Lightstar Family/Yleina/Roleplay 05

From BattleMaster Wiki


Yleina stared up at the stars, twinkling away in the night sky, with her chin and cheek held in her right hand. Her elbow rested on the stone balustrade lining the edge of the second-floor balcony of the Lightstar's family home, located on the outskirts of Idapur. After receiving news of her brother's capture at the hands of Ohnar, the adventuress had journeyed immediately home to learn more about the situation.

She had been out on the field for several weeks, so not much news of abroad reached her ears, only fragmented rumours heard in taverns or inns. Thus, the girl only knew that the war between Soliferum and Arcaea had already seen bloodshed, and apparently much of it.

Since her visit, her father had informed her of more details concerning the war raging just outside of Aenilia's borders, and these were troubling indeed. Hundreds and hundreds of casualties, countless nobles captured, and even a Hero slain...

With such turmoil so close to home, Yleina decided to stay longer this visit before returning to her customary life of adventure. Also, they had yet to receive further news of her brother's condition, which worried her mother to no end. Slaying monsters and destroying undead seemed almost child's play compared to the nearly continent-wide conflict of the present.

Perhaps it was time for the girl to finally leave her life of adventure and freedom behind and take up the life of the noble she was born to be, but had decided to forsake in her late teenage years. She never did have an interest in appearing at court, or partaking of the dances held so very often, it seemed. However, in these troubling times, Greater Aenilia could definitely use the help of every active noble available.

Xarnelf had remarked to her some time ago that Aenilia could use the services of a skilled infiltrator, but the girl had pushed the thought away to the back of her mind. Now, however, the idea did not seem so bad after all, for if she had listened earlier, she might have been able to break him out of prison immediately.

The girl sighed and slumped down onto the banister, her arms crossed under her chin, as she stared off into the trees to the northwest. The war would spill over into her homeland, sooner or later. It was only a matter of time. She should prepare for that eventuality while she could....