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==Departed Family Members==
==Departed Family Members==
Cousin to Kurohyou and Hei, Datarian was considered the 'rebel of the family. Feeling that he could do better somewhere else other than Tara, he decides to set off. He decides to enter the realm of the Ash Sea Islands. Once entering, he notices that he was welcomed with a sense of hostility. He ignores it and decided to go to the towns tavern. Once entering, he notices that a group of men are in a deep discussion. He decides to eavesdrop. He finds out that Tara and ASI are enemies at this point, and any family member of Tara entering ASI should be killed on site. Upon hearing this, Datarian decides to leave before something bad happens.
He tried to escape ASI and headed towards the Cagilan Empire, knowing that if he were to return to Tara, it would show that he was cowardly and didn't want to make that impression.
As he enters the Cagilan Empire, Dataraian is attaacked by some troopleaders, under the impression that he was attacking them. He barely escapes the battle. He realizes now that it is futile to enter any other realm, so he decides to unsheath his sword, points at gut, and then plunges it into his stomach, thus dying by committing seppuku.
*Datarian was also the only family member with a psychological breakdown. He was considered unstable when he joined ASI, so his family members decided that his suicide was an act of insanity.
Son to Alebad merchant, Toren Bakos. Sonma decided to serve his realm, and joined Alebad's military. He had spent the past couple month's serving his realm proud.  
Son to Alebad merchant, Toren Bakos. Sonma decided to serve his realm, and joined Alebad's military. He had spent the past couple month's serving his realm proud.  

Revision as of 01:48, 6 April 2006

The Bakos Family originally lived within the Continent of Atamara, within the realm of Tara. They have always had a lower status than those of the other Families within Tara, and have tried to prove themselves to everyone.




Departed Family Members

Datarian Sonma: Son to Alebad merchant, Toren Bakos. Sonma decided to serve his realm, and joined Alebad's military. He had spent the past couple month's serving his realm proud. The turning point in his career, he was given the order to fallback to the capital to refit. He turned to his geographical navigator for advice. He gave him the shortest route possible. However, by the time Sonma realized that his navigator sent him into Lukon territory, an infiltrator attacked Sonma. After healing for a couple of days, when Sonma gets back into his homeland, he gets a notice saying that he is banned. He knows that he couldn't get banned for his first offense, so he thought that he could win this case. In the long run, the courts figured that he was in the realm for about 100 days and he should have known better. Upon hearing this, he plans to join the realm of Alowca, however, their king thought that an offense to their allies was offense to them. So Sonma was stuck in between. In the end, he enters a dark forest, and enters the closest stream. He kneels down, and begins to unsheath his sword. He figures no one will trust him anymore, so he decides to rid himself of the world and commits seppuku. With his dead body in the stream, his body is clean of what tainted blood he had.

  • Even though many don't remember him, Sonma's family members are determined to make sure that his death was not pointless. They are discussing how the judicial system banned him for his first mistake. Yet many of his cousins are blaming the Alebad courts for their cousins death.


Enzeru: Cousin to Hei, Kurohyou, Datarian, and brother to Sonma. He had been so eager to follow his big brother's foot steps. So, he had joined the Alebad army alongside with his brother. Although he was sent to do a scribes job, he was glad that he could at least see how his brother was doing. One day, though, he got the reports that Sonma was banned from the realm for entering enemy lands and disobeying orders. Enzeru knew that it wasn't true...but what was more tragic was that he got a letter saying that Sonma committed suicide. He was shocked, and couldn't continue working for Alebad. So, he fled to the Far East Island to join the Antoza Commonwealth. He figured that he could be a trader or a soldier. He decided to become a soldier, in honor of his brother. After a few months fighting alongside some of the troopleaders, he decided to serve AC as a trader. Then, after a few weeks, he decided that the Far East was a little bit unproductive for his taste. So, he had decided that he would go to Belauterra. He hopes that his superiors from the Far East aren't upset because he was going to leave his men as militia, but when he boarded the ship, he completely forgot. When he was on the ship over, Enzeru made a promise to serve whole-heartedly with the realm that he decided to join. When he got off the boat at the ports, he had heard that Fronen was the place to be, and he took it seriously. Now, he is going around, proving that he is loyal to his new realm.

  • Once his cousins got word that Enzeru went to Belauterra, Hei decided to send over an eagle she encountered during her battles on the Sout East Islands. Enzeru had given him the name "Kuroten" (meaning black-heaven) because he flies at such a fast speed, he seems to be a dark angel sent from the heavens. Kuroten's main body is 4 feet tall and has a wingspan of 12 feet, capable for delivering heavy loads, such as weapons, packages, etc.