
From BattleMaster Wiki

A skilled infiltrator could cause a serious wound to anyone, even a hero. Does this mean that Infiltrators can kill heroes? Some people say yes, some say no. --The1exile 4 February 2006 13:48 (CET)

  • Theres been a big discussion on this. The Answer is No. Other wise the Infiltrator will be a very powerfl caracter. The Hero just gets a Serious wound like evry one else ScottSabin GMT 13:09 4th Feb 2006

Ehm. This page says a hero cannot be seriously wounded... But my hero has been seriously wounded recently. Just to let you know. -- PrinsSimon

I'm not sure if this is relevant or even postable, but on Dwilight I had an adventurer go up against a bunch of undead and get his face ripped off. He suffered a (Critical Wound) which seems to have a different bit of descriptive text to it, like 'you are awake long enough to wish for death' or some such. And it's worse than a Serious Wound, because I got a message shortly ago which said he 'improved' to Serious. Maybe it's something they're testing? -- Shinichizio

Recovering and Healing status

This page needs to be updated with Recovering and Healing. I haven't had a character wounded in a while, so I don't remember the sequence and effects.--Indirik 23:40, 3 January 2007 (CET)

  • Updated to include recovery and healing. Will do a full writeup after Gregor heals. --Loren (talk) 22:49, 7 March 2013 (CET)