Uceek Family/Evangeline/wounded

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Roleplay from Magnus

Message sent to everyone in your realm (143 recipients)

On the road to Brive..........

Magnus looked at what was left of his troops. Seven wounded me, a third of what he had brought to Bescanon straggled and limped down the road toward the Capitol. They had sold their lives dearly, as each of his men had taken down at least one of the enemy with them. He remembered the cavalry charge that had finally scattered his remaining men when they had stood in the breech in the west wall of the hastily constructed pallisade that Lord Ambrosius had built on the eve of the battle. Good thinking there. Magnus pondered, the more he saw of Lord Ambrosius, the more he liked him. It had be along time since Magnus had sworn fealty but here was a man of action and determination that he might throw in with at last. He would think on it more.

As Magnus set ahorse musing these thoughts, Blen his scribe rushed up with a urgent message, a list of the wounded. Blen held it out to his Lord. Magnus scaned the scroll then sat bolt upright on his palfrey.

"What took this message so long to reach me?" He asked Blen.

"I know not M'lord, perhaps because we left so quickly?" Blen replied with eyes downcast, because he new who was on the list of the wounded.

"Did you know Lady Evangeline was injured before the message was delivered Blen?" Ser Magnus asked Blen with a murderous look on his face.

Blen taking two quick steps back from the palfrey replied with a somber expression but with his head held high, "Aye M'lord, I did! But I only held the missive until we were to far afield to turn back. I did it because I knew when you saw Lady Evangeline amongst the wounded there would be no getting you to leave her behind orders or not!"

"How could you?! She lies there helpless with the friggin Fonts and filthy Fairies bearing down on Bescanon this very minute! I should be there to defend her as she did me!" Magnus shouted, his wrath building as he spoke.

"M'lord, please calm yourself, I knew you would never leave her behind. I also knew that the orders were very specific, All who could move must move to defend the Capitol, its what she would have wanted you to do M'lord, and would not see you in trouble for not following orders again M'lord! Blen said with a touch of defiance. Magnus opened his mouth to say something, then started to do it again and just grumbled out, "Oh very well, you may be right, but I dont have to like it!"

Then turning his palfrey back onto the road, he ordered the men to redouble their pitiful speed.