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==[[The Church of Qyrvagg/The Book of Amekal]]==
==[[The Church of Qyrvagg/The Book of Amekal|The Book of Amekal]]==
==[[Chronicles of Amekal]]==
==[[The Church of Qyrvagg/Chronicles of Amekal|Chronicles of Amekal]]==
There. A summary of our doctrines.
Now I shall tell you of our history.
It all began long, long ago, at the battle of Nem-e-Kabu. There, a mighty warrior named Sartan ascended to the level of deity, for his bravery in combat. He became the 4th God in the Pantheon of Ibladesh.
But what the Ibladeshian priests did not record are the others elevated. Each one of their Gods has an entire pantheon of demi-Gods. Sartans were Qyrvagg, his younger brother and shield bearer, Eshen, and Hosral.
A while later, Ibladeshian missionaries ventured to the Far East Island, and founded a realm called Sartania, which was devoted to the God of War: Sartan. But it became corrupt. Its Pontifex, Gheros, was a pacifist and money-launderer. Its general/duke was a de facto dictator, and inneffective. Its banker was silent, its people weak-minded and undevoted to Sartan.
It was in this land of spiritual depravity that hireshmont was cast ashore, literally, as a child. he was raised in the temple courts. When he came of age, his noble status was discovered. Having always been a devout follower of Sartan, he was fanatically devoted to Sartanianism, to the Sartanian Sect. But he was quickly dissilusioned and became angry, for the Sartanian government did not adhere to Sartan's doctrines. Then, Hireshmont's mind was taken by Qyrvagg to view a mighty deed.
The souls of the few, though valiant, followers of Qyrvagg(we have not found them all yet. SOmewhere, out there, are secret QYrvaggians, others like us. I believe the Path of the Great Dragon may be like that) took up arms against the numerous and weak souls of Sartan's followers. In the great battle of Hakan-del-Zir, Sartan was overthrown. Eshen and Hosral became one, Eshen-Hosral, and Qyrvagg Ascended to the role of God.
I will continue in the next message.
When Hireshmont saw this, he began to gather followers to reinstate Sartan to his role as God of War. He formed a secret denomination of the Sartanian Sect, called the True Sartanians. He tried to explain to Gheros and others what had happenned, they did not believe him. Sartan abandoned the land, and abandoned Hireshmont.
Baiko, I'm sure you remember that. You remember the Trials, or at least the early parts of them. You remember how Hireshmont stayed behind to defend the faith.
After days of sleepless debate, Hireshmont demolished Sartanian theology, and outlined the basics of Qyrvaggism. He tried to get caught by Sartanian troops, he even let assassins assault him. But the Sartanians bungled the whole affair. 200 troops policing a small townsland couldnt catch one rogue Prophet, even with 2 days of searching. Two assassins failed, one accidently stabbed herself.
Hireshmont took that as a sign from Qyrvagg to flee, so he fled. Before he did, he laid a curse upon Pontifex Gheros. He proclaimed that she would fall from her position on the winter equinox, by the vengeance of QYrvagg.
IT CAME TRUE(OOC- I almost died laughing when it did come true!). On the winter equinox, or within a few days of it, Gheros was found guilty of money laundering, to the tune of 200-300 gold per week, sent to a secret family account. She was removed from office.
The judge, Sparticus, aided in maing the former Marshall, Sito, the new Pontifex. Sparticus was just, and sympathized with the True Sartanians. Sito did as well. QYrvagg blesses those who do not despise his name.
Anyways... after Hireshmont fled to Oligarch in the East Continent, Qyrvagg sought a new Prophet. He found one. Another member of my family, Hridrion, who was only 13, and dwelt in Valentia. But Hridrion was stricken by a snake soon after recieving the role of Prophet. SO Qyrvagg called me from the Barony of Makar, and I went to Valentia.
Baiko had been saving money in Lasanar, and she brought that cash to valentia. We intended to found the Church there, and found another sympathizer, by the name of billy. Together the Temple would be made.
But billy was a duplicitous traitor. He became power hungry, and frame us as traitors. The megalomaniacal King Kokomaro had us banned for heresy(thats 2 prophets sent into exile because of heresy!), and for attempted rebellion. Okay, so we were heretics. But we were not rebels.
We trekked south. AFter weeks of trekking through Fronen, Melhed, and Avalon, we arrived here in Riombara. We quickly set to work constructing the Temple, in Irombro. Duke Marc became our first patron.
Bolkenia was the next location. Bethany aided greatly, and helped implement QYrvaggism into a complete, institutionalized religion. The rest, well... look around you.
==[[The Book of Guides]]==
==[[The Book of Guides]]==

Revision as of 19:25, 19 August 2006

The Book of Amekal

Chronicles of Amekal

The Book of Guides

  • To put it bluntly, the Visions of the Prophets are often difficult to interpret. Thus, I, Amekal, have taken it upon myself to offer a much shorter, simpler version of each Vision, an interpretation, if you will.
    • The Battle of Ascension
      • Essentially, Sartan was defeated because his followers were not devoted to him, or to the virtues of battle. It was a spiritual battle, and hints at other groups of Qyrvaggians we know nothing about(QYrvagg's host BEFORE the Church). Qyrvagg ascends to power, the new pantheon is put in place.
    • The Trial and Escape
      • A figurative representation of Hireshmont's Trial in Sartania. TO make it brief, Hireshmont demolished the Sartanian chief priests in several days of theological debate.
    • The First Incarnation
      • Solecos passes the Prophethood to Hridrion. Prior to the Vision of The Amekanun, it was unknown exactly how this was done, what exactly IS the Prophethood? Now it is known that it is The Amekanun, or, more correctly, the conduit, the spirit, through which it passes.
    • Doom of Chance
      • The death of Hridrion, the Green Serpent represents cowardice, and the effects it has on people.
    • Second Incarnation
      • The Prophethood(The Amekanun) is passed on to Amekal.
    • Call to Valentia
      • Amekal is called out of the Barony of Makar, to Valentia, the Church's Second Home, after Sartania.
    • The Temple
      • In this vision, the Temple is first seen and planned, though those are not the deminsions used, they were metaphorical. ALso here, Qyrvagg calls the Church to move to Riombara, through a vision of a Riombaran Disciple of Qyrvagg. It is unknown if it depicted a specific person or not. If so, that person is yet to be found.
    • The Gifting of the Weapons
      • Three parts are crucial to this. Firstly, the Second Avatar is first discovered: Tialok. Phoenix Guardian of the Church. Tialok is to DEFEND the Church. Secondly, a tool is given to UNIFY the Church, the Flamebanner. Lastly, a powerful talisman to LEAD the Church, the Staff. Defense, Unification, and Guidance, this is the calling of the Prophet. Even here, in this Vision, the coming of The Amekanun is foreshadowed. The scene at the beginning of the vision, the slaughter of the acolytes, is believed to be a warning against standing against the Amekanun, against denying the true prophecy, against heresy. Heresy will destroy the Church by weakening it.
    • The New Temple
      • A message of rebirth, this Vision calls for the True Beginning, the official beginning of the Church.
    • The End of a Prophet
      • Regarded by some as one of the most important of all prophecies(the other two are the Gifting of the Weapons, and the Amekanun), this vision recounts the death of Amekal, for the first time. Also, this is the first time that the Amekanun is mentioned by name. It was originally believed that Amekanun was merely a name for Amekal, to signify his new rebirth in Qyrvagg, we know better now. The Amekanun is the driving force of the Church. The encounter between Hridrion and Amekal has mystified me, and many scholars for a long time. Its exact meaning is unknown, though the saying, "Prophets never die" has become commonplace, and is taken to refer to the eternal life side-by-side with Qyrvagg, when the Prophet becomes the Amekanun. The man in chains is Hireshmont. HEre, Qyrvagg announces that the Prophet must not be his own self, but must be a conduit for the Amekanun.
    • The Amekanun
      • This is the vision which many say has left the greatest mark of QYrvaggian theology. In this vision, the Amekanun is firmly established. It is the Child-Spirit of Qyrvagg, which dwells in the Church, flowing through the Prophets, from Qyrvagg(the Father). When a Prophet dies, the conduit is closed, until Solecos(The ANnointer) opens a new one. In that time, the Prophet has taken his seat at Qyrvagg's side, and is channelled back to the Church through the new Prophet, becoming one with the Amekanun. With the passing of each prophet, the Amekanun grows stronger. This Child-Spirit flows from QYrvagg to the Church, enriching it. Those who bear this spirit may accept his blessings, his aid in battle, his aid in peace, is aid in all walks of life, for his power is great and manifold. The afterlife here is also depicted, those who have lived life well, following the virtues of battle(consciously or unconsciously) will dwell in bliss in Qyrvagg's great city. For they no longer need conflict, for they have already been refined by trials.


Epistle to Enweil

Greetings, troop leaders of Enweil.

I am Amekal Vellos, Third Prophet of Qyrvagg. I have heard news that Qyrvaggism has finally come to you, and I rejoice! You may finally see the truth of the Church of Qyrvagg!

Unfortunately, it seems that the same heresy as always has popped up. We have named it the Warmonger Heresy. It is the false belief that Qyrvaggism necessarily is a religion of blatant bloodshed and warmongering. This is false. We seek the betterment of humanity, through conflict. Conflict need not only mean war and bloodshed.

Now, we do take joy in battle, we rejoice in combat, for it is a time, a great testing, of our devotion to Qyrvagg: will we in glorious battle die for him. In war, as in all conflict, the Virtues are tested. The Virtues which I speak of are loyalty, courage, honor, strength, obedience, and fellowship.

Yes its true, Qyrvagg is the God of War and Battle. But more importantly, Qyrvagg is the God who blesses his followers, the God who is our friend, he is the Supreme God. He is the true victor of Hakan-del-Zir, the battle of souls.

So I beseech you, nobles of Enweil, do not fall into the trap of believing that Qyrvaggism is merely a religion of warmongering. That is false, it is a heresy we have many times fought against.

Look to our doctrines. Yes, on face value, it seems we are warmongers. But Qyrvaggism is a religion of more than face value. There is depth, if you choose to see it. Look beneath the surface, look at our actions. And know then the truth, that the Church offers what no other religion, no other God, can offer: true discovery of the self, true benefit to humanity, true guidance from the heavens, true assistance of the deities. In short, we offer not bloodshed and warfare, we offer truth, and whatever comes with it.

Epistle to Elaine

Hello, Elaine.

I sincerely apologize for my slow response, I was in a Luz de Bian prison. I have failed you; as the Prophet of Qyrvagg, it is my responsibility to look after my Arch Priests.

Elaine, you may not believe this, but I too have lost love. I too know the pangs of knowing that you will never be with the one you love again. Yes, it was different from what you are going through, but it was similar too.

Of all the things you should not do, leave the Church is first and foremost. Now is when you need the Church the most! When life seems to be breaking down around you, when all seems to be lost, come, just as you are, to the Altar of Qyrvagg. There let the Amekanun flow through you, find peace and contentment in the raging fire of Qyrvagg, let the hot spirit of the Amekanun course through your veins.

Then lift your blade know that you are Elaine, Arch Priestess of Cagamir by the Power of Qyrvagg and the Amekanun which flows through the Prophets, and which flows from you to the people of Cagamir. There is strength in you Elaine, use it! I do not know if Qyrvagg has sent this as a test or not, I cannot say. But weather he has or not, this is a time to show who you are. In conflict we are refined, Elaine my friend, in conflict we are refined. This does not ONLY mean battle, Elaine! That is the false teaching of Yggdrasili to believe that conflict always means battle and war. No, even more importantly, conflict is internal. We are refined through internal turmoil, and we come out stronger because WE ARE THE HOLY HOST OF QYRVAGG. You and I, the whole Church, we are one, and we are all seperate. Made strong individually through collective strength, through the virtues of battle.

Loyalty to the Church and to yourself Elaine, that is first. It is a small and easy virtue, one that is entirely of action, not thought. But it is the root of the others. Loyalty.

Courage of the mind and heart, Elaine, that is second. Because you are loyal to the Church and to your own heart, be brave and take heart! Courageously stand up to these troubles! The Church stands with you! I satdn with you! The Amekanun stands with you!

Honor comes from this courage, ELaine. Because you will be courageous, you will find yourself defending that which is honorable. Courage is honor when directed truly, and it is directed truly always when in service to the Church and the Amekanun.

Strength comes from all of this, and aids all of this. When you ahve found yourself honorable because of your courage, then you have discovered the strength which you have always had.

And when you are strong, you will find that you again are ready to stand in obedience with the rest of the Church ot the will of Qyrvagg. And when you are with us, we have fellowship.

Take heart, Arch Priestess Elaine. Take heart and stay the true path of the Amekanun. I shall pray for you.