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1st Entry, Winter, 5th year after Colonization

Kole looked up from cleaning his blade, sitting in the firelight outside the large tent his office allowed, as the sun finally set, out of sight behind Mt. Black Nastrond. Further down the slope sat Nifelhold, a city under siege. The days and weeks of the siege had left the city as a virtual ruin. The township around the walls was almost completely destroyed, only a few walls remained of what was a bustling community. The walls were ragged, strewn with holes and cracks, with blood smeared along the tops of the walls. Even the mighty spire at the cities centre was riddled with cracks, and looked to be leaning slightly. Fires burned through out the city, smoke curling lazily skywards.

Kole looked then to land before the city, which had until recently been a field of battle, lifeless and barren, devoid of all plant life. Standards of many companies still stood where they had fallen, surrounded by the bodies of the deceased. Although priests moved among the dead, blessing and removing the bodies, it would be long before the bodies had all been removed. Even then they could not remove the blood, which now stained the ground so thickly that the mud ran red whenever it rained.

Even now the few siege engines that were left fired boulders the size of carts into the city, sending screams raising from the within the city. They would have to stop soon, their ammunition was limited until the supply trains reached them on the morrow. Many units were battered from this long siege, but the brutality of the attack was winning out. They would hold the city soon, Kole was sure. Kole finished cleaning his blade and stood, sheathing his sword and stretching his arms. It was truly dark now, the city bathed in a baleful orange glow, like the depths of the abyss. Yes, it would be over soon. At least, he could only hope.