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Emyhr simply nodded. He lent down towards her face, meeting his lips with hers. For a moment, time stopped dead, nothing mattered to them. Wanting only for this moment to last forever.
Emyhr simply nodded. He lent down towards her face, meeting his lips with hers. For a moment, time stopped dead, nothing mattered to them. Wanting only for this moment to last forever.
|Content='''The Wedding Set Up:'''
The sun was high in the sky. The leaves were beginning to turn golden and the ripe green grass was starting to wilt and fade. During the day, the location that had chosen was rather plain. However, as they had discovered the previous night, the location gives a perfect view of the moon with the sight of Demyansk in the distance.
Preparations were well under way. A few locals had been hired to clear some of the trees to allow for the ceremony. Emyhr watched over, his wrapped tightly around Amira's waist. The two of them smiling, taking in the fresh autumn breeze. Emyrh had shaved and tidied up his hair for the first time in a couple of seasons. For the first time in a long time, he look respectful once again.
Amira's parents had decided to go to the local market to procure some food and flowers. After Emyhr had said we would do this, they had stopped him and told him to spend the day with Amira. While he felt uncomfortable to not be able to help, he was enjoying this time with his soon to be wife.
"I don't want this to end.. This feeling of.. comfort." He clutched her tighter, spinning her around to face him. He took hold of her hand and guided her into a dance. This turned the heads of the locals who, upon seeing this, departed from the clearing. Emyhr and Amira smiling like children as they danced among the falling leaves. This continued until a leaf landed precariously upon Emyhr's forehead, causing the both of them to laugh.
"I have to admit, I definitely did not take you for a dancer. A pleasant surprise." She gently caressed his shaved face, the feeling of stubble tickling her hand, "You did find a perfect location for this, I couldnt imagine anything more perfect."
"Let us hope that it all goes well. Well, with so few of us, I am sure it will go off without a hitch."
The two of them embraced, Emyhr resting his chin on her head. Amira resting her head on his chest. Once again looking over the hillside towards their home just beyond the horizon.

Revision as of 15:43, 17 December 2018

One dark night during a evening stroll, Emyhr stumbled upon a beauty resting within a forest opening. This fateful meeting started the bond that would see Emyhr change as a person. What started as simple companionship transformed into something beyond belief for the young knight. Amira Martelli, a minor noble of a wealthy merchant family within Demyansk, became Emyhr's soul. While their relationship was young, they did not know what events would be round the corner. With a bright future ahead of them, the two of them sought out great things in the newly forged lands of Tol Goldora.

While their enagement had happened sooner than would normally happen, as a man of fate such as Emyhr, he wished not to miss the opportunity presented to him. Amira accepted and the two were happy for a time. However, soon on the horizon was an attack by Westguard, this would see Emyhr injured and out of action for quite some time.

Roleplay Archive

Roleplay from Emyhr le Craint
The Arrival of a Beauty: Part One

Emyhr sat proud, his armor polished to a wonderful shine, atop his horse as he patrolled the area. Passing by some of the newly recruited militia, the shouts of the training captain could be heard all around the plains. He waved down the captain as he passed by, climbing down his horse and handing the reigns to one of his personal guard.

"How fares the training? I see that the new recruits are proving their worth."

"M'lord, they may be new and rather unskilled but they shall be brought up to a level worthy of their job, that I can be certain of."

"Good, I am glad to hear that. I shall be increasing your workload in the coming days, we are in need of a large dependable force to assist in the defense."

"M'lord, of course. I shall not let you down."

Emyhr nodded and left him to get back to training, climbing back atop his horse and continuing towards the main gate to his estate. Passing by different groups of people rushing around, bowing to Emyhr as he passed by before returning back to their job. This pleased the lord, continuing his evening patrol.

Passing through the gate, the busyness subsided as those who had been hard at work in the fields returned to their homes for the night. The plains were peaceful, with only the rising of smoke from chimneys disturbing the peace of the night sky. He continued towards one of the few hills in the plains, getting further and further away from the safety of his estate.

Finally reaching the crest of the hill, tying his horse to a nearby tree, he approached the opening between some trees. Before he could reach even the border, pushing a branch to his side to clear a path, his breath still as he caught sight of a mysterious figure within the opening. Sitting on a rock bathed in moonlight was a woman. Her long flowing golden hair, the softness of her face highlighted by the moon. Her rose red lips pursed in concentration as she gently held a book in her hands. Emyhr was motionless, his mind blank as he stared intently at this mysterious woman. A single word came to mind, thinking of nothing else he murmured softly under his breath, "Beautiful."

Emyhr softly approached the woman, wishing not to startle her. He held himself tall, taking a deep breath and began to speak.

"Excuse me ma'am, I wish not to disturb you but I have found myself mesmerized by your beauty. If I may inquire, What is your name?"
Emyhr le Craint

Roleplay from Emyhr le Craint
The Arrival of a Beauty: Part Two

As Emyhr approached cautiously, speaking as he approached, the woman turned her head brushing her golden hair from her eyes. Her deep hazel eyes staring intently at the approaching man, concern filled her mind.

"Hmmm.. Sorry I was engrossed in my bo..." She paused for a moment, coming to the realization of who stood before her, "M'lord, apologize for such an informal greeting I..."

Emyhr cut her off, holding his hand out hushing her.

"Its quite okay, I was the one who disturbed you. Please, do not be so formal I have had enough of that today." He smiled at her, offering his hand out to help her stand up. "It came as quite a surprise to see another person here, may I inquire as to your name?"

She graciously took his hand, her gently unscathed hands brushed gently against his rough hand. A pleasant feeling, something Emyhr had not felt for quite some time.

"My name is Amira Martelli. I am a minor noble of this region, one of the many merchant families that have grown strong here, I am sure you have met my father, he has spent the past few days talking about the work you are putting in very fondly. It probably hasn't helped that his pockets have become lined with gold..." Her expression changed to shock, "M'lord, I am so sorry. I was rude."

"Do not worry, I have seen this among many of the nobles here. I am glad to meet someone who is willing to speak there mind, there seems to be a lack of that here." Emyhr chuckled at this. "Tell me about yourself, I didn't expect to find another person out here so late at night."

She smiled at this, still holding on to his hand. "There is not much to tell, much of my life has been spent heavily guarded with the threat of the monsters before you came. To be totally honest, this is the first time I have been outside my home by myself in such a long time, it seems I was out for a bit too long." She looked at Emyhr, staring into his eyes, the concern was gone replaced now with interest, "Maybe a gallant knight such as yourself would be willing to guide a maiden such as myself back home?"

Emyhr chuckled at this, then proceeded to get down on one knee and in a very sarcastic tone spoke, "Oh Lady Amira of house Martelli, will you accept the guidance of myself to return you safely back home?"

This made Amira chuckle, she nodded, holding in the laughter. Emyhr proceeded to stand once again, guiding Amira back to his horse on the other side of the clearing, he carefully helped her onto the saddle and untied the reign. In a very pompous fashion, he bowed once again and began to lead to horse down the hill.

Before long, they reached a large house with surrounding walls. The gate was open and a very impatient man stood waiting for the two of them to arrive.

"Amira, What time do you call this? And who is this? What do you think you..." He stopped mid sentence and got down on one knee, "M'lord, Please excuse my rudeness, it is dark I could not see that it was you."

Emyhr looked at Amira, smiled, and turned back to the man, "Please raise your head, it is quite alright. I have not come here on official business, I simple guided your daughter home after I found her engrossed in her book." Emyhr smirked once again at Amira.

"M'lord, thank you for guiding my daughter home this evening... If... If you are not too busy, I would be honoured to host you this evening, I am sure I have some wine that will be to your liking."

Emyhr, helping Amira down from the horse approached the man and placed a firm hand on his shoulder.

"I would be honoured to accept your invitation. I wish to learn more about your family and this land, maybe you will be able to help me with this?"

The three of them entered through the gates, Amira's father trying to hide his joy that the lord would be joining them. Before they reached the door, Emyhr turned to Amira and offered a hand to her once again.

"Lady Amira, wont you guide me in? I wish for you to show me around your lovely home." Emyhr smirked as Amira took his hand and the two of them stepped into the entryway, quickly followed by a rushed father.
Emyhr le Craint

Roleplay from Emyhr le Craint
The Arrival of a Beauty: Part Three - One Week Later.

The two of them strolled arm in arm up the hill once again, a pair of horses remained tied to a tree once again gently grazing on the patches of long grass at the base of the trunk. Emyhr and Amira laughed, enjoying the company of each other. The afternoon sun brushing past their skin, the gentle breeze rustling their hair. Before long they reached the edge, an open cliff face looking out across the open fields of Demyansk. The undisturbed landscape, only interuppted by the occasional chirping of birds passing overhead.

Sitting on a fallen log, the two of the looked over the hard working farmers, point out different features in the landscape. A farmer chasing a cow that got loose, children playing on hay-bales and builders hard at work constructing a new barn. Amira rested her head on Emyhr's shoulders, neither of them wanted to move or disturb the atmosphere. Emyhr turned to face Amira, brushed her hair gently out of her eyes.

"I have to admit, the time I went exploring to that hill I didn't expect it would result in peace like this." He smiled, gently caressing her cheek, "But... I think this is something I have been missing in life, never have been able to enjoy a landscape quite like this."

Amira took ahold of Emyhr's hand, wrapping his arm around her back, she leaned further into his chest. "Sometimes, the world works in mysterious ways." She chuckled, looked out over the cliff, and smiled, "Maybe fate was in play, because I can see no other way that such greatness would be presented to me."

This made something in Emyhr's head click, like he had remembered something he had long forgotten. He reached into his doublet, taking out a small box, his family crest embroidered into the black velvet casing. Clicking it open, the shine of a small ring, gold with simple knotted patterns, a single gem resting inside. Then he remembered, the words of his father, "You shall know when it is time, never forget that fate guides us all".

Emyhr let go of Amira and stood up, she looked confused at this, unsure what is going on. Emyhr simply stood motionless, his mind racing with thoughts and concerns, however one this was clear to him. He took out the ring, taking ahold of Amira's hand and looked her in the eyes.

"I fear that time may be short, I do not want to waste the opportunity that fate has given me." He placed the ring on her finger, clasping the hand with his. "Amira, I know our time together has been short, but you are exactly what I have been searching for in my life and now I never want to let go."

Her confusion turned to happiness and quickly to tears, grabbing hold of Emyhr. Not needing to say another word for the answer was clear. The two remained motionless under the afternoon sun, not even the breeze wished to disturb them. The chirping of the birds had stopped, leaving the two of them to total silence as they embraced each other.
Emyhr le Craint

Roleplay from Emyhr
A moonlit night sky

As the moon rose ever higher into the night sky, the bustle of the camp began to settle. For this occasion, Emyhr had set up his camp away from the main force. To get away from the scrounging and fighting over the scraps of armour. A small fire lit up campground. Three tents had been set up. Candles spread around the different tables and seats carved from logs. The smell of roasting meat and stew filled the air.

Emyhr sat in front of the fire. Amira resting in his arms, motionless and calm. This pleased Emyhr, having been so rushed around these past few days, he worried for her. Knowing that she would not say anything, this was all he could do, attempting to make things more comfortable for her. He gently brushed his hand through her hair, picking out a small leaf that had fallen from a nearby tree. Amira opened her eyes, looked up and Emyhr and simply smiled.

Nearby Rayner, Amira's father, tried to get comfortable on one of the logs however this was proving to be difficult. This was quickly followed by Elwyes, Amira's mother, who handed Rayner a cup of wine joining him on the wooden seat. The homely atmosphere, while crude, was something he had desired for a long time. The crackling of the fire and the gentle breeze made for a calming evening. This made Emyhr smile, causing Amira to perk up at the sight of this.

"What are you smiling so childlike at? There isn't much here but woodlands." She joked, pressing further into Emyhr's chest.

"I was just enjoying the atmosphere before you so'rudely' interrupted me.". Laughing his own joke, he reached his arm to the nearby table taking hold of a glass of wine which he handed to Amira and a mug of ale, "Here, something to warm you up a bit."

She took the glass, taking a sip from the fluid within, letting out a comforting sigh. Before she could drift off once again, Emyhr began to speak.

"These past few weeks have been rather rushed, we haven't been given much time to really settle down let alone think about the future." Amira looked up at Emyhr, shifting from his chest to his lap, "I've been thinking, and I know its not ideal, but how would you feel about a small ceremony for our wedding? With everything that could happen, I do worry that should I leave this world I may not get the chance to finally call you my wife."

Amira looked confused by this statement, unsure of the true means she just looked back at him, "What do you mean?"

He took ahold of her hand, "I wish to properally marry you before I should meet an untimely demise, and with the threat closer that I would like, I wish to have the opportunity to call you my wife before that time." Pondering on his words, Emyhr thought about how he would go about saying this. "I know we are far from home and this is not the most ideal of places, however there is something rather romantic about the moon lit sky. What I am trying to say is, how would you feel about a small ceremony? Just us, your parents and close friends under the night sky? I wish to marry you and do so before I pass from this world."

Amira, now realising what Emyhr was trying to say, gripped his hand tighter, "My wish is to marry you, it does not matter to me where we do it or who is there.". She moved his hand to her face and rested against it, "The moon lit sky is rather nice... I wouldn't mind it. Infact, I think I would prefer it." She smiled and looked into Emyhr's eyes. "Lets make it so. Where we are heading towards will make a lovely backdrop for our wedding. I suggest you let Lord Solomon know about this, I am sure he would wish to be here for your wedding."

Emyhr simply nodded. He lent down towards her face, meeting his lips with hers. For a moment, time stopped dead, nothing mattered to them. Wanting only for this moment to last forever.

Roleplay from Emyhr
The Wedding Set Up:

The sun was high in the sky. The leaves were beginning to turn golden and the ripe green grass was starting to wilt and fade. During the day, the location that had chosen was rather plain. However, as they had discovered the previous night, the location gives a perfect view of the moon with the sight of Demyansk in the distance.

Preparations were well under way. A few locals had been hired to clear some of the trees to allow for the ceremony. Emyhr watched over, his wrapped tightly around Amira's waist. The two of them smiling, taking in the fresh autumn breeze. Emyrh had shaved and tidied up his hair for the first time in a couple of seasons. For the first time in a long time, he look respectful once again.

Amira's parents had decided to go to the local market to procure some food and flowers. After Emyhr had said we would do this, they had stopped him and told him to spend the day with Amira. While he felt uncomfortable to not be able to help, he was enjoying this time with his soon to be wife.

"I don't want this to end.. This feeling of.. comfort." He clutched her tighter, spinning her around to face him. He took hold of her hand and guided her into a dance. This turned the heads of the locals who, upon seeing this, departed from the clearing. Emyhr and Amira smiling like children as they danced among the falling leaves. This continued until a leaf landed precariously upon Emyhr's forehead, causing the both of them to laugh.

"I have to admit, I definitely did not take you for a dancer. A pleasant surprise." She gently caressed his shaved face, the feeling of stubble tickling her hand, "You did find a perfect location for this, I couldnt imagine anything more perfect."

"Let us hope that it all goes well. Well, with so few of us, I am sure it will go off without a hitch."

The two of them embraced, Emyhr resting his chin on her head. Amira resting her head on his chest. Once again looking over the hillside towards their home just beyond the horizon.