Hynes Family/Baldhart/Antecdote

From BattleMaster Wiki

Baldhart stood against a fencepost, smoking his pipe, watching the two peasants walking down the narrow lane towards him. They were younger men, mid-20s, and fairly well dressed (as far as peasants went, which was never very far).

As they approached, he noticed they were both red in the face, and he could vaguely hear them shouting at each other. As they drew nearer, he could hear their conversation-

"I'm telling you, we were more oppressed under Ubent!"

"No, We are oppressed under Ibladesh!"



Finally, drawing abreast of Baldhart, they looked at each other and said, "We will let the man decide which of us is true and right, and which false and wrong."

So one at a time, the two young men approached, explaining how exactly they were oppressed under one, and (relatively) free under the other. Once both men had expressed their opinions, Baldhart stood there for a minute, contemplating each arguments.

Finally, rubbing his chin, he answered. "It's the feudal system, you inbred jackasses! You were equally oppressed under both, because it only works one way! Ibladesh didn't liberate you, but they didn't oppress you anymore than Ubent did!"

They jerked suddenly, and then looked at each other, both men looking rather dejected. Turning, they started back the way they had come.

"I reckon he's right.