Strife Family/Haakon Strife

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< Strife Family(Redirected from Haakon Strife)

You look into the Strife family pages, however it seems many of the documents are missing.... Only a picture with a man corrupting all around him wearing the Strife family crest remains followed by several empty pieces of parchment...

After Investigating further you relise that the blank parchment actually holds writing. After holding it up towards the sun the text becomes visable on the ground, the papers traslucent effect contrasting with the opague words leaving words as shadow on the ground.

I am the light of hope yet I am darkness incarnate.

I will defeat my enemies within with words and my enemies with out with the sword.

My agenda is my own, none shall stand against my true path.

My loyalties are to the victorious no matter who they may be.

I am the light of hope.

I am darkness incarnate.

I am Haakon and all shall fear my wrath and power.

When light fights the darkness a shadow is born.

I am the Shadow of Chaos