008
|author = Tony Saprano, General of Soliferum
|article = Shaun d'Peabee, you would like to register a official protest now? If you wanted to help lay the foundation for the way this senate works so there could be a set of rules giving you the option to register an official protest then I would be happy to have you on the committee with me, but thats only if you can stop insulting other members and work towards the common good of this senate and this republic.
At this time we have an advancing army preparing to attack us and you have done little to raise up a sizable force, if you needed gold I have heard several offer it but I truly do not think thats the problem, I think it could be much deeper than that.
First things first, we defend our boarders and then while we wait we can work out some rules to govern this body so it can better govern the republic.
The problems of the religious matter in Todtpiz, I am sure that if the Duke there wished not to have Cid preach in his Duchy then he would not do so and if he did I am sure that our Judge would act accordingly, but instead of doing things your own way perhaps you should use the proper course of actions and let your new duke handle it.}}
{{User:Foreign Curs/template:ForeignReply
|title = Viracocha makes known his future actions
|date = 24 March 1008
|author = Viracocha zurralius, Minister of Law of Soliferum, Duke of Alanurs
|article =Viracocha stands after Tony has seated himself.
"I'll tell you what I will do about this religion nonsense".
"The Duke and his Duchy cannot resolve this matter very very shortly, I will and I repeat, I will toss both leaders of these religions out on their ear".
"We have a war coming and their is no time for these meaningless upheavals over religion".
"So, whoever it is that is responsible for these regions take care it now or I will do it in your stead".
"My patience is growing thin, if certain people cannot work with others then I will remove you from whatever position you hold here in Soliferum".
"Now take care of this matter emmediately".
Viracocha snaps his robe over his chest, folds his arms and takes his seat.}}
{{User:Foreign Curs/template:ForeignLetter
|title = Religious unrest seconded
|date = 24 March 1008
|author = Unknown official magistrate
|article = The police unit of Gialon attempted to arrest a priest in Todtpiz and was forced into battle with a mob of angry believers. There were casualties on both sides.}}

Revision as of 12:09, 24 March 2008

Editor's note: The content of this page has not yet been released in-game, and therefore this should be regarded as purely OOC knowledge. Consider this a parchment well-locked up in Baron Foreign's study. Also, color-codes are only different to separate one message from another, not to separate one side of the discussion from the other.

Open letter

Shaun d'Peabee, Baron of Todtpiz 19 Februari 1008
Senator Shaun d'Peabee sends an open letter to the Senate.

I have done all I can to address this issue in private, but it seems that the Prime Minister and Duke Maximus would rather allow this situation to continue. The religious riots in the capital are allowed to continue without check or action. Both men, men I normally respect, turn a fairly blind eye to the problem, a problem my sources tell me are caused by a former Prime Minister of our lands, Cid O'Neil.

I do not favor either religion involved. However, when violence to our people is involved, I do not care what faith one follows, what positions one once or currently holds, or what friends or enemies I make by these statements. These riots are wrong. They endanger good Soliferum men and women. It is our duty by the codes of chivalry on which our society is based that we protect those that are too weak to defend themselves. When that threat comes from within, justice must be swift.

In this case, justice has failed miserably. Hundreds continue to die by the word of Cid.

I, myself, am caught in the thick of this tragedy. I have decided that given the state of affairs and the inability of our Prime Minster and the duke of Osaliel, whom I have personally sworn a direct oath to in return for his protection and under whose protection this tragedy has been allowed to occur thereby threatening that oath, I am unable to leave my apartments in Osaliel for fear of my safety, as I refuse to lift a sword against any member of the Republic, noble or peasant.

And yet despite being clear about my position on these matters, I continue to receive pressure and incredulity from the Prime Minister concerning my conduct. So once again, I turn to the Senate, and I hope that the people will make their voices heard to their Senators as well as this letter shall go to all nobles of the Republic, to take action where the Prime Minster and Duke Maximus can't or won't.

Maximus replies to Shaun’s open letter

Maximus Testaverde, Minister of Finances of Soliferum, Duke of Osaliel 19 Februari 1008
Baron Shaun I informed you of what was being done in MY city, I am more than capable in handling the situation concerning a very small population considering the city as a whole.

It's not like MY city is burning and is a dangerous place, trust me you are safe to walk the streets.

If rowdy peasants strike such fear in you then I may need to check the water in Todtpiz, perhaps theres something in it for when I sent you there to oversee that newly joined region of MY duchy you assured me that you was man and noble enough to bring the peasants under control.

And you did just that with a heavy fist when needed, but now you speak as if you fear for your life over less than 300 rowdy peasants.

And I would like to add, where is it written that we are duty bound to step between 2 fighting peasants and where is it that our Republic is based on tending to the needs of peasants?

It's not, this Republic is it's nobles and their families and the lands.

Now calm yourself and mind what you have been entrusted with to mind. I have My city in fine order and if I need to I will call in one of Osaliels armies or my Knights.

Another open letter

Shaun d'Peabee, Baron of Todtpiz 19 Februari 1008
Another open letter to the Senate.

Then we should conscript those 300 peasants, Duke Maximus, for they have managed to kill over 1100 by my reports.

Your reports are wrong. Your sentiments are wrong. And while I have, indeed, manipulated the peasants of Totdpiz as needed when needed, I have done so for their own good and the good of the Republic, not in the name of one god or another. If I killed any peasants in the course of my actions, I certainly regret it severely and intend not to do so again if possible.

Now I call for you again, before all the nobles of this Republic, end these riots and end them swiftly.

Conan replies to the second open letter

Sir Conan McGahee, Prime Minister of Soliferum, Marshal of the Army of the Republic 19 Februari 1008
Shaun you should know as well as anyone that I as the Prime Minister do not tell our Landed Nobles how to run their lands.

Our Dukes own their lands and I am sure that a few rioting peasants is nothing that any one of our Dukes cant handle.

Why you yourself has become so concerned with this I do not know. When I receive my daily reports I read nothing in them to suggest that Osaliel is having any troubles other than some low morale.

Shaun’s summary of the situation

Shaun d'Peabee, Baron of Todtpiz 19 Februari 1008
Whereas, I can give you first-hand reports, Prime Minister, of the chaos in this city. In fact, I have been giving you first-hand reports for the past two days to no avail.

This is not simply a matter of peasants, Prime Minister. This is a matter of religious intolerance. This is a matter of 1100 dead because one man with the clout to do so, ordered their deaths. Republic deaths.

Neither you nor Duke Maximus has been willing to listen to my private call for action. The most that has been done is Duke Maximus calling to have a "chat" while more and more people die, not in the wars of our realm, but at the hands of other members of the Republic.

This is wrong, and I shall not stand for it.

Maximus replies to Shaun’s summary

Maximus Testaverde, Minister of Finances of Soliferum, Duke of Osaliel 19 Februari 1008
Shaun, the cities population is as usual, theres not been 1100 deaths.

You speak of religious intolerance? Theres no such laws in Soliferum. Each Duke is free to allow whom he wishes to preach in his lands. Do you not remember the war we just finished against Nighthelm that was fought over this very issue?

The Republic of Soliferum is open to all religions, but each duke has the right to dictate as to which religion he wants within his lands.

The Republic is not allowed to dictate to it's Dukes as to what they are to do with their lands and laws regarding most things.

I have always for the most part allowed several different kinds of religions within my Duchy and even now with this current unrest we have several differing faiths.

Shaun if your not to scared to venture into the streets, the streets where I see children at play, then by all means arrest those you see causing riots.

But do not speak towards me as if I am someone sitting on my hands doing nothing, I believe your the one thats been hiding in your apartment, or at least thats what you have claimed to be doing.

Conan replies to Shaun’s summary

Sir Conan McGahee, Prime Minister of Soliferum, Marshal of the Army of the Republic 19 Februari 1008
Baron Shaun, your a Senator, a member of various councils and a Count yourself, surly if you have seen something wrong being done you have the authority to do something about it dont you?

Your one of the leaders in the Republic are you not? Then why did you not move to stop these rioters?

I have told you in private as I will tell you once again now, I am in Alanurs and when I asked Duke Maximus about your claims of unrest he told me he has them under control.

It's his city, he has taken care of it for many many years and its among the strongest in all of the Far East, if Duke Maximus tells me he has it under control who am I to say different?

I am not even in the city but you are, if you wittiness peasants killing other peasants then why have you not moved to stop them, why have you decided to do nothing and blame others for doing nothing?

All you have told me was that your scared to leave your room. when I heard that I sent for one of the cities top healers to pay you a visit.

A leader of Soliferum scared to leave his apartment in his own capital?

It sounds to me that theres something else at play here and thats something that you and your Duke will need to work out.

But if your truly scared to leave your room, then by all means send the captain of your unit out to arrest those causing the troubles.

Shaun’s accusation to Conan and Maximus

Shaun d'Peabee, Baron of Todtpiz 19 Februari 1008
And so now, as the death toll reaches 1300 members of the Guardians of the Twilight with nothing being done, the lies and aspersions begin.

Duke Maximus, you continue to say that you have called for the priests of the city to attend you. One would think that if you were as powerful as you say, they would have come immediately. Or perhaps it is all for show. As you say, you are allowed to have those who you wish to preach do so in your own city. And here, Cid preaches death to those of the Twilight while you stand by and ask to talk about it. Telling.

Prime Minister Conan, you continue to call me a coward for sticking to my principles. For not wanting to further the violence against our own people, I will gladly be called a coward, a traitor, a fool, or any other aspersion you care to cast me as. But you show yourself to be as callous and biased in doing so as Maximus, and I am glad that I can be called neither of those things for those are the true insults as far as I am concerned.

Your true colors are shown, gentlemen. You either support this pogrom by Cid and The Trinity or you are too incompetent to stop it. Either way, you are exposed.

Another report on the situation

Shaun d'Peabee, Baron of Todtpiz 20 Februari 1008
Another 300 dead by religious fighting bringing the total to over 1600 dead. My reports of the city show a decreased population. I suggest you fire your bureaucrats, Duke Maximus, if they still show no change.

Conan replies to Shaun’s accusations

Sir Conan McGahee, Prime Minister of Soliferum, Marshal of the Army of the Republic 20 Februari 1008
Shaun I have not said you were a coward, but you have sat by and hide in your room when you say that you have seen over a thousand peasants killed in our Capital.

Why have you done nothing if you have seen this?

What powers do I have to save peasants lives in Osaliel while I am in Alanurs?

Why have you not arrested anyone, I heard your Duke and your Liege order you out to do so.

Tony’s mediation

Tony Saprano, Director of Defense of Soliferum 20 Februari 1008
Senator Shaun if the killing continues on in Osaliel then it's apparent that the good Duke Maximus is unable to squelch it completely and since I have not heard the Duke say that he is encouraging the riots he must be trying to end them.

It is also obvious in my opinion that you see them as much more a pressing issue than the orders to rally in Alanurs, so as the Director of Defense I Order you to take to the streets and end this violence now.

This endless sitting back and calling for someone else to do something is a dereliction of your duties in my opinion, and even though I do not think you to be one to neglect your duties, You seem to be one of the only ones that have wittiness these actions and with your inaction it could lead me to wonder as to why you did nothing to stop them and instead only impugned others for not doing something that you could have done in the first place.

If you feel that your soldiers are not capable to stop this then let me know and I will order in the Reserves to aid you.

Maximus replies to Shaun’s accusations

Maximus Testaverde, Minister of Finances of Soliferum, Duke of Osaliel 20 Februari 1008
Shaun as your Liege and the Duke of the lands on which your estates sit and as a fellow noble I ask you to stop with your vague accusations.

If you have something you wish to say then say it, if you wish to accuse me of something then be man enough to say it and stop hiding your assumptions or accusations behind grand speeches.

I do not know what your driving at, but I will not sit here in my own city and be falsely accused in a less than direct way by one of my own lords of my Duchy.

Choose your next words carefully and do not question the weight my words carry in the lands that I and Duke of.


Unknown official magistrate 20-26 Februari 1008
The temple was closed and the priests detained by order of Senator Shaun.

Maximus reacts to arrests

Maximus Testaverde, Minister of Finances of Soliferum, Duke of Osaliel 24 Februari 1008
Baron Shaun it is good to see you taking things upon yourself. Have those you have arrested sent to the royal palace and I will deal with them.

As for the temple, do not harm it and keep watch over its grounds, I dont want any rioting peasants to damage it.

Shaun’s word on the arrests

Shaun d'Peabee, Baron of Todtpiz 24 Februari 1008
Of course, Duke Maximus. I have no desire to see any harm or mistreatment come to the priests or to the temple. My men are under strict orders to protect those under arrest and the temple itself from all who may come to protest or to visit retribution.

I must say that while this is not how I wished for this to be resolved, it is the best compromise that could be achieved. Now I will hope for Cid to come to his senses sooner rather than later.

Cid’s acolyte

Cid O’Neil 26 Februari 1008
A robed acolyte arrives as the Senate building with a single piece of parchment in his hands. With a slight head bow he hands off the parchment and run away, giving feared glances at the guards.

The Senatorial aide looks the piece of paper over and prepares to deliver it.

"Members of the Senate,

I have been called before you by your colleague Senator Shaun. It would seem he believes some crime has been committed. However, it is in fact he who trespasses by closing the temple in Osaliel and arresting the holy workers that dwell within.

I will appear before this just body if the rest of the Senate deems it necessary. If not, I ask that the temple be unbarred immediately.

In faith,

Ecclesiarch Cid of the Trinity

Foreign replies to acolyte

Foreign Curs, Baron of Dsinanas 26 Februari 1008
Senator Foreign leaned forward in his chair,

"I believe that your demands to undo Senator Shaun's actions, made upon purely religious arguments, are not applicable to this Senate. I fear that arresting a cleric is no bigger a crime than arresting any other citizen. Time and our judgement will tell whether the arrest was warrented, and I can assure you that no religious reflection will be taken into concern when deciding upon this matter."

Maximus about closing the temple

Maximus Testaverde, Minister of Finances of Soliferum, Duke of Osaliel 26 Februari 1008
Senate members, to be completely honest with you all this temple lays within my cities walls and it will not necessarily fall under the laws of this senate.

I am ultimately responsible for what goes on in my city and I not.......

I asked that those causing the unrest be arrested, but I never gave permission to close up a temple. There is more than 16000 believers that worship at that very temple, if you want to see full scale riots then stir up 16000 peasants at one time.

I will ask that Cid come to these chambers to answer any question any here may have, but first I would like to ask Senator Shaun what he thinks closing a temple that 16000 peasants belong to will do to preserve peace. You was worried with a few hundred rioters in the streets, what do you think a mob of 16000 would look like?

Now remove the guards from the temple and in the mean time I will have Cid come before this body

Shaun replies as to closure of temple

Shaun d'Peabee, Baron of Todtpiz 26 Februari 1008
The temple is a crime scene, Duke Maximus. Cid has been asked to appear before this Senate for questioning, and he refuses. That is obstruction of justice. The temple will remain closed until the investigation is complete. That investigation will include an interrogation of Cid O'Neil.

Foreign questions objectivity

Foreign Curs, Baron of Dsinanas 26 Februari 1008
The question is, Duke Maximus, whether this is about giving justice or about losing face to your population?

I do not think that we should dismiss this matter so easily, just because there are 16000 biased people who you want to keep at a good note.

Cid arrives

Cid O’Neil 26 Februari 1008
Flanked by the Senatorial Guard Cid slowly limps towards the doors leading into the Senate Chamber, his brown robes trailing behind him, and the rhythmic stamping of his walking stick echoing in the halls. As the doors swung open Cid walked up until he stood before the Senators. He gave warm looks to some, like Senator NLaw and Maxiumus, and to others unfeeling stares.

"I asked if I would be summoned and Senator Maximus replied. I stand now before you. Ask what you must."

Maximus welcomes Cid

Maximus Testaverde, Minister of Finances of Soliferum, Duke of Osaliel 26 Februari 1008
Baron Foreign this has nothing to do with losing face to my populace, its a matter of that theres only about 21000 peasants living in Osaliel and over 16000 of those worship in that temple, I do believe that thats a majority and ain't that who decides things in this Republic? but not that the peasants hold any say in this Republic, but I do listen to them within my city.

Senator Shaun, the crimes were the riots, The crime was the disturbance of the cities natural flow, this senate and our laws are to govern our Nobles not our peasants, they have no say in this Republic, those that rule over the lands in which the peasants live are charged with those under them. This has noting to do with that temple and I told you that I would call Cid here to answer question,

(((Then the sound of the doors opening and in walks the Trinity Priest Cid)))

Welcome into these halls, come and have a seat and then we shall let those that have questions proceed with them in an orderly fashion

Baeryn inquires as to the laws

Baeryn Lorn, Baron of Azohib 26 Februari 1008
Minister Viracocha

I would like to know what is your view about what our laws says about closing temple. Does a Senator (or a noble in general) has right to order temple closed?

I know that local lords can allow or deny any religion in his region but this wasn't case in Osaliel. I, as an follower of Trinity, am very worried if someone can close my religion's temple whenever he decides to do that. If we allow this what will be next step?

with respect

Viracocha replies to Baeryn

Viracocha zurralius, Minister of Law of Soliferum, Duke of Alanurs 26 Februari 1008
All the laws that were written have been destroyed when Velax took over as judge.

To the best of my knowledge I do not believe that any laws were even written dealing with such a case.

I believe that this matter should reside with Maximus, if he can not resolve this peacefully then I will do my best to resolve the problem, how yet I do not know.

NLaw arrives

NLaw Lawson 26 Februari 1008
As Nlaw walks in the senate house he sees that many senators are already bringing up issues and complaints.

Nlaw sits down in his sit and leans over to Maximus

Sir Maximus, what is this all about?

Maximus looks over at Nlaw and then stands up and address the senate.

After the speech the doors open and Cid walks in. As Cid sits down Nlaw wispers somthing in his ear

Shaun addresses Cid

Shaun d'Peabee, Baron of Todtpiz 27 Februari 1008
Senator Shaun took in Cid's icy stare and met it with complete indifference.

"Thank you for answering the summons, Cid. There are, indeed, some questions that must be answered before the Senate.

"Please describe for the Senate in your own words your role in the riots in Osaliel over the past several days."

Cid replies to Shaun

Cid O’Neil 27 Februari 1008
Cid frowned at the word 'riots' and shuffled his feet.

"It was my task to organize and guide the Acolytes and Priests on their job to purify the city. To call them riots is to assume they were unorganized mobs, Senator, not a group of people tasked by the divine.

Shaun redefines charges

Shaun d'Peabee, Baron of Todtpiz 27 Februari 1008
Shaun raises an eyebrow.

"Then you come before this Senate today to confess to a conspiracy to commit and acting upon that conspiracy to commit the premeditated mass murder of thousands of men, women, and children that fell under the protection of the Soliferum Republic?"

Tony mediates again

Tony Saprano, Director of Defense of Soliferum 27 Februari 1008
Senator Shaun, I am a follower of the Twilight and I do not wish to see my faith removed from Osaliel but to go so far as to say that men women and children were murdered that were suppose to be under the protection of the Republic is a bit of a stretch.

The peasants are serfs to the Osaliel Duke, and if the Duke of Osaliel is not offended then the senate should not be either since those serfs belong to the Duke and not to the Senate.

Your plight for the peasants is commendable but it's not the place of the Republic I would not think. The Republic is a agreement by the landed nobles to be united under one banner, a banner that provides an equal freedom to all NOBLES, the serfs or peasants do reap rewards caused by the freedoms that their land owners have, but the peasants themselves are just that, a part of the lands.

Duke Maximus, is this something that you would agree to, the killing of those of the Twilight from your lands?

Cid replies to Shaun’s redefined accusations

Cid O’Neil 28 Februari 1008
"I will admit no such thing, Senator. I have waged war against a body of individuals bent on corrupting and brining about the end of Soliferum from within by means of religion and violence. With the eradication of the threat, I have made Soliferum a far safer place."

Cid hits the floor once with his cane, anger in his eyes.

"Would you bring those nobles who fight in Soliferum's army before this Senate and claim they are guilty of mass murder? I should hope not. Would you arrest the peasants who fight underneath them?"

Shaun replies to Cid

Shaun d'Peabee, Baron of Todtpiz 28 Februari 1008
"Your argument is specious, Cid. When this Senate declares war against an enemy of the state, our troops act in the defense of this Republic. I can assure you as a Senator that no war has been declared by the Senate on members of the Twilight religion within Soliferum, nor even a vote to that effect been proposed. So without Senate authorization, your actions amount to mass murder.

"As for the argument of our good Director of Defense, we can all only be so free as the least free among us. This attitude of yours is disturbing, sir. These are human beings we are talking about. Land has not been scorched. Human flesh has.

"Worse yet, it is innocent Soliferum flesh, and orchestrated, by his own admission, by the man standing in front of us today, a man who claims Soliferum colors himself. This man claims that he has the power to declare war, superceding the powers of this Senate, the Prime Minister, and even yourself, Sir Tony. How do you see this playing out should the Republic not act against a madman that will willingly take the law and the powers of the government that we here are all sworn to protect into his own hands?"

Cid explains his religious affairs

Cid O’Neil 28 Februari 1008
A grin passed over Cid's face as he listened to the exchange of words.

"This what you are unable to understand, Senator. The Trinity does supersede the powers of this Senate. They are the divine masters of this word and their word carries far more weight then this mortal institution. If they call for war against the impure and dark, then I need no other permission. And that is the case here."

Cid began pacing slowly, his free hand moving as he spoke.

"In your ignorance of faith, Senator, you are unable to comprehend just how grave this situation was. Soliferum's lands were not only in danger, Soliferum's soul was in danger. And still is, in fact, only I have removed one of the beast's many blackened hearts."

Shaun concludes his accusation

Shaun d'Peabee, Baron of Todtpiz 28 Februari 1008
"I, for one, have heard quite enough to convince me that Cid is a dangerous criminal. It is one thing to act upon your convictions within your own life. It is quite another to impose your convictions on others, especially when that imposition ends fatally.

"I open the floor to other questions before I will call for Cid's banishment from the Republic as a hazardous, lawless element that cannot be allow to persist in these lands."

Maximus supports Cid’s religious war

Maximus Testaverde, Minister of Finances of Soliferum, Duke of Osaliel 29 Februari 1008
Senator Shaun, Cid is no criminal and your love for peasants is in deed warming but they are in need of a cleansing. Cid has acted upon the highest of high orders, his actions are the same as yours when defending our lands.

Those peasants that wish to partake in paganistic behaviors are not welcomed within my lands. However, they are free to how to any belief they desire as long as they do not turn those beliefs into hostile actions or into a corruptive manner.

I called in all priest of all faiths within my city and only Cid showed, those other faiths have fallen and are only feeding into our criminal populace.

Cid has cleaned Osaliel of much of the undesirables, when they had an organized faith, one with a priest and temples they were fine, but once they all fell apart they became miscreants and malcontents, their poison would soon infect others around them and cause my great city much harm.

I am a believer in this Republic, I would charge that theres maybe on one or two others that have given so much of his life to seeing this Republic through and I wont now have it changed to where the Republic dictates to its landed Dukes as to what they can and cannot do with their own lands.

Shaun replies to Maximus’ stance

Shaun d'Peabee, Baron of Todtpiz 29 Februari 1008
"This is no longer about you and your land, Duke Maximus. This is about sedition and treason against the Republic.

"What Cid believes in his own house and in his own church is of no concern to me or this government. What beliefs he acts upon when he enters the streets and proclaims himself a higher power than anyone in this government, however, is. Cid has delusions of grandeur that he claims allow him to declare war on our people. This either makes him mad, dangerous, or a foreign power which has, indeed, declared war upon us and therefore must be answered in kind.

"So which shall it be, Duke Maximus? Shall we lock him in a madhouse, in a prison, or shall we have Sir Tony run him through?"

Conan tries to dismiss the Senate

Sir Conan McGahee, Prime Minister of Soliferum, Marshal of the Army of the Republic 29 Februari 1008
Senator Shaun,

This Republic will end once a Duke of his own lands can not do as he pleases. The Dukes bring their lands and their Knights under the banner of the Republic NOT to have their birth rites diminished or to be told what to do.

Squabbles between peasants or serfs as they are more appropriately called is not a matter of the Republic to decide, the Republic is a marriage of sorts between its Dukes and the elected officials.

Cid is a man of faith, a faith that Duke Maximus belongs to, those serfs living here know this, but should they be treated like animals? No, but in the same turn they themselves are not forced to live in these lands.

I ask you what crime has been committed? The killing of serfs in a riot? Those serfs belong to the Duke as they work his lands, if the Duke did not want them here then is he not completely within his right to have them removed?

I would say yes just as he can removed a Noble from his estate then how much more is it within his right to remove serfs?

And if that Noble refused to leave and rose up, what then do you think would happen? Would this Senate Body have the right under the guise of the Republic to force a Duke to accept an Oath made to him?

I should say not, thats pure insanity.

Now end this outrage of a circus you have brought to these halls and move to Alanurs with the rest of the Republic army, We have a real war to fight, one not against some religious fools and serfs.

Conan then slammed a stack of reports to the floor and stood to excuse himself

Shaun halts the dismissal

Shaun d'Peabee, Baron of Todtpiz 29 Februari 1008
"Sit down, Prime Minister or I shall have you brought up on charges of contempt. You are no more above the rule of this body than anyone else, and I am quite through with you and your administration dismissing this body whenever you feel it is convenient.

"Now, since you have obviously not paid attention to a single word said before this assembly, I shall make the point as clear as I possibly can, sir.

"Cid has declared war on a portion of the Republic (call them peasants, call them serfs, call them property, it does not matter) and declares his authority (be that direct or indirect is subject to debate and materially irrelevant) to be above that of this government. This is a call to anarchy, sir, and the people that put us all here in this Senate did so with the faith that we would protect their way of life, not throw it away to anyone, whether they share the same religion as any of the rest of us or not.

"Duke Maximus may have given his tacit approval by not acting in defense of his own citizens, which I find morally reprehensible but within his rights, but noone can give Cid, not even Duke Maximus, the right to supercede the government at his will. That is precisely what he has done by his own admission.

"And so I call this Senate now to vote to have Minister Viracocha ban Cid from the Republic for his actions of sedition and treason against the Republic. I will next call for the Senate to scribe laws of the Republic that will make this situation clearer for any future citizens of the Republic."

NLaw’s reaction

NLaw Lawson 29 Februari 1008
Shaun, who are you to tell Conan anything?

I vote no on pressing charges on cid and I vote no on passing a new law. Shaun you have no right to talk to Conan or maximus the way you just did. They are your liege and they are above you.

Shaun replies to NLaw

Shaun d'Peabee, Baron of Todtpiz 29 Februari 1008
"I am a duly elected Senator of this Republic, NLaw, as are you, and the Prime Minister and Duke Maximus would do well to remember it. Your short-sightedness in your votes is disappointing if not surprising, but I thank you for submitting your votes, Senator."

Conan reaction

Sir Conan McGahee, Prime Minister of Soliferum, Marshal of the Army of the Republic 01 March 1008
Senator Shaun, I must say that I am a bit embarrassed for you at this moment, This uproar you have tried to fabricate has no foundation. Soliferum is not a socialist Republic, its not one where the elected members tells its land owners how to run the business of their lands.

The Government of Soliferum has no rights when it comes to how a Duke over sees his lands.

There has been no war declared on anyone, have you gone mad? Was you elected to the senate by the peasants? I dont recall ever seeing a peasant vote on anything.

The use of the word citizens is a gross overstatement and could bring into cause to even question your nobility...... A citizen is a resident of a city that is entitled to vote and enjoy other privileges there, Thats what our Nobles and their families are, they are the Citizens of the Republic,

Surely your not insinuating that the peasants are the same as our Nobles and their families?

I think that you may need to take a deep breath and calm down before you cast anymore insults or make any more wild assumptions. I know that you have been under a lot of stress due to one reason or another, I would strongly suggest that you better understand things, If the Republic were to start dictating to its Dukes as to how they are to rule their lands how long do you think it would be before they all took their lands and left the Republic?

Our Dukes believe in what our republic stands for, they take part in it for the freedoms they and their Knights share in, but when this republic grows to the point where it will start dictating to its Dukes then thats with this republic has failed.

Peasants are not Citizens, they hold no weight within the confines of this Republic, but they reap the rewards of the freedoms of the Lords they serve.

Tony’s reaction

Tony Saprano, Director of Defense of Soliferum 01 March 1008
Shaun I left my estate in Ortedail, I gave up my land to serve the government of the republic and I did not do so to see that government to dictate to our dukes. It goes directly against our republic ideas.

I would never harm Cid even though he and I hold completely different faiths, Cid is a Royal member of Soliferum and I will always give him due respect, but if he persecuted my family for their faith then I would defend my families honor.

Maximus’ reaction

Maximus Testaverde, Minister of Finances of Soliferum, Duke of Osaliel 01 March 1008
Duke Maximus does not bother even standing, he just tosses a few papers slightly in the air and rolls his eye. The duke then speaks to those seated closes to him because he is uninterested in interacting in this charade of sanity

"sit down prime minister he says?,,,,,,, This is embarrassing..."

The Duke then stands and in a calm voice as was usual for him he spoke

"Shaun you was elected by the 2 knights that serve as your vassals in Todtpiz, you was appointed to Todtpiz by my hand to over see those lands for my duchy. You was never elected by any peasants, they work the fields, mines and lumber yards, they do not belong to the republic, THEY WORK THE LANDS..........."

Senate dismisses itself

Unknown official magistrate 01 March 1008
No further actions were taken and all left the Senate, leaving the case regarded as closed until Baron Foreign Curs made an attempt to reopen the case.

Foreign tries to reopen the case

Foreign Curs, Baron of Dsinanas 15 March 1008
Furthermore, I will like to request an annulment of the vote concerning Cid's innocence as to the religious genocides in Osaliel, now adding the charges of the religious genocides in Ortedail.

My request of annulment is based on the fact that only three Senators expressed their vote as to Cid's innocence, which is merely 33% of this entire Sentate and therefore insufficient for the Senate to act as an absolute decisive power for the whole of Soliferum.

I ask for a new vote to take place, wherein is decided as to Cid's innocence or guilt.

I, myself personally, find Cid guilty of religious genocide amongst this republic's citizens, spreading the incentive to breaking the laws, and voluntarily causing a state of anarchy.

NLaw votes 'innocent'

NLaw Lawson 15 March 1008
well on the matter of cid I vote that he is innocent of the charges brought against him.

Conan dismisses the Senate

Sir Conan McGahee, Prime Minister of Soliferum, Marshal of the Army of the Republic 15 March 1008
Senator Members End this foolishness NOW!

Let me simplify a few things and lets stick to those and start clearing this matter up.

1) Peasants are NOT citizens and anything that happened in Osaliel was a religious matter.

2) Dukes own the lands in this Republic, they CAN NOT, be removed from their lands and they have their lands in this Republic because they WANT then to be. Duke have no power struggles, theres nothing that they can be forced to do or not do with their lands.

3) Republic citizens are the Nobles and their families, NOT peasants.

4) Cid is a ROYAL Noble and a Priest, No BODY can force him into doing anything, He can not be Banished, He can not be Fined due to he has no need for gold and collects no taxes. The manner in which Shaun has tried to resolve the matter is futile. In stead of blowing up and calling everyone that did not run at his call corrupt and rant that all is broken then perhaps Shauns attempts could have been more fruitful if he had actually found a way to work this body of Senators.

5) Todtpiz belongs to the Osaliel Duchy and hence Duke Maximus, how much of a right a Regional lord has is something that I believe could be hashed out and agreed upon by the Dukes if they wanted to remain in the Republic. The hostile route that Shaun has taken has not worked and it was not the way this body was meant to preform.

I have not seen one thing come from the Senate, it was meant to be a civil way to, it was meant to connect the laws of the Republic to the rights of the Nobles of the Duchies. But it has been attempted to trample the Rights of the Dukes just for bringing THEIR lands into the republic.

I want this VOTE stopped NOW, and I want this Body to do what it was designed to do, If it cant then I will scrap it all and we will find a replacement for the Senate because it has not be doing what it was meant to do.

First things first, Todtpiz has been sold to the Ortedail Duchy, Shaun removed it prematurely. We will leave the past in the past and go on from here.

I want to hear respectful speech within the Senate Halls with better chosen words used along with addressing others formally and with their due titles.

Shaun will stay with Todtpiz until the fall, this will give all a chance to cool down and for this Senate to start to actually work, I want the first order ob business to be adapting rules for the Senate, rules as to how they are to speak to one another when addressing the entire chamber and how they go about bringing forth votes.

The issue must be announced and then givin a set time to debate and then a vote is called.

It is up to you all to lay down how the very basics of this body will preform in the future.

If anyone is NOT in agreement with what I have just said I need to hear from you right away.

We will talk more on this later I am sure. From the many many letter I have received in private most all of the Senate is unhappy with the way Shaun has behaved, to be honest there only two that stand with him.

Foreign requests public openness

Foreign Curs, Baron of Dsinanas 15 March 1008
Very well, then I'd formally like to request that the Republic Government divulges all information concerning both case Cid as case Shaun to the public. And with public I mean noble citizens, not the peasants if you so please.

I'd hate to see these cases being hushed up behind Senate doors.

New riots

Unknown official magistrate 23 March 1008
Cid initiated new riots in the region of Todtpiz against the Twilight. Hundreds perish.

Civil unrest

Unknown official magistrate 23 March 1008
The police unit of Shaun attempted to arrest a priest in Todtpiz and was forced into battle with a mob of angry believers. There were casualties on both sides.

Shaun asks for Cid's departure

Shaun d'Peabee, Baron of Todtpiz 23 March 1008
Cid, your presence in Todtpiz is not welcome. I will continue to have my men hunt you down as long as you stay here. You are a criminal and a murderer whether our corrupt leadership wishes to acknowledge it or not.

NLaw was seen aiding in the massacre

Anonimous witness 23 March 1008
Nlaw walks into the middle of the riot in todtpiz with his sword drawn. When he arrives at where cid stand he looks at him

Brother it has been a while, I am here to help.

with that nlaw helps hunt down the heritics in the region.

Religious unrest

Unknown official magistrate 24 March 1008
Believers of The Trinity have violently attacked believers of Guardians of Twilight in Todtpiz. 200 peasants were killed in the violence.

Victore ponders to take action

Victore zurralius 24 March 1008
Victore stands after Viracocha takes his seat.

"On a different subject, what of this fighting that is going on in Todpitz"?

"Can anything be done to resolve this matter"?

" Senator Shuan's region is becoming a battle ground over religions, does anyone have any suggestions that will bring peace to Todzpit"?

Tony organizes the Senate

Tony Saprano, General of Soliferum 24 March 1008
Shaun d'Peabee, you would like to register a official protest now? If you wanted to help lay the foundation for the way this senate works so there could be a set of rules giving you the option to register an official protest then I would be happy to have you on the committee with me, but thats only if you can stop insulting other members and work towards the common good of this senate and this republic.

At this time we have an advancing army preparing to attack us and you have done little to raise up a sizable force, if you needed gold I have heard several offer it but I truly do not think thats the problem, I think it could be much deeper than that.

First things first, we defend our boarders and then while we wait we can work out some rules to govern this body so it can better govern the republic.

The problems of the religious matter in Todtpiz, I am sure that if the Duke there wished not to have Cid preach in his Duchy then he would not do so and if he did I am sure that our Judge would act accordingly, but instead of doing things your own way perhaps you should use the proper course of actions and let your new duke handle it.

Viracocha makes known his future actions

Viracocha zurralius, Minister of Law of Soliferum, Duke of Alanurs 24 March 1008
Viracocha stands after Tony has seated himself.

"I'll tell you what I will do about this religion nonsense".

"The Duke and his Duchy cannot resolve this matter very very shortly, I will and I repeat, I will toss both leaders of these religions out on their ear".

"We have a war coming and their is no time for these meaningless upheavals over religion".

"So, whoever it is that is responsible for these regions take care it now or I will do it in your stead".

"My patience is growing thin, if certain people cannot work with others then I will remove you from whatever position you hold here in Soliferum".

"Now take care of this matter emmediately".

Viracocha snaps his robe over his chest, folds his arms and takes his seat.

Religious unrest seconded

Unknown official magistrate 24 March 1008
The police unit of Gialon attempted to arrest a priest in Todtpiz and was forced into battle with a mob of angry believers. There were casualties on both sides.