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(Outline only - cleaning coming)
(Outline only - cleaning coming)
- Charlotte's Aggression on Libero
- Charlotte's Aggression on Libero

Revision as of 16:27, 26 July 2012

Chapter 1: The Empire of Springdale

The city of Springdale rose on the northeastern coasts of Dwilight, and its first inhabitants dreamed of wide lands and an even wider realm. It took control of the surrounding plains to the south and west, and eventually it annexed the spire of Nifelhold within sight of the Mt. Black Nastrond. The Empire formed an alliance of convenience with the deeply religious people of Morek to the south - apparently both realms were wary in case war erupted between the expansionist Dalians and the religious Dongese who wished to propagate their faith. Eventually the cities of Muspelheim and Aegir were added to the Empire.

Between the expansion of the Springdale Empire, unrest took place between the nobles and the allegedly corrupt government under Attius Miriel. The rebel forces rallied under Neel Arya, and it was he who took the leadership as the rebellion succeeded. All seemed fair as the Empire moved northwards beyond the Mt. Black - but the seeds of discontent were planted already.

Chapter 2: The Fall of the Empire

The Empire of Springdale held briefly a couple of the regions of the northern peninsula, but the internal wounds prevented them from progressing further. Emperor Neel Arya began to lead the realm with an iron fist, going even against the counsels of his nobles. Eventually the Duke of Muspelheim, Cato De La Fere, under the guise of his faith, seceded his duchy to form the realm of Virovene.

Virovene pledged faith to the Blood Stars, and Morek to the south readily came to the aid of its fellow believers, breaking the peace between it and Springdale. Edward Raiva, Duke of Aegir, also seceded his duchy, fearing that the Empire would not be able to defend his domain. The Empire thought it can stand against the forces of Morek and Virovene - and perhaps it could have - but the internal wounds proved to be too great. Even the Duke of Springdale himself, Sammael Haine, removed his duchy and pledged himself to the realm of Morek. The Empire was reduced to its last bastion: the citadel of Nifelhold.

Thus did the Empire of Springdale, which once encompassed four duchies and was the largest and greatest in known Dwilight, fall upon itself. The Dalians called it the Wars of Secession; those of Morek and Virovene named it the Wars of Independence. Some decided to seek refuge in the Raivan Empire on Aegir, some began to plan a new realm where they could raise anew the glory of Springdale, and some decided to stay and fight until the bitter end.

Chapter 3: The Passing of Spring and the Conception of Summer

A few still fought upon the spire of Nifelhold. Others, however, were already planning the formation of a new kingdom for the Dalian people. They set their eyes upon the city of Nifelheim in the northern peninsula - and there they met opposition.

Virovene claimed the city and the lands for itself, and it wished that the last shred of the Dalians fade from the earth. It would have succeeded, but already it faced problems. Morek questioned then the nature of Virovene, thinking perhaps that its duke hid behind the faith in order to achieve his own gains. Without the support of the south, Virovene could not extend its power.

A band of nobles from the Raivan Empire eventually set out and took Nifelheim. The surrounding wild lands joined the fledgling realm - and it was named Summerdale.

Chapter 4: The Fall of Summerdale

(Outline only - cleaning coming)

- Charlotte's Aggression on Libero

- Libero Empire vs. Summerdale

- Taking and loss of Mount Black

- Entrance of Morek to the wars

- Multiple regions secede to Astrum

- Final assault on Nifel (dead rose to fight alongside Libero / Morek)

- Siege of Nifelheim

- Final Charge of the Dalians

- The Exodus of the Dalians