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The history of the Pilgrim family as told by Grim-Reaper,

It all started many years ago...

The pilgrim were a family of Crusaders, not the ones who went of to kill other religiuos people, but the ones who were responsible for the protection of the trade routs all over the Continents we know today. Our mission for protection of the Pilgrim routes and trade routs was handed to our famely elder long ago. it was given by a council of gods, wich gods i don't know but fear struk our forefathers into obedience.Manny centuries we guarded the routes with Pried...

Our family was respected for their work and we got fame and a good reputation. All over the Globe the name Pilgrim would make people treath you with respect.

But like all family's there was a black mark. A young boy WHo went by the name of Aiken Pilgrim got obsessed with the power the famely had and started using it for his own advantage. He was responsable for terrible things to hooible to speak out loud.

When the head of the family found out it was already to late. My father the family elder at the time begged for mercy from the gods but they said:What has happend can't be undone. We hold your entire famely responsable for the death Aiken caused. WE WILL PUT A CURSE OPON YOU AND ALL OF THE PILGRIM FAMELY !! We curse you with the gift of no age, nobody of your family will age by body, only by mortal hands can you find death... and that will be the last thing you want because the most inner circle of hell is reserved for people who has these things on their consious... This was more than 100 years ago...

Most of our family got slayed. The women burned at the stakes for witchcraft and the men hanged as spies. we were forced to seek shelter to hide from civilisation. We hid for more then 90 years before I as the new Pilgrim elder called all of the surviving members togheter in Tokat. We decided we had to find a way to lift the curse we were growing tired of life and wanted death but we feared death more then life.

So we set out to search for Aiken who still lived according to the Oracle in Ibladesch i went to search the then called New World (Beluatara)but no effect. Andro searched arround Tokat on the East Continent but still Aiken wasn't found. Irrenicus found out that Aiken was hiding on the South-west Island. I as Family elder was sent to kill him.

I met him on the walls of the great fortress in the center. We fought for about 7 hours strait and when we droped to the ground because of los of blood he died. From this day forward people forgot my real aname and they started calling me "The Grim-Reaper" a Name i use proudly.