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Letter from Timast Solacesta (18 days, 5 hours ago) My Lady,

Fear not regarding the Prophet's removal of you from the Church Ranks. It has been given to us Justices of the Faith to try you and permit you. I for one, will see this matter as quickly given.

Do you wish to represent yourself, or do you wish to appoint one to represent you?

Branthorpe is not amongst those that will hear this, and the Full members of the Faithful will be witness to your reinstatement. I have found you worthy and will continue to, as I know you, and I know of your belief in the Stars.

Timast Solacesta High Inquisitor of Niselur, Earl of Bberentaur

Letter from Timast Solacesta (18 days ago) My Lady,

The Justices of the Faith that are to deliberate are myself Justice Bengt Algotsson, as well as Justice Melania Rahl.

I have found Justice Rahl to be quite fair in my dealings with her. I cannot say of Justice Algotsson, though I feel that he will be as well.

I shall communicate to them and the Prophet as well your intent to represent yourself in this matter.

Timast Solacesta High Inquisitor of Niselur, Earl of Bberentaur

Letter from Branthorpe Silverbear (17 days, 9 hours ago) Coffermistress Kabrinski,

I will consider giving you a character witness. The current trial concerns me deeply.

Letter from Branthorpe Silverbear (9 hours, 11 minutes ago) Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism" (62 recipients) Brothers and Sisters,

My views about Coffermistress Allison are well known. I would at the moment hardly call myself a supporter of her membership of the faith.

I have served as chairman of the last Magistratum. I have served on more than one Magistratum. I have a good idea of how it was designed to work, the format is well known. I share the concerns of others. The Magistratum must be fair to all. Fair and transparent. The panel of Judges must be known. One of the Judges should be sympathetic to Allison Kabrinski's. All members of the faith should be able to pass evidence of the panel of Judges.

This is unfair to Kabrinski - as a point of principal I can not support this set-up.

Laws, regulations and conventions must be followed - they are the foundations of the Church. The Church's foundations do not look strong at the moment.

For the Stars,

Branthorpe Silverbear (Knight of Caiyun)

Branthorpe Silverbear (Knight of Caiyun)

Letter from Proslyn Merytis (17 days, 4 hours ago) Lady Allison,

If you are speaking of Lady Varchilde, then I did indeed have the opportunity to meet her; a fine young woman, and quite earnest.

I had not thought her situation to hold such a lack of results. In any case, do let it be known that a priest of the Blood Stars is quite free to come to Askileon to proselytize.


Proslyn Merytis High Treasurer of Pian en Luries, Duke of Askileon

Letter from Bengt Algotsson (16 days, 22 hours ago) Message sent to: Allison Kabrinski, Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Melania Rahl, Timast Solacesta Lady Allison Kabrinski,

I have sent you, a few days ago, two questions, the answers to which were shared with the Elders. You are aware by now that the Prophet, whom you have accepted as the leader of the Church, has decided to open an inquiry into the matter of your reconciliation with the Faith, and that he has appointed these Justices to a special session of the Magistratum to facilitate this reconciliation. Are you prepared to work with this panel for the purpose stated and to honestly answer all inquiries related to this case?

In Faith,

Bengt Algotsson High Inquisitor of Corsanctum, Count of Eisenik

Letter from Constantine Meneldur (16 days, 20 hours ago) Lady, you are indeed mistaken. As it was the Prophet himself who declared your guilt that is assumed. This trial is whether and on what terms you are to be allowed to rejoin the faith.

Constantine Meneldur (Priest of Sanguis Astroism) [reply to sender] | [ignore] | [userdetails] | [vulgarity]

Letter from Bengt Algotsson (16 days, 20 hours ago) Message sent to: Allison, Anabellium, Constantine, Mathurin, Melania, Timast, Varchilde Lady Allison, putting things out of context - in front of the full body of believers! - is not helping your reconciliation in any way. You have asked if you are considered guilty of being an enemy of the faith, and indeed you are, as Light Constantine has said, since the Prophet has proclaimed you so.

However, this trial is your opportunity to clear your name, and to persuade the Prophet to withdraw this enemy status. You can do so by explaining your questionable past actions, which you will be asked about. You can also dedicate yourself to future actions, beneficial for the Faith, which will count towards reconciliation as well.

Now pray let us know whether you are serious about going on with this process, before any more ink is wasted already.

Bengt Algotsson High Inquisitor of Corsanctum, Count of Eisenik

Letter from Bengt Algotsson (16 days, 17 hours ago) As far as I'm concerned, you are currently declared an enemy of the faith, having been declared guilty without a trial. I don't fully understand the Prophet's motives for this decision, but I do believe it was justified by the information he had at the time. However, I don't believe this state is good for the Faith, as you have shown considerable talents in the past and, if at all possible, the Faith should continue to take advantage of these talents. But it depends on you to ensure a new verdict this time. Perhaps some of your past actions were not as bad as they looked; perhaps others were indeed mistakes, and can be compensated by future service to the Church. I do not know, since all I have is one letter you shared with us shortly after leaving the Faith, and your friends have procedural arguments with the Justices, instead of submitting testimony on your behalf.

Bengt Algotsson High Inquisitor of Corsanctum, Count of Eisenik

Letter from Constantine Meneldur (16 days, 4 hours ago) Lady Allison,

The Prophet has explained the currant happenings in a simple way that I hope will end your confusion.

Letter from Mathurin Hossenfeffer (3 hours, 25 minutes ago) Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism" (62 recipients)


Once again the chatter of the Church is dominated by Allison Kabrinski. I shall explain the situation, in short sentences, using simple words so there is some hope that you will all understand.

This is not a trial of the Magistratum, so procedure has been broken.

This is not a trial.

This is an appeal.

Allison Kabrinski is an Enemy of the Faith. If you cannot accept this, then leave the Faith, or call the Magistratum to try me.

Allison Kabrinski has demonstrated a desire to return to the Faith.

She has been granted an opportunity to demonstrate that she is worthy to do so.

This appeal will assess her worthiness.

The three Justices of the Faith, the highest ranking judges in the Faith have been appointed to hear her appeal.

They were chosen for their experience, and their seniority, as well as their neutrality to Xinhai.

I trust that they will do their job fairly, and dilligently.

Mathurin Hossenfeffer Holy Prophet of Corsanctum, Duke of Mimer

If you do not wish to rejoin the Church then please announce so immediatly to the elders.

In Faith,

Constantine Meneldur (Priest of Sanguis Astroism)

Letter from Constantine Meneldur (16 days, 2 hours ago) If you win this appeal you will be allowed back into the faith and your enemy title will be stripped away. However the judges may also ask you to perform some kind of apology or penance for your deeds.

Constantine Meneldur (Priest of Sanguis Astroism)

Letter from Bengt Algotsson (15 days, 22 hours ago) Lady Allison, you are given the hearing you had not received before. Please understand that none of the Justices are prejudiced against you or Xinhai, on the contrary High Inquisitor Melania belongs to your ally Astrum and I have repeatedly expressed public regret at your separation from the Church. Also, please understand that the proceedings can't be public (although you may release any documents publicly when the reconciliation is done, if you so wish), for multiple reasons: first, we have to work within the mandate that the Prophet gave; second, you have very vocal friends and enemies in the Church, who will disrupt the proceedings.

In order to allow you to prepare your replies, I will let you know in advance what I believe to be the main difficulties. Clearing your name will be the easier part, but it is a far better objective to restore trust between you and the Prophet, so you can be in the future appointed to Church positions that will allow you to do good work for the Faith. In this light (without looking at the evidence yet), the main issues are probably 1. Maligning the Church, in the "joke" letter 2. Apostasy, i.e. leaving the Church on a whim. I do not see 1) as being particularly difficult, you will need some sort of explanation for the letter; in any case, it is probably easy to show that the Church has not, in fact, been hurt. 2) is the more serious issue; it is not an easy matter to leave the Church willingly, and we must not leave the impression that anyone can leave the Church and then rejoin as though nothing happened. An explanation is required here (I do hope you regret the step), and probably also some sort of service to the Church. If service is needed, it is far better to choose something yourself, and volunteer it, rather than being told by the judges (and no, I don't think immediately serving as Light of Maddening qualifies). Some suggestions might include service for some time as the Prophet's knight, or a special mission to the south to get a temple built in virgin territory, or some diplomatic action to end or mitigate the current war between Believers. I'm sure you can think of more possibilities than I can; pretty much anything that helps to spread or strengthen the Faith.

This is of course my personal opinion and advice (subject to modification as the evidence comes in), and I have not discussed these things with the other judges yet. But you do see that this reconciliation need not be difficult, if you are only willing to put your pride aside for a little bit and honestly cooperate with the current Magistratum. The Faith needs you, and you need it as well, as you have realized by now that you simply can't achieve as much outside the Church.


Bengt Algotsson High Inquisitor of Corsanctum, Count of Eisenik

Letter from Bengt Algotsson (15 days, 22 hours ago)


Letter from Melania Rahl (7 minutes ago) Message sent to all elder members of "Sanguis Astroism" (8 recipients)

I believe High Inquisitor Bengt has been approaching this from the right angle. We need a statement of faith from Lady Allison containing her explanation/apology for the past, her current faith in the Bloodstars, her trust in our Prophet, and her intent for the future.

I apologize for my brevity, and I fear that my future correspondences will be equally short.

In Faith, Melania Rahl Haruspex Maximus of Astrum, Marchioness of Gelene Outskirts

Bengt Algotsson High Inquisitor of Corsanctum, Count of Eisenik

Letter from Bengt Algotsson (15 days, 21 hours ago) Lady Allison,

I can forward all your messages to the Magistratum as they are, if you wish. Alternatively, you can message the Elders. I can't alter your rank, unfortunately, as it was created especially for these proceedings (and I'm stuck away from a temple anyways).

Regarding your last letter, I think it does a lot in the right direction. There are a few points in it I would like to address, however. Would you like me to forward it to the Magistratum unchanged, as an official document for the proceedings, and hear my reply along with those of the other Justices; or would you like to first hear my points privately, and keep the option of making revisions, if you so wish?

In faith,

Bengt Algotsson High Inquisitor of Corsanctum, Count of Eisenik

Letter from Bengt Algotsson (15 days, 20 hours ago) All right then. (I was under the impression that you had told Justice Timast you would represent yourself.) As soon as you have the representation issue sorted out, let me know and I will officially open the Magistratum's session with putting forward the two issues I have already mentioned (maligning and apostasy) and Justice Melania's message that you have seen already. Then you will have the opportunity to present a declaration in response to these issues, perhaps on the lines of what you have sent me already. The Justices will then be able to ask you various questions. Provided your answers are found satisfactory, I will then recommend that you be cleared of enemy status and granted the rank of Aspirant (the Prophet has requested that this is the rank you are to receive, if you are cleared), with automatic promotion to full member rank (and possibility to attain any other rank within the Church) upon completion of a penance that does not involve you changing your oath from Xinhai, if such penance is found necessary. Do you find this format for the proceedings fair and acceptable?

Regarding your declaration, these are my comments. First, your past deeds have granted you special treatment, I would not normally contact and advise someone who was officially an enemy of the faith. Stating that you have helped the Faith in PeL even when outside is good, maybe some detail can be added. It is also good that the past actions be mentioned, but it's best that you get someone else to mention them in a recommendation. Archon Anabellium has already made such lists of your accomplishments in the public halls, perhaps she can compile them into a single document. Or it might be even better if you got someone from outside Xinhai to speak highly of your past.

Regarding the explanations for your leaving and for the "joke" statement, they are pretty good in general but maybe they can be toned down a little. Precise rules are being discussed now and are on the way to being put into effect. Stating that other people have made similar "joke" statements is not very effective; you will probably be asked for their names, and in any case this only proves that others have maligned the Church too. It might be more effective to explain the context for the message (why were you writing to an unbelieving leader at that point?) and to explain that it has done no harm to the Church. If you want to state you're sorry, it is perhaps better placed with the apostasy issue, as this is the more important issue, in my opinion. If you are willing to make a penance for the admitted mistakes, clearly state this at the end, indicating that you will accept suggestions on the matter, as long as they don't involve breaking your oath with Xinhai.

I hope this is helpful. Best of luck and I hope these proceedings will end soon, with your name cleared and the Faith gaining your strength once again.

Per aspera ad astra,

Bengt Algotsson High Inquisitor of Corsanctum, Count of Eisenik