Splendid Band

From BattleMaster Wiki
Type Ring
Discovered By Rainor Metsamees
Discovery Date 24 November 2007
Discovery Location Beluaterra
Abilities (unknown)
Current Owner (unknown)

Splendid band itself is a golden ring, inside are inscriptions of some tongue.
Its outside is decorated by by small jewels of much variety.

As for its origins, the history does mention various rings, as for splendid band, it once belonged to a nobleman, a prince who was supposed to become a heir to the throne.
As the prince was born and was in his early childhood, he got constantly ill, and was sleep talking weird things, the king had a wise man make a ring for the prince to cure him and ward of curses.
Whether it worked or not is unknown, the prince still got ill but, less frequently and the sleep talking was probably coincidence.
As the prince was in his 20-s a thief broke in to his home and stole the ring amongst other things from him and hasn't been seen since.
And was lately found by Rainor "Fenris" Metsamees on the hand of a necromancer, he disposed of after combating his undead, the necromancer probably was a a higher ranking one, since he put up a fierce battle before giving in under the might of Rainor.

Type Ring
Discovered By Wat Hormondson
Discovery Date 8 May 2011
Discovery Location Lopa, Beluaterra
Abilities Prestige +3
Current Owner Wat Hormondson

Spendid band #2 This could be the same ring found earlier or a ring of the same type. However, the Splendid Band was taken from the bones of an Undead Champion in Lopa. This was the Ring that finally brought recognition to the scion of House Hormondson. Wat was elevated to the nobility soon afterwards.

Spliend Band ( Found on Dwilight)

I am not certain this is the same ring that has been discovered by others on a far off land. In fact I am almost certain it is not because from my research this ring is not the same as those mentioned before. It does have an inscription on the inner side of the ring in a language that I am told is that of unknown origin. But I suspect it to be some form of the old language the native people of Western Dwilight spoken long ago.

The ring has no evidence of jewels on its exterior but does have three engraved star bursts. They are in my opinion the Bloodstars.

About the hunt in Ienith

After searching the area for 2 hours, following trails and noises, I finally encounter a small horde of monsters. I noticed that they had a leader among them, an alpha monster, a really big and ugly one, whatever the nobles want to call it.

The battle raged, I against the monsters. My blows landed true and I struck most of them down, while a few manage to flee. But the big one was the last one standing after the rest ran for their lives, after an exhausting fight I manage to take him down, too.

In the lair of the big one, I found treasures but more importantly I also found a unique item among the loot, a ring that I shall call the "Splendid Band". I am Pleasant Stien of the House of Stien.

Type Ring
Discovered By Plesant Stien
Discovery Date November 10, 2011
Discovery Location Ienith, Dwilight
Abilities Prestige +1
Current Owner Plesant Stien

The Ring That Travels

After the Pyres of Plenty burned out several magical items, Erya was quick to find a bunch more, including this well travelled ring in the Colonies.

Type Ring
Discovered By Erya
Discovery Date 2018-09-11
Discovery Location Amonarir, Colonies
Abilities Prestige +6
Current Owner Erya