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Military Structure of Madina Republic

Written by Lord Admiral De Blanc of Madina

The Lord Admiral

The Lord Admiral overlooks the army, he does not control it, unless if in times of national security. Madina will not use its army to go to war, Madina will only go on expeditions and loot foreign nations, they will only fight battles on there own grounds. The Lord Admiral will only function as a strategic advisor to those who are planning foreign expeditions until the national security is in danger, then every unit will be under his command. The seat of Lord Admiral is an appointed one that lies within the Grand Doge's authority or instead it may be elected once or each quarter.

Landed Lords

The Landed Lords may claim any land at any time, but it is preferred to state their intentions to the Lord Admiral before dragging their entire army outside the legitimate borders of Madina. It is important that permission to leave the borders is granted from the Lord Admiral first or else the army may be forced to spend weeks of waiting before the detachment is relieved of realm duty.

That is because there may be an imminent threat that only the Lord Admiral might be aware of and caution might be advised. Thus, it is within his duty to estimate the length of any campaign and the extend of it so that realm integrity is first ensured. For the aforementioned reasons the Lord Admiral also maintains the right to set timeframes for every campaign outside the borders of Madina.

The Marshal

The Marshal is responsible for army administration and for army’s important mail delivery to the Lord Admiral acting as an intermediary. Any complaint or request (questions and details included) over military affairs should be addressed to the appropriate Marshal, unless if it is something extremely urgent or scout reports. On his turn, the Marshal brings the matter forth to the Lord Admiral's attention.

The Second in Command is under the authority of the Marshal.


Any report, complaint or request should be addressed to the appropriate liege or Marshal (or his Second in Command), unless if it is an urgency or scout reports. The Knights maintain the right to lead a unit of their choice and to question the Marshal’s guidelines as long as the army’s unity and coherence are not disturbed. Any Knight maintains the right to abstain from a campaign or a mission as long as his liege is in accordance and the appropriate Marshal has also been informed.

Insubordination of issued Orders will be recorded and dealt accordingly. Knights maintain the right to protest the Lord Admiral out of office as long as it has been first ensured that he is the person to be blamed for. In addition, leaving the borders of Madina requires verified permission of the Lord Admiral himself. Any violation of the specific paragraph will be addressed to Lord Court Master and it will be dealt as it is deemed fit.

Copy signed by
~+~ Lord A. De Blanc of Madina