Difference between revisions of "Heen (Realm)/Heenite Highlights/July '07/Undead Ramblings"

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Latest revision as of 12:20, 14 February 2009

Maldiciones: Following the death of Hannibal at the hands of the Heenite defenders, and the consequent dropping of two unique special items of great power.....

"My, my, my...what a waste. To think that Hannibal died because he ordered the undead to wait for me...now we must stay and protect the fallen relics until trusted adventurers arrive to find them."

Dominus: Obviously worried because Heen has decimated the majority of the undead force, when the undead had intended to make their force bigger there, Dominus decides to attempt to hide his fear by speaking untruths.....

"It is amusing...how rather than overthrowing this corrupt government (Monarch and lame-duck General) it was somehow seen as wiser to see everything you hold dear turned to rubble...even before the invasion begins.

We are but a handful of undead, we were 4, and now it seems that we are 2. But even so, after so much destruction and so many Heenites in our prisons...still, those remaining will not do the right thing and correct this wrong.

Lead a fool over the cliff, that is quite some devotion you have to your foolish leaders. Does that make you brave, or dumb, though? Listen closely...hear those screams? Those were all your comrades that died for nothing here...none of this had to take place. None of it. Don't believe me? Ask your cowardly leaders why they did not give up their lives for Heen, and I'm sure they'll give you a great excuse. Had I been in their shoes, I would have gladly given my life for my Home--wait, I did. Here I am today, once again, putting my own after the grave responsibilities at risk because of the foolishness of your leaders. I should be way up north by now...but since you killed Hannibal and certain lost relics are here, well, we are stuck once again in your soils. Great..."

Dominus: Outmanouevered by Heenites in battle and in logical argument, Dominus strangely tries to worry Heenites that Sint will not be pleased that the undead have been destroyed in Heen......

"You are finally speaking up for yourself, and not crying out to the heavens for mercy.

That is the beginning of your enlightenment, or perhaps, the beginning of your breakdown. Time will tell.

"You really wish to follow in the footsteps of your leader? I'd say that's you following him off a cliff."

Saying things like that suggest the latter...it is not we who have lost 10 battles in a row...it is you young lad.

As for the rest of you, we are not here to break you. We were here to gather supplies. We told your pathetic general that we'd be leaving once populations levels were at "x" figures. We did as promised. Now we are here to do it again, not because we planned to, but because Hannibal fell here with two items that belong to us...so we must wait for friendly hands to find them and return them to us.

There are 4 undead in your borders. 6 are throughout the world defending our allies. We have killed numerous Daimons with our allies, more than the monsters, and we have also taken more supplies for our own armies than Heen would have ever offered offensively. Heen was a parasite, and will always be, until she fights for humanity--and not herself. Valhalla has the option of aiding Sint against the Daimons, but instead, he comes here? I am sure Sint really appreciates that...the three of you are in interesting situations, but you and Valhalla's folk are more on par with one another: equally pathetic and worthless on your own."

Dominus: Having lost his war of words, and rapidly loosing his war in battles, Dominus throws his last throw of the dice, and once again pleads with Heen to overthrow their government so that the undead can have a chance of leaving Heen lands alive.....

"Well young lad, a real leader fights as sharply with his sword with his tongue.

You cannot say that I only "Talk the talk" but then don't "Walk the walk." We have been here turning this place into a barren wasteland, taking as many corpses and supplies as we can hold, and have sent Maldiciones back with them all.

Sooner or later we'll have our summoner send loads of supplies back with his powers, and we'll be able to take a lot from your people--again.

So sit back, and enjoy your eminent deaths, unless of course, you wisen up, overthrow this corrupt government and deliver the heads of both your Queen and General on a platter before our feet. That is redemption, and we will leave as soon as the diplomacy between the coalition of Humanity and Heen adjust their diplomatic relations."