Kiryoku Family/Simca

From BattleMaster Wiki

History of Simca

The Arrival & Emmigration

Simca, hailing from the Kiryoku Family, first appeared in the Realm of Itorunt on the East Island. She led a mostly quiet life in the peaceful realm; Simca spent a great deal of her time enrolled in the Academy learning general knowledge--the typical education curriculum for a noble.

Rumors of a War for Humanity engulfing the island of Beluaterra reached her ears. After which, she left the Academy to pursue an education that can only be obtained through experience. A wayward storm tossed her tiny craft around, and after the confusion she found herself in the Kingdom of Alluran. She spent a week in the Kingdom before coming to the conclusion that there was Local Lord who could support her.

In the battle at the end of that first week, she met forces from Riombara, a neighbor to the north. inquiring with the Duke of Grehk, she soon found that there was a need for Knights. Simca Traveled to Athos Margol, registering with Riombara and than sought out an oath with the Count of Mio Dupaki.

The Third Invasion put immense strains on the realms of Beluaterra. Riombarra was also heavily affected when Daimons pursuing a commoner by the name Alfredo arrived in Mio Dupaki. During on of the first battles with the Daimons, Simca was taken prisoner, and she spent the week in Daimon Prison.

Daimon Prison

Fate would have it, that the stay in Daimon Prison would forever change Simca. Amidst the defiant cries and insults spewed forth by the other captured nobles, the horrifying screams and wails of those being tortured could be heard. Day nor Night came, the nauseating smell weakened the senses and the cries prevented many from sleeping. What exactly Simca went through while in Prison is unknown, for no one has been able to get her to open up.

Returning from Prison, Simca secluded herself in her room. Refusing to eat or drink, and spending most of the time curled in the fetal position.

Simca After Prison

"Mistress? Mistress Simca, are you awake?"

Louise waited for a response, when none was given, she opened the door to the bedroom. The room was dark, silent, on the only bed, was a huddled, hump of mass. Louise approached the bed, the blanket appeared to be shaking very slightly.

"Mistress, you must get up. You can not spend the entire day inside again. Come, there is plenty of entertainment to be found in Grehk, but you must get up."

No response. Louise looked around the bed. On the nightstand, a dinner tray rested. The food untouched, was no covered with a few ants, and two flys were buzzing around.

"Come, look, Grand Justiciar Lexington has sent a box of cookies. . . Mistress, you must eat. Honestly, men will not be lining up to court a twig"

The jest failed to arouse Simca. Instead she continued to lay in the bed, tightly curled up in the fetal position. Suddenly Simca's hand reached out for the blanket and began to pull it back over her. Louise began to get irritated. Not knowing what exactly happened in the Netherworld, she figured it was not worth bringing up again. However, things could not be left to progress this way.

"I am sorry Mistress, this is for your own good."

Louise wrenched the blanket back, grabbed the torso of Simca and flipped her around. A look of confusion and terror on Simca's face, her eyes glazed over as if she were mind was still trapped elsewhere. Louise reared back, **BAA~~N**, her open hand left a bright red palm print on the Simca's left cheek. The effect was immediate, Simca's eyes began to regain their color, but her face still was showings signs of terror.


"Get a hold of yourself! You are in Grehk, Riombara. Do not make me give you another slap!"

Simca's head shooks slowly back side-to-side, moving slower--


Louise grabs a cookie from the Small Lakes Bakery Box and shoves the oatmeal raisin cookie into Simca's mouth.


Slowly, Simca began to chew, the look of terror on her faces fades away, her cheek still beaming red, her tears stop. Finishing her cookie, Louise grabs another and puts it in Simca's mouth more gently this time. Simca raises her hand to grab hold of this chocolate chip cookie. The two of them take their time, eating the cookies. Neither one speaks until the end. At the end, it is Louise who speaks first.

"Come Mistress, lets get you a bath."