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Roleplay from Tomaas
Message sent to: The Guild
A plainly dressed man walks up the road toward a large stone building. His heavy woolen cloak keeping him dry in the light afternoon shower. Beside the front door, he notices a plaque inscribed with the words, 'Academy of Knowledge founded by Philip Unti.'

"Unti, now there's a name I haven't heard in a while. . . . Strange, I don't recall there being a Philip."

Shrugging to himself he enters the guildhouse. After removing his cloak, revealing a servicable tunic and trousers, he hangs it near a brazier to dry.

A homely young lady smiles at him, "Welcome to the Academy of Knowledge, how may I be of service?"

"Thank you for the kind welcome, I am Tomaas, a member of this guild. I would just like to have a look around. The last time I was here I was in a bit of a hurry."

Walking down the corridors of the guildhouse, Tomaas passes many rooms. Some filled with desks facing a wall covered entirely with slate, others containing chairs arranged for discussions, and still others house offices, hidden behind closed doors. Finnally his wanderings take him to the heart of the guild, the library.

The earthy aroma of freshly worked lumber greets him as he opens the two massive doors. Under the high vaulted ceiling rows and rows of bookcases stretch off in every direction, all empty. Tomaas walks slowly past the many rows of bookcases, awed into silence by the vastness of the place.

Approaching the end of the library's main aisle, he spots a few books. Barely three shelves of the most common books of knowledge have been gathered for the guild. Still, Tomaas manages to find a few he has not yet read. Picking one up, he begins to thumb through a treatise writen about the forms of government.

Several hours, and many pages later, he is startled from his reverie by the same young lady. "Excuse me sir, but you will have to leave now. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but we are closing the guild for the night."

"It is quite alright, I must have lost track of time reading this book. It is very interesting, if a bit difficult to read. But I suppose I will have to finish it annother time," replies Tomaas, closing the book and returning it to the shelf. Turning to walk with the lady to the exit, he asks, "Have you seen the founder of the guild recently? I have a proposition for him, and hoped I could discuss it with him in person."

"I'm afraid I have not, sir. He recently returned from a quest in Oporto and has been resting in Avamar city."

"That is unfortunate, I will have to see if I can talk to him next time I'm here. But please, call me Tomaas. I don't believe I caught your name on the way in . . ."

Roleplay from Philip
Wandering around the west side of the city alone Philip stops off at the many shelters for the war victims and speaks with the volunteer coordinators.

"As you can see there are many people here these days Lord Philip. Things have been difficult for the country folk."

Surveying the crowd Philip nods, "And with the flood of refugees there isn't much work for them I imagine."

"Aye my lord," says the coordinator knowing what was to come next.

Pointing out a young family with children Philip continues nonchalantly, "I may have work for them in one of my businesses here in the city. See if they are interested would you; and if they are send them to Continental Exporters?"

"Of course my lord," turning to coordinator smiles, every week for the last couple of months Philip had been stopping by and every time he ended up taking someone with him. "Ah how it warms my heart," thought the coordinator.

Interrupting his train of thought Philip calls, "Oh one more thing, my servant should have a small chest of gold for food and such. See that it is well spent………"

His words trailing off Philip turns his head to look over his shoulder as if listening to something behind him. After a time he straitens up, shakes his head and then with a hint of jittery impatience turns to leave. “Sort all this out, I have to go.”

Startled the coordinator calls to Philip’s retreating form, “Of course my lord….”, then mutters to himself, “Wonder what’s wrong…”

Roleplay from Philip
Sitting at his desk in the Academy of Knowledge Philip rang a small bell on his desk. Moments later a servant enters and Philip hands over a silver cloak clasp.

"See to it that this is added to the display in the library; it goes under, antiquities."

"Of course my lord."

Philip looked down at the page in front of him but after a time he realized that the servant was still standing in front of him. "Yes?"

"-cough- There is an old message for you my lord, I would have given it to you sooner sir, but well you've been gone for so long...."

Grunting noncommittally Philip takes the message and reads it. After a time he leans back in his chair and asks, "This, Tomaas, who is he?"

"A sage sir."

"Ah a learned man; what subject?"

"He seems to spend most of his time in the Philosophy section, sir and has made good use of the library."

There was an uneasy silence.

"Very well, I shall speak with this Tomaas. I do hope he doesn't want to engage in a debate of some form, I don't have that much time these days...."

"I shall notify him at once my lord."

Roleplay from Philip
Walking into the town square with his men Philip called out in a loud voice, “Alright good people listen well, I come collecting donations today; so please feel free to give as much as the sharp pointy swords can extract from you and no heroics, I’ve had a long day….”

One plucky young lad in the gathering crowd piped up, “Never you foreign dog!” With a cry the boy charged headlong towards the armoured knight pitchfork leading.

“-sigh- They never listen…”

Easily sidestepping the clumsy charge Philip brought his arm up as the young man passed causing him to run, head first, into Philip’s plated limb with a sickening crack.

As the lifeless body falls to the ground Philip gazes down and curses, “You peasants are even more malnourished then I thought. Soldier; give this fool a proper burial! As for the rest of you, how about you cooperate…..” turning his head, as if listening to a person behind him, Philip eventually turns back, “Uh… Deal with this sergeant, I-I will burry him myself.”

Roleplay from Lina
Walking through the slums of Oligarch City unescorted was normally a very bad idea for a lady of noble birth, but the small woman in a feathered cap hardly seemed to care and more surprisingly, the various cut-throats, rapists and thieves didn’t either.

A sharp observer would notice that she seemed to give the illusion that she fit in with the other low lifes, though her fine clothing and refined speech said otherwise. If our observer was also highly knowledgeable about the criminal element they would recognize that this was a woman who could tell the difference between a lovable street starfish, and a horrible street urchin and probably knew about fifty different ways of saying assassinate. Of course if our observer was focusing so intently on the woman they would have been robbed by now, lucky it isn’t us, isn’t it?

The woman muttered to herself as she passed by yet another collection of war victims, “Things are becoming desperate; of course that’s usually good for business.”

With a spring in her step she chatted with seemingly random bystanders, all the while acquiring various poisons and powders of the craft.

Then, as she rounded the corner, things became very quiet. It was a familiar quite, the quite of busy streets emptying quickly in the face of predators most foul. The woman was not concerned, and actually rolled her eyes before sighing, “Ah some new lads to the city I see, and you’ve decided to pick on little old me. Tisk tisk.” Brushing some of her hair back she continued to ignore the growing stillness behind her. “Now I’ll give you lads one last chance to leave before I get cross; so when I turn around there won’t be anyone there, right?”

So the woman turned, and she was right, there was no one there; something yes, but it wasn’t human.

Her practiced gaze quickly scanned the area, seeking the danger and she was rewarded with a view of the strange creatures in front of her. Four legged and hunched of form they brought to mind hunting hounds of a noble lord, but their feet ended in talons instead of paws, and hundreds of chisel-like teeth shown in the light. Four of the creatures studied the woman with unblinking eyes, not a sound escaping from their gaping maws.

Her hairs standing on end, the woman realized that these were not natural; and as her earlier easy going façade quickly faded it was replaced by a wary readiness most don’t see twice.

Suddenly the creatures moved forward.

Her hands’ moving as a blur, the woman sent twin blades of dusty grey flying towards the leading creature; and was rewarded with a skidding clatter as the throwing knives bounced off. Realizing her peril she leapt upwards just out of reach of snapping jaws and grabbing onto a windowsill climbed atop the low roof. Not wasting time the woman broke into a run, leaping from roof top to roof top in a scramble to put as much distance between herself and her pursuers as possible. Finally thinking herself relatively safe she studied the surrounding. There behind her, on a roof quite a ways back two of the creatures were dragging themselves up, the other two traveled across the ground shadowing the woman and ignoring all other panicking bystanders.

Realizing that there was little time the woman dashed towards the better section of town; using every trick and skill she had she managed to keep ahead of her relentless pursuers, but the distance was against her.

In desperation she did what many would never do in the deep underbelly of Oligarch, she called for help.

Roleplay from Philip
Flipping a golden coin into the air with practiced ease Philip thinks about all the talk of love.

"How history repeats itself," he says to no one in particular as he stares off across the Springs of Evora, "What did Paris say, 'Avamar, the land of Love' or something like that..."

Looking down into the water Philip turns his head quickly as his reflection shimmers into view, dropping the coin.

Averting his gaze from the pool he walks away stiffly with the screech of metal disrupting the forest.

In the pond a golden teardrop, shed by no one, sinks slowly to the bottom.

Roleplay from Lina
Her desperate pleas gone unanswered the woman cursed under her breath at Oligarch’s seeming lack of heroes willing to rescue damsels in distress. Realizing that she was on her own she turned and raced right for the creatures following along on the rooftops.

The hounds had not expected their prey to move towards them, but having simple minds they didn’t contemplate the change in tactics.

Selecting a roof with a steep drop some distance from her pursuers the woman stood right on the edge of the building balancing with great care and awaiting her opponents with blades drawn. Wasting no time the closest creature broke into a sprint and with a mighty leap attempted to bear down it’s prey.

Allowing the weight to push her off the roof the woman’s knives caught a hold of the adjacent gargoyle and she spun like an acrobat until she stood atop the leering decoration. Her foe was neither agile nor had thumbs so it plunged downward until the ground stopped it with a shattering crash.

Wasting no time the woman spun over the roof edge and into an open window as claws raked across the tiled roof where she had been. Scampering through the house, while avoiding the various hurled objects and angry shouts of the homeowners, the woman broke onto the street directly across from a sewer entrance. Moving to the opening the woman attempted to remove the rusty grate, but though old, it would not budge and one of the creatures had found her. Standing atop the grate she crossed her arms and hoped that she was right about the hound’s weight.

It’s prey unmoving the hound stalked in slowly. It could feel fear, but saw no signs which puzzled it greatly; or at least it would, if it was smart enough to be puzzled. Reaching its target the hound went to end it when suddenly the floor fell out from underneath. Its jaws snapping it desperately tried to grab the prey, as it sprung away from the falling floor, but failed.

Soon the sound of a splash rose up from the hole and then silence. “Two down, now where’d the other two go?” the woman commented as she regained her balance.

“cough. Sorry m’ss, uh….” came a raspy voice from a doorway, “Not know they were yours.”

Turning the woman recognized the face of The Hammer, the greatest bouncer in all of Oligarch. Switching to street accent the woman asked, “You do some’ne unpleasant with th’m I hope ‘ammer?” (You do something unpleasant with them I hope, Hammer)

Realizing that this was no miss but instead Lina, Hammer felt panic rising, “Ah it wasn’t me; Biff, he take a, take a, fancy to ‘em. Alway wanted a dog he say. Corr then it bit his leg, and……you know Biff…”

Indeed Lina knew the slaughter house worker well; he had proven useful when anything large needed moving, like a body, or a safe opened without the use of tools. “ ’an the other?”

“Oh you know Biff, once he starts, not’ens safe.”

Lina tossed the bouncer a small bag of coins, “I’ll cover Biff’s tab tonight.”

Sensing that he would get to leave alive The Hammer beat a hasty retreat while Lina was lost in thought.

Alone at last she muttered to herself, “What would cause these creatures to come here; after me?” Wandering for a bit Lina couldn’t help but feel that she had seen these creatures before, but where…. then she almost ran into another one. But unlike the others, this one wasn’t trying to kill her; instead it was standing guard over one of the oldest buildings in the city.

”The Stone Dogs, of course,” she shook her head, “The legends say they guarded the homes of the people in the last Age. But how did they attack me….” freezing with fear Lina gasped, “He knows.”

Realizing that time had run out Lina hurried home to prepare for the worst.