Shadowy Signet of Light and Dark
Type | Ring |
Discovered By | Bilbo Domitius |
Discovery Date | 17.10.2016. |
Discovery Location | Koolaris, Colonies |
Abilities | Prestige +6 +10% Oratory |
Current Owner | Bilbo Domitius |
The Origins of the Ring:
Bilbo set his stones in a circle, sending light into the sky and humming into all ears, to the annoyance of local fishermen who claimed that the only reason there was no catch today was because of all the humming and crazy light shenanigans scaring the fish away. The farmers groggily complained about being unable to sleep as they yoked their beasts for the day's work in the predawn dark.
Bilbo had sat watching the light, when the beam of light turned into a beam of darkness. And spoke to him. Obey Ivore. Serve Shadowism. Then it returned to a beam of light. Rubbing his eyes, doubting what he had seen and heard, the column of light turned into a column of darkness once more. And the Voice again. Obey Ivore. Serve Shadowism. Bilbo knew he must leave now.
Ivore was up to no good in the neighbourhood, as much as a neighbourhood as could be said to exist between farmhouses 5-20 miles apart, when Elros, the sheriff, not the mayor, or the fireman, or the Supervisor of Lists, or any other Elros but the sheriff (Elros was quite the favored name within Koolaris), spotted Ivore. While Ivore may have thought of cutting down Elros the sheriff of Koolaris, he instead decided flight was best in this instance. Alas, the sheriff caught Ivore before he could get far. Huffing and puffing in his victory, Elros exlaimed that he had been struck by a bright Light, giving him a vision of Darkness. This vision had made clear that Koolaris was to serve Shadowism and Ivore. As proof of Elros's vision, Ivore found himself being given the Shadowy Signet of Light and Dark alongside the deed to Koolaris.
Ivore was sitting on his new manorhouse's veranda enjoying a hot beverage as the sun rose over the frosty plains. Considering the dawn's events, it was he alone who noticed the sun was black. By sight alone, Ivore felt divinely re-inspired to bring the good teaching of the Shadows between Light and Dark to his Shadowist faithful and the Colonies as a whole.
Discovering of the Ring:
Hearing Ivore's voice and watching the column of light turned into a column of darkness Bilbo left Koolaris immediately with haste. Many weeks passed since Bilbo decided to return to the place where he placed stones. And when he finally did return there he found the place... there was no stones anymore, but in the circle where the stones were placed there was a small object... a ring.