Dwilight/Diplomacy/Golden Farrow Accords

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For too long, the enmity between The Kingdom of Westgard and The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora over ownership of the city of Golden Farrow has perpetuated, embroiling the entire continent of Dwilight in a war now known as the Gold Sea Conflict.

The nation of Tol Goldora was founded with the express intention of settling in the city of Golden Farrow, and making that city their capital. Westgard, a well established frontier realm to the north, also wished to settle in the city to use it as a center of trade and transit to aid the realms of men in the battle against the hordes of beasts and nightmares that continue to afflict Dwilight. The competing claims on the city inspired armed conflict over ownership of the Golden City, which in turn inspired allied nations of both Tol Goldora and Westgard to provide aid and support, and declare war themselves.

For years, the war ravaged western Dwilight, causing massive depopulation, destruction of local infrastructure, and loss of wealth. As of the signing of this peace treaty, Westgard has maintained control of the city of Golden Farrow for several years and is confident in its ability to militarily protect and preserve its ownership of the city indefinitely. Tol Goldora has built a strong realm able to militarily confront Westgard indefinitely, and maintains its belief in the city’s importance. This has created a stalemate that shows no signs of breaking.

The parties subject to this treaty have made a conscious decision to end that military stalemate with diplomacy, crafting this agreement in a series of meetings held between Archon Gheric Arylon of Westgard, and Narvarch Soloman Greybrook of Tol Goldora.

This treaty represents a negotiated cessation of hostilities between the realms of Westgard and Tol Goldora, intended to end the war and form a firm, just and desirable peace. It does not represent an admission of responsibility for the war by either side, nor should there be considered any victorious party or parties, nor any defeated party or parties. Westgard and Tol Goldora each view this agreement as granting them important concessions by the other, while also necessitating great concessions of their own, therefore representing shared benefit, and shared sacrifice.

The true desire of peace has made this agreement possible, and the signatories wish to thank their counterparts for being willing to give up their desire for total victory in favor of an equitable solution that leaves both realms positioned for a prosperous future in peace.


Declared war between The Kingdom of Westgard and The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora shall immediately be halted, and a state of peace shall be entered between the realms.

In addition, members of both allied factions supporting those two parties shall declare an end to war with the principle nations, as well as one another, including the nations of Arnor, Astrum, Avernus, D’hara, Luria Nova, Sol and Swordfell.


To further guarantee mutual security, The Kingdom of Westgard and The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora agree upon a mutual security pact. If, while both principal nations of this treaty continue to maintain its provisions in good standing, war is declared by The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora upon Westgard, all signatories of this treaty will hereby be compelled to declare war against Tol Goldora, and seek to permanently eliminate her capacity for warmaking.

Similarly, if a war is declared by Westgard against Tol Goldora, all signatories of this treaty will hereby be compelled to declare war against Westgard, and seek to permanently eliminate her capacity for warmaking.


The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora agrees to purchase the rights to the city of Golden Farrow and the regions of The Golden Reach, which include Farrowfield and Mech Derris, from The Kingdom of Westgard for a total sum of 65,000 gold, to be delivered in a multi-phase process.


A deposit in the amount of 2,000 gold shall be transferred from The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora to The Kingdom of Westgard upon the signing of this peace treaty.

Upon receipt of the gold, The Kingdom of Westgard agrees to formally hand over the Woodland region of Mech Derris to The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora, as a sign of their mutual good faith in this agreement.


A payment in the amount of 4,000 gold shall be transferred from The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora to The Kingdom of Westgard upon transfer of the Woodland region of Mech Derris. Upon receipt of the gold, The Kingdom of Westgard agrees to formally hand over the Townsland region of Farrowfield.


A payment in the amount of 36,000 gold shall be transferred from The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora to The Kingdom of Westgard. Upon receipt of the gold, The Kingdom of Westgard agrees to formally hand over the city of Golden Farrow to The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora.


Once the city is officially handed over, a final remaining sum in the amount of 24,000 gold shall be transferred from The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora to The Kingdom of Westgard in a series of payments according to the following schedule:

  • One month after transfer of ownership: 4,000 gold
  • Two months after transfer of ownership: 5,000 gold
  • Three months after transfer of ownership: 6,500 gold
  • Four months after transfer of ownership: 7,500 gold

If Tol Goldora proves unable to meet the gold amounts on the proscribed transfer dates, the Navarch of Tol Goldora shall transfer the funds that are available, and shall propose a reasonable amendment to the payment schedule, which the Archon of Westgard may approve, assuming it is deemed reasonable.

If at any time Tol Goldora makes advance payments ahead of schedule to retire the remaining obligation, no other payments will be required and the transaction will be completed.


A Margravine of Westgardian heritage, chosen by the Archon of the Kingdom of Westgard, shall be appointed to facilitate the transfer of ownership of the City of Golden Farrow from Westgard to Tol Goldora. This Margravine shall use her authority as Lady of the City of Golden Farrow to transfer ownership of the city according to the provisions and schedule contained within Article III of this document. She will also, as laid out in Article XI, be wed to the Navarch of Tol Goldora and become a Tol Goldora citizen after the transfer of the city to Tol Goldora.

Tol Goldora, in keeping with its obligations under Article III, will be required to pay the remaining gold payments to Westgard on schedule. If two consecutive payments are withheld from Westgard without the permission of the Archon, the Margravine will initiate a transfer of the city back to Westgard’s control until such a time as the payments arrive in full.

The Margravine, as both the Lady of the City of Golden Farrow and consort to the Navarch of Tol Goldora, will enjoy a place of honor and respect within the realm, and her position of authority over the city will be protected and maintained provided she serves Tol Goldora faithfully.

If, after the payments for the City of Golden Farrow and the Golden Reach are completed, the Margravine of Golden Farrow has cause to step down or loses her title, the Navarch of Tol Goldora is empowered to appoint another Lord of the city at his discretion.


In the interest of continuing to foster a feeling of common security, The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora agrees to, upon acquisition of the regions of Mech Derris and Farrowfield, abandon the city of Itau. Upon acquisition of Golden Farrow, The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora agrees to abandon the city of Via.

These two cities will remain abandoned for a period of one month after the date of the transfer of Golden Farrow. At the conclusion of the proscribed month, Tol Goldora is empowered to reacquire both cities.

The Kingdom of Westgard hereby agrees to assist the Oligarchy of Tol Goldora with military aid in order to clear monsters from surrounding regions and aid the recapture of the cities, if such assistance is requested.


The Kingdom of Westgard and The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora hereby define specific boundaries of their declared influence on the westlands of Dwilight.

The Kingdom of Westgard, has served for years as the front line of humanity in the war against the hordes, and suffered greatly in lives and riches as a result. On numerous occasions, Westgard was reduced to ashes while protecting the realms of the east, and clung to survival by only a thread. Therefore, owing to the great sacrifice Westgard and her people have paid in blood, it hereby claims oversight and stewardship of the northern regions stretching from the rural region of Ygg d'Razhuul in the east to the City of Darfix in the west. The claim extends from there southward to the regions bordering the Chrysantalys River -- specifically the Corridor of Torment, Wallershire and Vyanar -- and eastward to the Townsland region of Walefishire, and the regions of Duil, Grazne, and all regions north of that line to the border of both coastlines.

The aforementioned regions are claimed by Westgard to rule directly as an official part of the Kingdom, or to use as the basis for a colony to be formed by the realm. Any realm or colony delegation that attempts to take any of these regions by force, and bring them under political control without the express, publicly declared consent of Westgard will have committed an act of war against the Kingdom, and will be immediately evicted with extreme prejudice.

The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora has expended great blood and treasure to establish itself as a respected power on the western landmass of Dwilight, and has earned the right to exist, and build a prosperous nation in the fertile lands they now occupy. As such, Tol Goldora hereby claims all territories to the south of the aforementioned dividing line with Westgard, stretching to the western city of Echiur and the regions immediately surrounding it to the west, as well as the southern bottleneck regions surrounding the city of Shokalom.

The aforementioned regions are claimed by Tol Goldora to rule directly as an official part of the realm, or to use as the basis for a colony to be formed by the realm. Any realm or colony delegation that attempts to take any of these regions by force, and bring them under political control without the express, publicly declared consent of Tol Goldora will have committed an act of war against the realm, and will be immediately evicted with extreme prejudice.


Martial security has consistently been the chief concern of The Kingdom of Westgard regarding ownership of Golden Farrow. Westgard has never had any intention of allowing access by the Lurian Empire to the principal cities of The Alliance of Free Nations by way of Golden Farrow.

Tol Goldora, given the original Lurian identity of a handful of its founders as well as the political support offered to it by the Empire throughout the war, has been perceived by the Alliance as a satellite realm of the Lurian Empire. This impression, however, is inaccurate and this treaty hereby forever establishes it so.

The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora hereby declares that they do not self-identify as Lurian, and will not join the Lurian Empire while this treaty is in effect.

The Kingdom of Westgard and the member realms of the Alliance of Free Nations, in recognition of this guarantee, hereby state that they have no hostile intention toward any member nations of the Lurian Empire.


The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora and the Kingdom of Westgard hereby agree to create a free trade and food supply agreement where peaceful nations pledge to pay a fair market price for bushels, not to exceed 30 gold in exchange for 100 bushels of food.

The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora and the Kingdom of Westgard are hereby given the right to protect their own food supply to meet the supply and demand of their people. In support of mutual cooperation, surplus bushels held in excess of immediate demand and required storage for distribution in winter are to be offered for sale.


The Kingdom of Westgard and The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora agree to provide religious freedom to all religions within their borders, save any expressly outlawed faith in either realm, any faith subject to pre-existing treaties in either realm, or any faith agreed to collectively between the Navarch of Tol Goldora and the Archon of Westgard.


The Kingdom of Westgard and The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora agree to behave toward one another with respect, virtue, and honor. Upon formal signing of this treaty, nobles of both realms will be of the understanding that this agreement does not constitute terms delivered by a victorious party to a losing party, and that rather it is a negotiated peace between two realms seeking an end to a mutually destructive conflict in the hopes of providing a common security and prosperity.

Furthermore, the behavior of both realms will remain virtuous toward one another. Any realm that raids, loots or pillages a region under the direct political control of the other without express permission to do so granted by that realm’s sovereign shall be considered in violation of the provisions of this treaty. After the completion of the final payments for Golden Farrow contained in Article III, any realm that raids, loots or pillages a region in the defined sphere of influence of the other without express permission to do so granted by that realm’s sovereign will also be considered in violation of this treaty.


To cement the end of war, and as a symbol of the new political relationship between The Kingdom of Westgard and The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora, each realm agrees to the marriage of their sovereign ruler to a high ranking member of the opposing realm.

Archon Gheric Arylon of Westgard will wed a woman from Tol Goldora, chosen by Navarch Solomon Greybrook and subject to the approval of the Archon. This noble will become an official citizen of Westgard, and will serve in a position of immense respect and honor as royal consort. As wife of the Archon, she will be given royal lands and titles commensurate with her position.

Navarch Solomon Greybrook of Tol Goldora will wed a woman from Westgard, chosen by Archon Gheric Arylon and subject to the approval of the Navarch. This noble will serve as the Margravine of Golden Farrow, facilitate the transition of the city into the possession of Tol Goldora, and become an official citizen of Tol Goldora.

Any children born from these unions will have a claim of nobility in the realm of their father.


To celebrate the peace between The Kingdom of Westgard and The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora, a great tournament of swordplay and jousting shall be held in the City of Golden Farrow after the official handover of the city.

This tournament will be a joint venture between Westgard and Tol Goldora, with the cost of the event being evenly split between each realm. The winning prizes will be of such monumental value, that the nations of Dwilight, now newly at peace, will send their people to Golden Farrow in droves in celebration of that peace.


Gheric Arylon
Archon of The Kingdom of Westgard

Solomon Greybrook
Navarch of The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora

Terra Pryde
Archontissa of The Theocracy of Astrum

Salvador Zond
Dragon King of The Kingdom of the Dragon Isles and D'Hara

Ciarghuala Dubhaine
Suzerain Queen of Luria Nova

Noiram Kah
Lord Regent of The Republic of Swordfell

Helm Altenahr
Raven King of Arnor

Cregan Starck
Storm King of The Kingdom of Avernus

Paulrus Badgerton d'Aragon
Imperator of The Republic of Sol