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Thrydwulf Asks What Hannibal Wants

Roleplay from Thrydwulf
(Personal message to Hannibal)

You ARE Hannibal, and as far as i was aware you are supposed to be wounded... Thank you for answering my questions. However, you have two flaws that i can see. You say that you managed to keep something in you that kept your form before you died. And i can indeed see that, for you are more "human" looking than the hordes you command.

I do not doubt that you yourself may believe that you fight for what is right, or for humanity, or for your master. But what of the hordes you command? They do not have the integrity you do, nor the personaility, or persona, or anything else human. They are not human, just ex-human. The only likeness they have is that they follow a leader, like so many nobles alive.

You also mentioned that your armies were never late, never out of line, and never missing. Well, that is not strictly true now is it Hannibal? The truth is that you have no need for line settings. Because you command a horde. A horde is exactly that...a mass of bodies. They are never missing or late because they are one group, commanded by one leader. You rely on numbers and brute force on the battlefield to win your battles as there is nothing difficult in telling a mass of bodies to charge forwards.

You should look closely at the first movement in that battle and see the relative strengths of the cavalry charge against your whole force and work out whether that is fortune or not. Like i said, numbers are what matters in your case.

With regards to your proposal about our Queen, you already know my answer. Two can play at this game, because if you already know my answer then there is no need for future discussion.

You have probably already answered my Queen on this question but i will ask it of you anyway. You say that you are fighting for humanity; well, i do not pity myself or others. Of course people live all their lives in fear, in hurt, in pain. It is my belief that we are only complete upon death. You do not seem complete to me. There is something you are missing. What is it? What do YOU seek? So how are you fighting FOR humanity if you increase the fear, hurt, pain?

Everyone who has not experienced love will fear death. What is it that you love that makes you unafraid?

High Marshal of Heen, Marshal of the First Army of Tahgalez