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Finally, there is one entity that I have yet to mention. It is rumored that the daomons have a queen, Demons, who it is said once walked this world long before my time, but was thankfully banished and chained to prevent her return. I suspect the Daimon lords direct the mystical energy of faith from their Portal worshippers as part of a Grand Rite to fuel her unholy return. Which is why we Templars must destroy them even at the cost of their souls to prevent her return, if she is real.| The Oracle}}
Finally, there is one entity that I have yet to mention. It is rumored that the daomons have a queen, Demons, who it is said once walked this world long before my time, but was thankfully banished and chained to prevent her return. I suspect the Daimon lords direct the mystical energy of faith from their Portal worshippers as part of a Grand Rite to fuel her unholy return. Which is why we Templars must destroy them even at the cost of their souls to prevent her return, if she is real.
There is no weapon or magic I know of that can kill a daimon lord. Their bodies are too closely tied to their font of power: the Netherworld. Daimon Lords are the most difficult of all to slay, but are most susceptible to ambush and capture during the rising and setting of the sun. We do not yet know why this is, but every daimon lord that has ever been captured has been in human lands during these times. Therefore the surest way i know of to slay a daimonlord is to lure them into human lands and hope they make the mistake of greeting the sun at the wrong time. Though I have never witnessed it, but I know what must be done. They must be taken by surprize or wounded in battle, outnumbered, and arrested. Priests subject their mortal forms to holy rituals to ensure that once executed, they stay dead. I have heard rumors that they can be killed in battle, but this has not happened in my lifetime.The last to be destroyed in this manner was the Daimon Lord Akkan when he was captured by soldiers of Ar-Agyr. The entire continent felt Jomorosh's wrath when his brother daimon was executed. | The Oracle}}

Revision as of 21:35, 26 September 2017

The Veiled Goddess and the Oracle

Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair
Message sent to everyone in the region Keffa (8 recipients)
"Obeah is a goddess of Magic. The Heralds believe that life itself is magic, and that humans, unique in all Creation, can channel the power that is their very existence to other planes, and draw power from these planes, in the form of magic. Even among Daimonkind, only their greatest are able to cast even the least of spells, with the rest of their souless legions being little better than the more common 'destroyers' that have walked the earth since time immemorial. Magic in nature though they are, they lack the potential that humanity represents. It is this uniqueness, we believe, that is why the Daimon Lords of the Netherworld so covet our death or devotion, our very souls. Every single one of you represents a source of great power, through the power of your faith, your prayers can channel that power. This is why the Daimon priests have worked so hard to foster and foist the false faith of the Portal everywhere they go. It is how they regenerate their strength and power so quickly. The Herlad's mission, first and foremost, is to serve humanity by eliminating the Worship of the Portal altogether, thus significantly weakening the Daimons of this plane by cutting off a large source of their power, making them easier to destroy once and for all. We we believe that by directing the power of our faith to Obeah, our patron will draw strength enough from us to maybe, one day, enter this plane in physical form. A living mother goddess of Light and Magic who will use her powers to safeguard humanity from Jomorosh, Akkan, and their ilk.

"I am Obeah's Oracle. I have been tasked with interpreting the Goddess's will through signs and visions. It was one such vision that lead me to confront the Daimon Lord Akkan in Ete City not so long ago. In the ultimate test of my faith, I faced down certain death. but the thin golden thread of devotion that linked me to Obeah was enough to safeguard my soul and summon Humanity's protector. Through magic the likes of which we have never seen before, and may never see again, Keffa, and I, were delivered from the depths of evil. The City is protected, divinely so. Obeah's power made manifest in the Daimons you see guarding the city. her magic binds them, forcing them to serve and protect. Fear them for what they are, Daimons, but rejoice in what they represent: That a greater power can command and defeat them. A power that is fueled by you, the good people whose faith is the root of Goodness."

"Obia'Syela, Obeah's Heaven, is to be made a place of worship and faith, of magic and study, a refuge to all from war and terror, and a second chance for many. From here, we will wage war of holy ideals against the Portal. I name the people of the Daishi as brothers and sisters in this fight. And all those who join us as allies. Through study and through Faith, may we find victory against the Infernal Darkness."
Rania Eastersand JeVondair

The Nature of the Daimon

Daimons are not native to this plane, but to the Netherworld. The Veil between our world and theirs is thinest here on Beluaterra. Thin enough, on occasion, to be pierced. These are what we refer to as invasions, and this is not the first. Their coming is proceeded by monstrous hordes without end, beasts and undead ariae from the muck in their hundreds of thousands, laying waist to human kingdoms. Take the Shattered Vales, for example: A moniker adopted when those hearty people were very nearly wiped out and are only now beginning to recover. Furher, Whenever The daimons return, they construct shrines and Temples to their fell worship, called The Portal.

Daimons draw great power from suffering and death, but their lifesouce stems from mystical energy. Thier home plane roils with it, if thier is any truth to their words. However, they cannot sustain their physical form through their Netherworld link alone. They must feed on the faith, bodies, and souls of man. They feed on our flesh to nourish their bodies. They consume the magical power generated from the faith of their worshippers. They exchange mortal souls to the Netherworld like coins, making dark pacts in exchange for reinforcements. We Heralds must understand that every mortal we convert is a soul spared and a Daimon weakened. But every one we kill before we can save is just one more soul for daimons to pass and consume. One of the primary purposes of the Inquisition is to root out these heretics and purify their souls so that they may be saved and sustenance denied to the Netherworld. The Heralds redirect the mystical power of faith from the darkness of evil to the light of Obeah instead.

Through this war and my journeys within it, I have encountered three kinds. The first and weakest of these are the Lesser Daimons: chittering tyrants little better than beasts and just as widely varied. Some skitter like Beatles or fly like gargoyals, others swim or slither like great snakes. Their only unifying feature besides their rage and thirst to inflict human suffering are their eyes which bien like twin sunsets; some say a mirror reflecting the evil light of their infernal home plane. These wretched feed more on flesh than faith, thief small intellect requires leadership lest they swarm over friend and for alike. They do not discriminate and attack in their hundreds, every one of them being as strong as two men at least.

The second type is the Greater Daimons. These creatures are less bestial than their lesser counterparts, often humanoid and even adopting human affectations like clothes and weapons. Each is half again and more as tall as a man, their bones wrapped thick with muscl and their forms enriched by the pathetic faith of the conquered. They form distinct troupes of rarely more than a score, and I have seen ONE of these troupes through back entire armies of humans. Rather than fight with their claws, Greater Daemons often fight from the rear of their armies, lobbing globes of elemental force to decimate their foes, though I pity those who go sword to claw with them. Peasants die in their thousands.

The highest caste in the hierarchy of the netherworld are the Daimon Lords. These are their commanders, their priests, and their sorcerers, and their ruling councilors. These are the mighty that whisper promises onto the ears of weak mortal kings to seduce them with power. These are the ones who can create and cast scrolls seemingly from nowhere. Worse, the more magic that human mages cast in a region, the more the Daimon lord can draw from the miasma of power that we ourselves unleashed. An invasion is only ended when all the Daimon lords are killed. Thanks to the valiant efforts of the mainlanders, most of whome were Daishi, there is only one Daimon Lord left, the strongest, their Overlord Jomorosh.

I have fought Daimon lords spell for spell. I have rotted in their dungeons and suffered their tortures. The unspeakable things they did to me would have destroyed my will to live. My fight was personal, and it was how I first came to know Obeah. Without Her, I would surely have fallen. Through the grace of our Goddess, I have enslaved and commanded both greater and lessor daimons and pitted them 'gainst their own kind. And so it is that Jomorosh hates us with a special intensity, but stays far from the borders of the Sacred Realm.

Finally, there is one entity that I have yet to mention. It is rumored that the daomons have a queen, Demons, who it is said once walked this world long before my time, but was thankfully banished and chained to prevent her return. I suspect the Daimon lords direct the mystical energy of faith from their Portal worshippers as part of a Grand Rite to fuel her unholy return. Which is why we Templars must destroy them even at the cost of their souls to prevent her return, if she is real.

There is no weapon or magic I know of that can kill a daimon lord. Their bodies are too closely tied to their font of power: the Netherworld. Daimon Lords are the most difficult of all to slay, but are most susceptible to ambush and capture during the rising and setting of the sun. We do not yet know why this is, but every daimon lord that has ever been captured has been in human lands during these times. Therefore the surest way i know of to slay a daimonlord is to lure them into human lands and hope they make the mistake of greeting the sun at the wrong time. Though I have never witnessed it, but I know what must be done. They must be taken by surprize or wounded in battle, outnumbered, and arrested. Priests subject their mortal forms to holy rituals to ensure that once executed, they stay dead. I have heard rumors that they can be killed in battle, but this has not happened in my lifetime.The last to be destroyed in this manner was the Daimon Lord Akkan when he was captured by soldiers of Ar-Agyr. The entire continent felt Jomorosh's wrath when his brother daimon was executed.

– The Oracle