Formal Region Division Claims
18 Regions
- Valkyrja (City)
- Gelene (City)
- Eidulb (City)
- Shrine of Seeklander (City)
- Gaston (City)
- Yggdramir
- Ygg d'Razhuul
- Zereth
- Jorradith
- Gaston Farms
- Forguthrie
- Aquitain
- Gelene Outskirts
- Sabadell
- Mountain of Woe
- Mountain of Remourse
- Eidulb Outskirts
- Ammando
20 Regions
- Darfix (City)
- Ienith
- Ninith
- Miniath
- Kaigen
- Asurbanipal
- Raden
- Under Darfix
- Bberentaur
- Eeborngul
- Mergrathor
- Crotona
- Samhain
- Bberentaur
- Bbandasor
- K'dira
- Corridor of Torment
- Mountain of Chrysalids
- Wallershire
- Vyanar
22 Regions
- Chrysantalys (City)
- Golden Farrow (City)
- Via (City)
- Itau (City)
- Chrysantalys Mines
- Duil
- Walefishire
- Grazne
- Knyazes
- Dunnbrook
- Shuberstone
- Kid's Rock
- Itaufield
- Elets
- Mech Galen
- Mozyr
- Mech Derris
- Mech Alb
- Kybcyell
- Uppervia
- Farrowfield
- Demyansk