Melhed/History/Age of Sun/Army

From BattleMaster Wiki

Welcomed to Melhed's Military Post

Below you will find all the information you'd possibly need on Melhed's Military Organization. In Melhed, the army is controled by the Imperatrix she is the one reposnibile for every Military aspect of the realm. Under her serve two marshals who lead there armies vigilantly

It is mandatory that you get assigned to one of these armies. Your Lord can appoint you to that which he sees fit. You of course can request him to be in whatever army you wish for at any time. To make the decision a little easier, these armies will be out lined below.

  • The Wolf Legion is our warmongering army. It is in charge of the more traditional side of war, fighting big battles, making the most of strategies and valor. Discipline, activity and sense of duty is the key to making a salient member of this army, and such members are often prized with gold.
    Most warrior class noblemen are part of this army.
  • The Wolf Inner Guard is our homeland defense army and administrative support. It takes care of making sure run smoothly in our realm, and in rare occasions it is asked to defend against invaders. Most fighting in this army occurs against Undead and Monster infestations. Otherwise it takes care of helping Senators of Melhed to secure their regions and make the most of our material structure through hard work and administrative genius. Most senators and Courtiers are part of this army.

If you fail to comply orders in any of the two, you are eligible for fining or even removal from your army. If you are unable to comply orders, report to your Marshal with an explanation.

Melhed is in need of valiant nobles and, most of all, nobles willing to work hard. The armies are the place where you first show your duty to the realm, and where you can build your career.

Deported Hero's

Over the course of the fourth invasion, many of our nobles have been deported to far away lands. We pray for there safety and hope to see there safe return. Those who may return to Melhed will be welcomed with an official recognition for surviving the Netherworld Dungeons plus a 500 gold reward. There names are documented below.

  • Decimus Jeckyl (Lord) (Colonies)
  • Kolm Jacobite Morlork (Lord) (Colonies)
  • Johann Von Grimm (Lord) (colonies)
  • Lok Ironfist (Knight of Mhed) (Colonies)
  • Fallan Kwyd (Lord) (Colonies)
  • Kitrel Anaris (Lord) (Colonies)
  • Mari de Coivos (Lord) (Colonies)
  • Marc de Coivos (Duke) (Far East)