Mercury Family/Eilien/A Blue Dream

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A Blue Dream

The sun was rissing in the sky. It's first rays of light were reaching here face. Her beautifull young skin shines under that natural glow.

Her room in that inn in Montijo was poor in comparisson with her young beauty. A strong princess who sleeps in a rough bed.

Eilien's eyes starts to blink, quiet and softly. The tinny sunlight that battles to get in the room, illuminates a blue figure that seems from another world.

Ebella: Good Morning my child. I do not want to disturbe your dream. I was just... watching you over.

Ebella, the temple of Dolmbar was her home. Seduction and pleasure was here bussines. She was seating comfortably in a soft chair, with her blue hooded robe resting on her. The beautifull silk that it was made of wafts on her, like a soft wave of the ocean.

Eilien: I know you... what are you doing here? I'm far away from home, at war...

Ebella: ...But is not war what you you?

The Godess smiles with her red lips under the blue hood, and that is the only thing that Eilien can see.

Eilien: You are not human...I know your name...Elune.

Ebella: Yes, that is my name... but I have many of them... but you do not care about the other ones now. Leave those to your brother...

Eilien seats on the bed, listening to her.

Eilien: Why are you here? Why are you following me?

Ebella: Your father is worried about I am very atached to the Serpentis family...and I am very atached to you know. I am his wife, the first one. I was there even before your you are my child too.

Eilien: My mother and my father were never married. He was always yours. They don't love eachother, they like eachother fisically, that's all.

Ebella: He is mine. The kind of love that he shows to your mother and the other women just honors me. But you are wrong about that. My husband loves your mother. and your mother loves him. Is another kind of love. The one you know is there...But I am not here to talk about them...

Eilien: ...It's because of me and Simba...

The young Countess moves, and a little of her skin shows off.

Ebella: You are smart and beautifull... a deadly combination, and that is killing your father because know he has to take care of you about the ones like him. So I came to visit you and to give you some...lessons. Listen to me carefully, No one should be deprived of love without a valid do not listen to least very deaply. And remind that an easy attainment makes love contemptible, a difficult one... make him wait.

Eilien blinks and thinks "this is all in my head".

Ebella: Of course it is...but that doesn't make it less real.

Sudenlly, she wakes up and the blue dream get banished like a cloud on a sunny day.