Gazetteer of the Far East

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During the travels of Maltheo through the Far East, he wrote down and kept notes on the various regions along the way. These notes would (eventually) be published in the Grand Lodge as a Gazetteer of the Far East, documenting the geography of the continent from the perspective of a long-ranging trader.

Regions that he's been to may feature a small section labelled Regional Notes from "A Gazetteer of the Far East" in which Roleplayed features of the region in question are documented. They may include anything from a brief geographic description, to a mention of the inns, towns and cities in the area, mention of roads, an anecdotal account of his particular journey there, tales heard from peasants or the general political situation encountered at the time.

(If you have information you'd like to make it into the Gazetteer, let me know via email, user talk here on the wiki, or message me in-game and I'll work it in. Since this is written from the POV of one character.)Olik 28 January 2006 18:29 (CET)