Uceek Family/Evangeline/prison

From BattleMaster Wiki

Evangeline really hated being in prison more than anything else. When she returned she was slightly changed. More aggressive and less tolerant.


99 Fontanese on a wall, 99 Fonts on a wall, If 1 Fontanese should fall (~grinning~) There'll be 98 Fontanese on the wall!!!

Feel free to join in, I'm going to see how close I can get to zero before returning to Perdan. If you count down with me we might get closer. :)

~Taking a deep breath to continue singing~

98 Fontanese on a wall, 98 Fonts on a wall, If 1 Fontanese should fall (bad luck :P) There'll be 97 Fontanese on the wall!!!

~deep breath~

97 Fontanese on a wall, 97 Fonts on a wall, If 1 Fontanese should fall (clumsy) There'll be 96 Fontanese on the wall!!!

~deep breath~

96 Fontanese on a wall, 96 Fonts on a wall, If 1 Fontanese should fall (pushed by a Sirionite) There'll be 95 Fontanese on the wall!!!

Yawning & rubbing her eyes after her nap, Evangeline wonders where she was up to in her song. "Ahh yes..."

95 Fontanese on a wall, 95 Fonts on a wall, If 1 Fontanese should fall (woo hoo!) There'll be 94 Fontanese on the wall!!!

~deep breath~

94 Fontanese on a wall, 94 Fonts on a wall, If 1 Fontanese should fall (was it Bescanon's wall?) There'll be 93 Fontanese on the wall!!!


93 Fontanese on a wall, 93 Fonts on a wall, If 1 Fontanese should fall There'll be 92 Fontanese on the wall!!!

~deep breath~

92 Fontanese on a wall, 92 Fonts on a wall, If 1 Fontanese should fall There'll be 91 Fontanese on the wall!!!

I think I've started my song too high?? There aren't even 99 Fontanese on the EC are there? Unless you could count Light of Fountain as Fontanese. ~snigger~

Rattling the bars of her cell, Evangeline tried to look as far down the corridor as she could. Was Mignus on duty today? Please, please, please!

Yelling out once more until her voice started to croak, she slumped back onto the floor. The advice given to her echoed in her mind,

"Be polite and respectful to the Judge and he might let you out early"

She paused, a desire to see Perdan made her momentarily consider the option. But the thought went as quickly as it came. Defiantly she stood back up and continued singing louder than before:

91 Fontanese on a wall, 91 Fonts on a wall, If 1 Fontanese should fall, YAY!! There'll be 90 Fontanese on the wall!!!

The hardest part about being in prison is wondering if anyone can hear you, and wondering if your messages are being passed on. :(

But you have to use your time somehow, so...

90 Fontanese on a wall, 90 Fonts on a wall, If 1 Fontanese should fall There'll be 89 Fontanese on the wall!!!

~deep breath~

89 Fontanese on a wall, 89 Fonts on a wall, If 1 Fontanese should fall There'll be 88 Fontanese on the wall!!!

Released early by Judge Teshup, Evangeline was glad to be home

Roleplay from Evangeline

Slowly laying down on her bed Evangeline grinned at the soft, plushy mattress, the warm, velvety blankets and the sweet, gentle breeze moving through the slightly open window.

Tired, worn and slightly confused she allowed herself to drift into a deep sleep of contentment.

Roleplay from Magnus

Message sent to everyone in your realm (140 recipients)

On the road to Bescanon once again..........

Magnus Solarin was in fine spirits for a change! He had 20 strong Huscarls at his back, the wind in his hair, he was headed back to his beloved Bescanon to kill lots and lots of Fonts and Fairies, AND LADY EVANGELINE WAS RELEASED FROM PRISON!!!! Yes, things were looking up after all. To top it all off, his friend Count Maelg had said the mead was on him at the 'BLIND BUZZARD' once the cleared the stinking elves out of it! I just didnt get any better than this!

It was a good thing that Evangeline had been released, because Magnus was getting desperate. He had just put the finishing touches on his "Elven infiltration constume" that morning and was all set to make his way to the Fontanese prison complex where she was being held. He figured he would use the Elf-suit to slip through the Font and Fairy patrols and then once he reached the prison itself, he would waylay the guard Mingus and no one would me the wiser. I mean Mingus/Magnus, really who would question something that close? Aw, it was just as well that Lady Naria got her out though, cause now he wouldnt have to miss carving the Fonts and Fairies into BLOOD EAGLES, not to mention the FREE MEAD Maelg had promised at Evangelines "release" party!

Yes it was a very good day to be a VIKING!!!

Roleplay from Kerwyn

Message sent to everyone in your realm (140 recipients)

Kerwyn was stumbling up and down in his room, obviously waiting for someone. He sat down on his chair, nervously looking through some papers, then quickly laid them down again. He rose, started walking through the room again, then walked to his cupboard, pinched a flock away and started walking around again.

Someone knocked on the door. Kerwyn looked up quickly and within hundreds of a second, the "Come in!" had already left his mouth. "Did you bring it to her?" Lendryn shaked his head. "How do you mean, you didn't? Evangeline was released today, she's supposed to get it today then!" Kerwyn was even getting more nervous. He couldn't understand what was so hard about handing over a letter. "Sir, she was... her current location was not shown on the location list, so I couldn't find her... She's probably still on her way from the Fontanese cells. Shall I try again later this night?" Kerwyn stepped forward and took the letter that was meant for Lady Evangeline out of his hands. "Never mind, Lendryn, I'll hand it to her myself."

Kerwyn laid down the letter on his desk, and an angle of the paper was slightly folded, so that a piece of the letter was revealed:

Dear Lady Evangeline,

I am delighted to hear that you have been released by Teshup. At last my pain and worries are over. Every day I...

Kerwyn followed Lendryn outside. He really needed to get some air now, he was getting too nervous.