Hynes Family/Alois/The Journey/RP25

From BattleMaster Wiki

Alois sat against the trunk of a thick fir, watching Pate as he moved about, collecting firewood and preparing the camp sight. His chest was still sore, arm still bound, and more than once the bindings had broken free and blood had began to flow, forcing them to stop regularly and redress the wound.

Pate, bending to pick up a rather large chunk, recoiled suddenly in frightened horror. Taking three hops backwards, he turned and drew his sword, keeping it pointed at the ground where he had been standing.

"A snake!" he hollered, looking at Alois, face flushed, "I picked up a piece of wood and there was a blasted snake!"

"Kill it or shut up," Alois said, scratching the wound. The boy's still a little rough around the edges, he thought as he scratched his shoulder above the wound, wondering for a moment what he would do if blood poisoning claimed the arm, I need to think of something to do with him.

Cursing silently, muttering, he moved forward slowly. Suddenly, with a small yelp, he slashed at the ground. Alois saw the snake strike just as Pate lept backwards, his curses no longer silent.

I taught him everything he needs to know. How to write. How to fight. How to be a good, honourable Knight. Yet I can't teach him what I myself don't have.

The snake slithered towards Pate, who screamed in horror and began to back peddle until his back was pressed firmly against the nearest tree. The serpent coiled near his feet, striking out at the Squire's legs. Pate pulled away, dodging, trying to move, but the creature had him cornered.

"Dammit, boy!" Alois roared as he rose to one knee and lashed out with the dagger, splitting the Serpent's head from its body. "I said kill it, not dance with it! Don't you know how to use that sword?"

Alois could barely see him blush under his flushed, red face as he timidly slid the steel back into the scabbard. Crossing the clearing, he bent and picked up the log, dragging it back to the fire.

What can I do?