Wedding of Fisc and Luna

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A letter still remained on Fisc's desk at his home in Toren Stronghold. It was from his brother, Taran - High Marshall of the realm of Suville on Atamara. The relationship between the twin brothers was still frosty, even despite their recent work together on an academic academy. Fisc didn't feel like giving Taran the satisfaction of reading his letter immediately upon arrival, and so the letter had sat on his desk since Wednesday - the day Fisc and Luna had taken their vows and became married.

But in the early morning hours, his curiosity got the best of him, and he opened the letter to see what his brother had to say.


I have heard of your impending wedding - even despite your refusal to tell me about it. I must admit, it would certainly have been nice to know that I was to be gaining a sister in law. I understand not being invited - I couldn't have come anyway. My duties as High Marshal of Suville would not have allowed me to spare even a moment for personal matters. How you can serve as High Marshal and still find the time to conduct a wedding, I will never know - but cheers to you for making it work.

In any event - despite the rift between us, I wanted to send my congratulations to you and wish you all the happiness that you can find on your island of the damned. If every you and your wife come to your senses and abandon that cursed place, you will of course be welcome here on Atamara. I am told that Nexis has regained his name and is considered a noble - last I head he was somewhere in Tara - but as you know, we haven't spoken to him in years. I wonder what that dog must have paid to regain his title.

In any event - I ask you one favor, in the name of the common blood that flows through our veins.

Tell me of your ceremony. I understand it to be a grand affair, and would like to hear how it went.

In arms,

Sir Taran Arylon, High Marshal of Suville

Fisc grumbled to himself briefly.

"Darling? What are you doing up so early?" Luna had awoken and strode into his office wearing the green silk robe he had given her. He preferred the robe on the floor, of course - but the site of his wife made him smile.

"Considering if I should answer this fool or not," Fisc said, as he held up Taran's letter.

"Taran?" she inquired.

Fisc nodded.

"He's your brother - answer him." She commanded. Fisc did not like being told what to do, but Luna had always had a certain persuasive power over him. "When you're done writing to him, come back to bed..." she said with a coy smile. Luna then turned around and walked back into the bedroom.

He then rather frantically grabbed a bare piece of parchment, and dipped his pen in ink. He would tell Taran of the wedding, but would certainly not be overly descript.

And so he began to pen words to paper.


Apologies on the delay getting back to you. While your island and your realm are concerned with politics and peace - I reside on an island consumed by war and conflict, so I do not often have the time to write flowery letters to family. I never congratulated you on becoming High Marshal, though I suppose the honor of the position is diminished by the fact you aren't actually at war with anyone. That's good news for you, I suppose - since you never really were much of a tactician. May peace continue to favor your sword so you may hold a meaningless title as long as you can.

In any event - the warmness of my wife's body is waiting for me, but I can not go to enjoy it until I answer your letter, so let me describe to you our wedding, so I may be on my way.

The ceremony itself was held in the early afternoon in Toren Stronghold on Wednesday. My King, the honorable Cyperus Sarracenia allowed us to close off the streets surrounding the main square in front of the King's Palace. You see, it was in incredibly large ceremony, and we wished to make it grand. The fact that Luna briefly held the title of Queen after she successfully overthrew the previous government certainly added to the pagentry of the event.

There were thousands of attendees at the ceremony itself. Nobles from Toren - as well as those from Ikalak and Taselak all came. I had extended an invitation to all nobles of the island, regardless of realm, to attend the event and pass into our land unharassed for one day of celebration and merriment. One day where we were no longer enemies, but could celebrate the passion and joy of our lives here on South East Island.

And hundreds came. The Prime Minister of Ikalak, the Duke of Ikalak City, General's from both enemy realms, region lords and ranking nobles from every corner - they all came.

You see, that is something you will never understand living in your little corner of the world. Here, we have passion - a zest for life that lets us appreciate every moment in a cavalier way - because we know that life is to be enjoyed and valued, for this may be our last day here. You have comfort and peace, and you know you will die in your bed an old man - so you can not truly enjoy life. Our enemies share our outlook on life, and for one day, we all came together - it was glorious.

In any event, the ceremony itself was full of symbolism and sacredness. I dressed in a ceremonial formal dress from the earliest days of Toren - a military uniform no longer worn in our land. It was black with leather accents, and a deep, dark green cape. I had high leather boots and our father's sword was on my hip. I originally had black leather gloves, and a silver badge on my left breast that was the symbol of Toren. Luna wore a flowing gown made from a material I had never seen, with a silver headress that sparkled in the son. It was elegant, but not extravegant.

The music played was a mixture of ancient wooden flutes, deep thundering drums, and the fanfare of trumpets. It was ancient and regal music - recommended to us (and taken care of by) my old friend Sin. He had knowledge of music and what it can do to mood like none I have ever encountered - perhaps from his experiences in the time before he was Sin.

Luna and I entered the ceremony together, passing under a ceiling of swords down our path. Once we arrived, a sword was presented to us by the King - and both of us were required to run our hands down its edge with our right hands. Then, after doing so, Luna and I took the others injured, bloody hand and grasped it tightly with our own. This mixed our blood together, symbolizing the mixture of our two noble houses, and the purity of our union. It also was a display to all those attending that our marriage was forged in BLOOD - to honor Tor in all his glory.

After that time, we recited a rather ancient pledge to each other - used to unite couples since a time before nations had formed on this island. It is said that the tradition goes as far back as the Cleansing Ceremony that is so famous on this island - yes, the very same one that I walked through with Sir Hawkwood. The pledge was to devote ourselevs to each other, as we both seek glory and honor in war. We are stronger together than we were apart, and our pledge was to use that to our advantage to destroy our enemies. We also promised to remain at each others side, and the other customary things you might find at a typical wedding on your island of peace.

Once we had been officially married, it is tradition in Toren for the new couple to introduce a new family crest that incorporates the union of the two houses. Luna and I then put up a new flag with the crest of our new family on the main flagpole to the Royal Palace - to signify the finality of our marriage.

I can not put into words how deeply spiritual and grand the ceremony itself was. Everything - from the clothes we wore, to the music that was played, was truly unique and gave the attendees a sense of awe and power. I was approached afterward by the nobles from other lands, and they were truly moved by it.

Of course, after the ceremony, we held a grand celebration - drinking and singing well into the night. I even had to extend my protection to the foreign nobles an extra day because we simply stayed out too late and enjoyed ourselves too much.

We had no time to go away together afterward, but perhaps someday in the future we will have a chance to do just that. As for now, the ceremony is over, and its official.

My wife waits for me in our bed, and forgive me for saying so - but being more detailed than this about the whole thing is not really a priority for me right now.

I do hope you are able to see a real battle every once and a while sometime soon Taran. You are always welcome to come here if you'd like to learn how to do your job properly.

In arms,

Fisc Arylong, High Marshal of Toren, Count of Dakan

With that, Fisc put down his pen, rolled up the letter and put it on his desk. He was in no hurry to send it out - he had business to attend to in the other room.