Dubhaine Family/Moira/Battles/2008/January
Dubhaine Family | |
Fame | 40 |
Wealth | 17675 |
Home Region | Ashforth |
Home World | East Continent |
January 11th -- Skirmish -- Oberndorf
Battle in Oberndorf (19 days, 8 hours ago) No. Role Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A <OoT> Clybr Lancers Laicch Fontan 23 Cav wedge 546 2 A <OoT> Imperial Fists Rogal Dorn Fontan 45 Inf line 665 3 A <OoT> Minutemen XI Abigail Fontan 60 Inf line 704 4 A <OoT> Sinclair Unit Sabin Fontan 28 Inf line 372 5 A <OoT> Spadet suklaas syo Belendel Fontan 27 Inf line 350 6 A <OoT>Helronian Balancers Helos Fontan 25 Cav wedge 465 7 A <OoT>In the eye Mulla Xul Fontan 50 Arch line 606 8 A -=FSR=- Hand of More Moremegis Fontan 34 Inf line 373 9 A 0=={===~=<OoT>=~===> emma emma Fontan 27 Arch line 419 10 A Averam Family Guard Crassus Fontan 29 Inf line 263 11 A Bear Guard Andrew Fontan 30 Arch line 371 12 A Color Guard Keltcor Fontan 29 Inf line 309 13 A De Montfort Revengers Ricard Fontan 32 Arch line 476 14 A Defiance Ardithor Fontan 28 Inf line 268 15 A Dragon Guard Garine Fontan 30 Inf line 387 16 A Imperial Cagilan Guard Moira Fontan 25 Inf line 435 17 A Kane Family Guard Gadfrey Fontan 18 Inf line 228 18 A Knights of the Apocalypse Alise Fontan 21 Inf line 337 19 A Lion's Heavy-Armed Infantry Cato Fontan 18 Inf line 233 20 A Longbows of Pain Hans Fontan 24 Arch line 325 21 A Rag-Clad Ruffians Jai Fontan 30 Inf line 484 22 A Ransom Allarion Fontan 30 Inf line 252 23 A Soldiers aeneas Fontan 54 Inf line 697 24 A Vanatori de Munte Vlade Fontan 15 Inf line 202 25 A White Wolves Ikeon Fontan 25 Inf line 329 26 A |DG| Arrows of An Najaf Guthrinc Fontan 33 Arch line 400 27 A |DG| Saladin's Shield Saladin Fontan 20 Inf line 293 28 A ~=FSR=~ Ehrwig Quanto Fontan 29 Inf line 410 29 A ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge Sky Fontan 26 Inf line 417 30 A ~=FSR=~ Legion Tal Fontan 40 Inf box 473 31 A ~=FSR=~Elite johnnn Fontan 51 Inf line 823 32 A ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers Scylla Fontan 32 Cav wedge 535 33 A ~=SFR=~nO1000 Xavier Fontan 17 Cav skirmish 383 34 D Angry Peasants (militia/guard unit) Sirion 29 other line 85 35 D Raven-Feather Khalkar II John Old Rancagua 4 Arch line 72 36 D Republican Men Zarath Sirion 10 Inf line 116 37 D Serinity's Men of Honor (militia/guard unit) Sirion 19 Inf line 66 38 N Digitus Impudicus Alain Sirion 5 Inf box 51
Total: 33 attackers (712 Inf, 196 Arch, 97 Cav) 4 defenders (29 Inf, 4 Arch, 29 other) Total combat strengths: 13830 vs. 339 1 neutral observers (51 combat strength). Digitus Impudicus successfully evade the foreign troops. The region owner Sirion and their allies defend. The Fontan troops attack because they are at war with Sirion.
It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully. Rogal Dorn Primarchs, Count of Greatbridge, Marshal of the Order of The Thunder takes command of his army. Tal ConDoin, Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Fontan Strike Regiment takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation. Ricard De Montfort, Marshal of the Democratic Guard takes command of his army.
Turn No. 1 Bear Guard (11) fire on Republican Men (36), scoring 91 hits. Raven-Feather Khalkar II (35) fire on <OoT>In the eye (7), scoring 35 hits. Longbows of Pain (20) fire on Angry Peasants (34), scoring 152 hits. <OoT>In the eye (7) fire on Raven-Feather Khalkar II (35), scoring 291 hits. 0=={===~=<OoT>=~===> (9) fire on Republican Men (36), scoring 175 hits. De Montfort Revengers (13) fire on Angry Peasants (34), scoring 203 hits. |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (26) fire on Republican Men (36), scoring 196 hits. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32), <OoT>Helronian Balancers (6), ~=SFR=~nO1000 (33) and <OoT> Clybr Lancers (1) ride on, closing in on the defenders. Serinity's Men of Honor (37) stay behind their camp fortifications. Defiance (14), ~=FSR=~ Legion (30), Averam Family Guard (10), <OoT> Spadet suklaas syo (5), Lion's Heavy-Armed Infantry (19), Color Guard (12), <OoT> Sinclair Unit (4), White Wolves (25), -=FSR=- Hand of More (8), Vanatori de Munte (24), ~=FSR=~Elite (31), Soldiers (23), ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge (29), <OoT> Minutemen XI (3), Knights of the Apocalypse (18), Kane Family Guard (17), Ransom (22), <OoT> Imperial Fists (2), Imperial Cagilan Guard (16), ~=FSR=~ Ehrwig (28), Dragon Guard (15), |DG| Saladin's Shield (27) and Rag-Clad Ruffians (21) advance towards the enemy. Republican Men (36) and Angry Peasants (34) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat: Vanatori de Munte (24) score 154 hits. Republican Men (36) score 65 hits. Angry Peasants (34) score 8 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 73, Defenders: 154
Raven-Feather Khalkar II (35) take 291 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out. Vanatori de Munte (24) take 73 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Republican Men (36) take 537 hits (75 in close combat, 462 from archer fire), which cause 10 casualties, wiping the unit out. Zarath Emporos (Knight of Oberndorf, Sirion) has been wounded. <OoT>In the eye (7) take 35 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties. Angry Peasants (34) take 434 hits (79 in close combat, 355 from archer fire), which cause 19 casualties. Total casualties: 3 attackers, 33 defenders
Turn No. 2 Bear Guard (11) fire on Serinity's Men of Honor (37), scoring 100 hits. Longbows of Pain (20) fire on Serinity's Men of Honor (37), scoring 106 hits. |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (26) fire on Serinity's Men of Honor (37), scoring 105 hits. <OoT>In the eye (7) fire on Serinity's Men of Honor (37), scoring 173 hits. De Montfort Revengers (13) retreat from the close combat near them. 0=={===~=<OoT>=~===> (9) retreat from the close combat near them. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32), <OoT>Helronian Balancers (6), ~=SFR=~nO1000 (33) and <OoT> Clybr Lancers (1) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks. Lion's Heavy-Armed Infantry (19) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Dragon Guard (15) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Knights of the Apocalypse (18) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. -=FSR=- Hand of More (8) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Color Guard (12) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. <OoT> Minutemen XI (3) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Averam Family Guard (10) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Kane Family Guard (17) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Imperial Cagilan Guard (16) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. <OoT> Spadet suklaas syo (5) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. <OoT> Sinclair Unit (4) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge (29) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. |DG| Saladin's Shield (27) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. ~=FSR=~ Ehrwig (28) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Rag-Clad Ruffians (21) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Soldiers (23) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Ransom (22) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Serinity's Men of Honor (37) stay behind their camp fortifications. ~=FSR=~Elite (31) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. White Wolves (25) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Defiance (14), ~=FSR=~ Legion (30) and <OoT> Imperial Fists (2) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat: 4 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill! ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32) score 1100 hits. Angry Peasants (34) score 4 hits. Vanatori de Munte (24) score 150 hits. <OoT>Helronian Balancers (6) score 954 hits. ~=SFR=~nO1000 (33) score 343 hits. <OoT> Clybr Lancers (1) score 1184 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 4, Defenders: 1387 (3731 before overkill)
~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32) take 4 hits in close combat. No casualties. Angry Peasants (34) take 1387 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, wiping the unit out. Serinity's Men of Honor (37) take 242 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties. Total casualties: 0 attackers, 22 defenders
Turn No. 3 0=={===~=<OoT>=~===> (9) fire on Serinity's Men of Honor (37), scoring 86 hits. De Montfort Revengers (13) fire on Serinity's Men of Honor (37), scoring 66 hits. Bear Guard (11) fire on Serinity's Men of Honor (37), scoring 118 hits. <OoT>In the eye (7) fire on Serinity's Men of Honor (37), scoring 176 hits. |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (26) fire on Serinity's Men of Honor (37), scoring 95 hits. Longbows of Pain (20) fire on Serinity's Men of Honor (37), scoring 87 hits. <OoT>Helronian Balancers (6), ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32), ~=SFR=~nO1000 (33) and <OoT> Clybr Lancers (1) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks. Kane Family Guard (17), ~=FSR=~Elite (31), ~=FSR=~ Ehrwig (28), ~=FSR=~ Legion (30), Vanatori de Munte (24), Ransom (22), White Wolves (25), Soldiers (23), <OoT> Imperial Fists (2), Dragon Guard (15), Averam Family Guard (10), <OoT> Spadet suklaas syo (5), Lion's Heavy-Armed Infantry (19), <OoT> Minutemen XI (3), Color Guard (12), Knights of the Apocalypse (18), Defiance (14), -=FSR=- Hand of More (8), <OoT> Sinclair Unit (4), Rag-Clad Ruffians (21), ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge (29), Imperial Cagilan Guard (16) and |DG| Saladin's Shield (27) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat: 4 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill! <OoT>Helronian Balancers (6) score 964 hits. Serinity's Men of Honor (37) score 17 hits. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32) score 984 hits. ~=SFR=~nO1000 (33) score 242 hits. <OoT> Clybr Lancers (1) score 1278 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 17, Defenders: 1054 (3468 before overkill)
<OoT>Helronian Balancers (6) take 17 hits in close combat. No casualties. Serinity's Men of Honor (37) take 1272 hits (958 in close combat, 314 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out. Total casualties: 0 attackers, 7 defenders
Attacker Victory!
Battle Results (19 days, 8 hours ago) Your unit participated in a battle in Oberndorf. Your scribe has written down a battle report as a Scribe Note. The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 2 Honour and 1 Prestige. None of your men were killed in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 18 points. Your men's equipment suffers 1 % damage. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 2 points.
January 13th -- Skirmish with Undead -- Oberndorf
No. Role Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A Undead Horde (Undead) (rogue) 52 other line 1003 2 D <OoT> Clybr Lancers Laicch Fontan 23 Cav wedge 542 3 D <OoT> Horseshoe Guard Antony Fontan 30 Cav wedge 386 4 D <OoT> Imperial Fists Rogal Dorn Fontan 45 Inf line 644 5 D <OoT> Minutemen XI Abigail Fontan 60 Inf line 667 6 D <OoT> Pepeian Guardians Pepe Fontan 42 Inf line 514 7 D <OoT> Shieldwall Gervase Fontan 23 Inf line 240 8 D <OoT> Sinclair Unit Sabin Fontan 28 Inf line 361 9 D <OoT> Spadet suklaas syo Belendel Fontan 27 Inf line 351 10 D <OoT> Thunder Guardians Basilius Fontan 38 Inf line 407 11 D <OoT>In the eye Mulla Xul Fontan 53 Arch line 603 12 D -=FSR=- Hand of More Moremegis Fontan 34 Inf line 367 13 D -OoT- Lynxs Arthas Fontan 20 Inf line 318 14 D 0=={===~=<OoT>=~===> emma emma Fontan 27 Arch line 417 15 D Al Amarah Archers Fiendish Fontan 50 Arch line 540 16 D Averam Family Guard Crassus Fontan 29 Inf line 264 17 D Bear Guard Andrew Fontan 30 Arch line 358 18 D Bruthish Minions Brashnak Fontan 15 Inf line 148 19 D Defiance Ardithor Fontan 28 Inf line 275 20 D Dragon Guard Garine Fontan 30 Inf line 367 21 D Elite guards Woefix Fontan 21 Inf line 188 22 D elites aaron Fontan 10 Inf line 193 23 D Fontan Polo Club Alexi Fontan 31 Cav wedge 525 24 D Fontan's Most Loyal Ferdinand Fontan 10 Inf line 262 25 D Fontaneros Little John Fontan 21 MI line 360 26 D Fontanese Mixed Foot Leane Fontan 40 MI line 436 27 D Imperial Cagilan Guard Moira Fontan 25 Inf line 410 28 D Kane Family Guard Gadfrey Fontan 18 Inf line 229 29 D Knights of the Apocalypse Alise Fontan 21 Inf line 333 30 D Lilith's Great Archers Rillan Fontan 15 Arch line 258 31 D Lilith's Lesser Archers Tzarina Fontan 40 Arch line 392 32 D Lion's Heavy-Armed Infantry Cato Fontan 18 Inf line 225 33 D Longbows of Pain Hans Fontan 24 Arch line 321 34 D Omnia William Fontan 5 MI line 54 35 D Paladins of Darton Donnayet Fontan 15 SF line 364 36 D Ransom Allarion Fontan 30 Inf line 233 37 D Restonical Infantry Reston II Fontan 10 Inf line 190 38 D RumorMongers Cristov Fontan 23 Inf line 212 39 D Soldiers aeneas Fontan 54 Inf line 677 40 D The Avengers Elric Fontan 30 Inf line 451 41 D Vanatori de Munte Vlade Fontan 13 Inf line 180 42 D Warriors of the Balance Ana Fontan 20 Arch line 262 43 D We're Friggin' Expensive Takuto Fontan 10 Inf line 187 44 D White Wolves (militia/guard unit) Fontan 13 Inf line 213 45 D Wrath of Conan Celes Fontan 17 SF line 380 46 D |DG| Arrows of An Najaf Guthrinc Fontan 33 Arch line 397 47 D |DG| Saladin's Shield Saladin Fontan 20 Inf line 305 48 D ~=FSR=~ Ehrwig Quanto Fontan 29 Inf line 396 49 D ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge Sky Fontan 26 Inf line 388 50 D ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows Korkut Fontan 40 Arch line 568 51 D ~=FSR=~ Karbala Defenders Arica Fontan 26 MI line 391 52 D ~=FSR=~ Lady Liselle Escorts Liselle Fontan 38 Inf line 566 53 D ~=FSR=~ Legion Tal Fontan 40 Inf box 476 54 D ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield Lorrie Furion Fontan 40 Inf line 461 55 D ~=FSR=~ Yours to command Fidel Fontan 58 Inf box 735 56 D ~=FSR=~Elite johnnn Fontan 51 Inf line 787 57 D ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers Scylla Fontan 32 Cav wedge 534
Total: 1 attackers (52 other) 56 defenders (1027 Inf, 92 MI, 332 Arch, 116 Cav, 32 SF) Total combat strengths: 1003 vs. 21308 The region owner Fontan and their allies defend. The (rogue) troops attack because they are at war with Fontan.
A calm wind blows, to the joy of the archers. Rogal Dorn Primarchs, Count of Greatbridge, Marshal of the Order of The Thunder takes command of his army. Tal ConDoin, Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Fontan Strike Regiment takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.
Turn No. 1 Al Amarah Archers (15) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 96 hits. Longbows of Pain (33) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 175 hits. Warriors of the Balance (42) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 97 hits. Bear Guard (17) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 154 hits. Fontanese Mixed Foot (26) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 78 hits. |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (46) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 148 hits. ~=FSR=~ Karbala Defenders (51) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 115 hits. Lilith's Great Archers (30) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 66 hits. 0=={===~=<OoT>=~===> (14) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 254 hits. <OoT>In the eye (11) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 249 hits. Fontaneros (25) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 86 hits. Lilith's Lesser Archers (31) move closer to get better shots. ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (50) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 297 hits. Omnia (34) move closer to get better shots. <OoT> Clybr Lancers (2) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge. <OoT> Horseshoe Guard (3), Fontan Polo Club (23) and ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (57) ride on, closing in on the enemy. Bruthish Minions (18) stay behind their camp fortifications. Undead Horde (1) advance towards the enemy. Elite guards (21), Imperial Cagilan Guard (27), <OoT> Thunder Guardians (10), ~=FSR=~Elite (56), Paladins of Darton (35), RumorMongers (38), <OoT> Minutemen XI (5), Knights of the Apocalypse (29), -=FSR=- Hand of More (12), <OoT> Sinclair Unit (8), Averam Family Guard (16), |DG| Saladin's Shield (47), ~=FSR=~ Yours to command (55), elites (22), <OoT> Pepeian Guardians (6), ~=FSR=~ Ehrwig (48), Ransom (36), ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (54), Restonical Infantry (37), White Wolves (44), ~=FSR=~ Lady Liselle Escorts (52), Fontan's Most Loyal (24), -OoT- Lynxs (13), <OoT> Spadet suklaas syo (9), <OoT> Imperial Fists (4), Vanatori de Munte (41), <OoT> Shieldwall (7), Dragon Guard (20), The Avengers (40), Kane Family Guard (28), We're Friggin' Expensive (43), Wrath of Conan (45), Soldiers (39), ~=FSR=~ Legion (53), Defiance (19), Lion's Heavy-Armed Infantry (32) and ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge (49) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat: 1 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. Elite guards (21) score 92 hits. Paladins of Darton (35) score 145 hits. elites (22) score 138 hits. Ransom (36) score 111 hits. Undead Horde (1) score 202 hits. Vanatori de Munte (41) score 137 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 623, Defenders: 202
Elite guards (21) take 59 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Paladins of Darton (35) take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. elites (22) take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Ransom (36) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Undead Horde (1) take 2438 hits (623 in close combat, 1815 from archer fire), which cause 52 casualties, wiping the unit out. Vanatori de Munte (41) take 21 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Total casualties: 52 attackers, 6 defenders
Defender Victory!
The battle does minor damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 2 %.
Battle Results (15 days, 8 hours ago) Your unit participated in a battle in Oberndorf. Your scribe has written down a battle report as a Scribe Note. The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 1 Honour. None of your men were killed in this battle. Your unit gains 3 points of Morale. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 3 points.
January 14th -- Epic Battle -- Oberndorf
This was an epic battle fought between Fontan and her enemies Sirion and Old Rancagua. Fontan had captured Oberndorf from Sirion a few days earlier, cutting the route between Ashforth and Oligarch, and the northern alliance were eager to recapture the region. However the full might of Fontan opposed them.
The two opposing armies lined up at dawn, between them mustering the following forces:
companies | infantry | mixed infantry | archers | cavalry | special forces | total | |
Fontan | 56 | 1092 | 92 | 305 | 84 | 32 | 1605 |
Sirion & Old Rancagua | 61 | 958 | 52 | 545 | 294 | 45 | 1894 |
117 | 2050 | 144 | 850 | 378 | 77 | 3499 |
casualties | action | |||||
Sirion & Old Rancagua | Fontan | companies destroyed | companies retreated | wounded nobles | captured nobles | summary |
38 | 59 |
The allied ranks were disorganised with their archers mixed amongst their infantry line whilst Fontan deployed in good order, using their archers as a screen with some infantry support. Following a brief exchange of arrows the two amies advanced, the allied force overwhelming the Fontanian vanguard but losing much of the momentum of their attack. | ||
277 | 275 |
By this point the sky was thick with arrows and as the main infantry lines collided each other, their respective cavalry squadrons charged into the fray causing ferocious slaughter. The Imperial Cagilan Guard were in the thick of the fighting despite heavy fatigue caused by long hours the night before helping the engineers with repairs to Oberndorf's infrastructure. | |
217 | 181 |
The melee intensified but the Fontanese continued to hold back the onslaught. | |||
195 | 164 |
In the aftermath of the allied cavalry charge, and despite their heavy archery support, the Fontanian front line not only holds but breaks many of the companies attacking it. |
172 | 148 |
Elements of the Fontanian Order of the Thunder came under heavy pressure and the marshal's own bodyguard where cut down defending him. But the line still hold. | |
155 | 114 |
141 | 72 |
87 | 36 |
After more than two hours of pitched battle ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge, part of the Fontan Strike Regiment, broke through the allied line and the last of their infantry were forced from the field. | |
88 | 9 |
47 | 2 |
1417 | 1060 | A resounding Fontanian victory. |
Battle Results (14 days, 8 hours ago) Your unit participated in a battle in Oberndorf. Your scribe has written down a battle report as a Scribe Note. The battle lasted for 3 hours. You have gained 6 Honour and 4 Prestige. 7 of your men were killed and 9 were wounded in this battle. Your unit gains 9 points of Morale. Your men's equipment suffers 15 % damage. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 1 points.
January 15th -- Skirmish with Undead -- Krimml
Battle in Krimml (12 days, 20 hours ago) No. Role Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A Undead Horde (Undead) (rogue) 18 other line 333 2 D <OoT> Elite Peasants (militia/guard unit) Fontan 11 Inf line 172 3 D <OoT> Horseshoe Guard Antony Fontan 30 Cav wedge 417 4 D <OoT> Imperial Fists (militia/guard unit) Fontan 39 Arch line 613 5 D <OoT> Lavender Lightning Luna Fontan 36 Arch line 477 6 D <OoT> Montijo Marauders Hampton Fontan 33 Inf line 521 7 D <OoT> Shieldwall Gervase Fontan 19 Inf line 214 8 D <OoT> Sinclair Unit Sabin Fontan 16 Inf line 281 9 D <OoT> Thunder Guardians Basilius Fontan 24 Inf line 284 10 D <OoT>In the eye Mulla Xul Fontan 41 Arch line 569 11 D -OoT- Lynxs Arthas Fontan 15 Inf line 258 12 D Blood Drinkers VII (militia/guard unit) Fontan 49 Inf line 444 13 D Blood Drinkers VII (militia/guard unit) Fontan 47 Inf wedge 448 14 D Bruthish Minions Brashnak Fontan 17 Inf line 169 15 D Coastal Guard Ricardo Fontan 5 Inf line 91 16 D De Montfort Revengers Ricard Fontan 32 Arch line 511 17 D Defiance Ardithor Fontan 20 Inf line 225 18 D Dragoons Maldrik Fontan 25 Inf line 340 19 D Elite guards Woefix Fontan 38 Inf line 386 20 D Fontan Polo Club Alexi Fontan 59 Cav wedge 904 21 D Fontaneros Little John Fontan 28 MI line 420 22 D Fontanese Mixed Foot Leane Fontan 40 MI line 510 23 D Honour and Glory Turin Fontan 8 Inf line 88 24 D Imperial Cagilan Guard Moira Fontan 14 Inf line 287 25 D Imperial Fists (militia/guard unit) Fontan 10 Arch line 201 26 D Kane Family Guard Gadfrey Fontan 20 Inf line 194 27 D Lion's Heavy-Armed Infantry (not present) Fontan 6 Inf line 126 28 D Relak Guard Gregor Fontan 40 Inf line 637 29 D Restonical Infantry Reston II Fontan 6 Inf line 154 30 D The Yellow Rooster (militia/guard unit) Fontan 17 Cav wedge 417 31 D Vanatori de Munte Vlade Fontan 1 Inf line 27 32 D Warriors of the Balance Ana Fontan 11 Arch line 181 33 D Wrath of Conan Celes Fontan 2 SF line 80 34 D |DG| Arrows of An Najaf Guthrinc Fontan 28 Arch line 356 35 D |DG| Horsemen of Artemesia Jared Fontan 18 Cav wedge 310 36 D |DG| Pumpkin Scissors I Lionel Fontan 133 Inf line 1084 37 D |DG| Saladin's Shield Saladin Fontan 13 Inf line 245 38 D ~=FSR=~ Ehrwig (militia/guard unit) Fontan 44 Inf line 587 39 D ~=FSR=~ Ehrwig (militia/guard unit) Fontan 41 Inf line 517 40 D ~=FSR=~ Band of the Hawk (militia/guard unit) Fontan 22 Inf line 323 41 D ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows Korkut Fontan 37 Arch line 512 42 D ~=FSR=~ Karbala Defenders Arica Fontan 11 MI skirmish 219 43 D ~=FSR=~ Legion Tal Fontan 10 Inf line 178 44 D ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield Lorrie Furion Fontan 16 Inf line 235 45 D ~=FSR=~ The Avengers Elric Fontan 32 Inf line 523 46 D ~=FSR=~Elite johnnn Fontan 39 Inf line 593 47 D ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers Scylla Fontan 34 Cav wedge 605 48 D ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Beauty (militia/guard unit) Fontan 30 Inf line 608 49 D ~=K.D.F=~ The Lions Glory Crewe Fontan 4 Inf line 103 50 D ~=SFR=~nO1000 Xavier Fontan 22 Cav skirmish 480 51 N Bogenschutzen Friedrich Fontan 18 Arch line 176 52 N M kacher Fontan 2 Inf line 45 53 N Ransom Allarion Fontan 9 Inf line 98
Total: 1 attackers (18 other) 49 defenders (798 Inf, 79 MI, 234 Arch, 180 Cav, 2 SF) Total combat strengths: 333 vs. 18124 3 neutral observers (319 combat strength). Ransom successfully evade the foreign troops. Imperial Cagilan Guard tried to evade foreign troops, but were spotted. M successfully evade the foreign troops. Bogenschutzen successfully evade the foreign troops. The region owner Fontan and their allies defend. The (rogue) troops attack because they are at war with Fontan.
A calm wind blows, to the joy of the archers. The defenders take up positions inside the Stronghold (4).
Gregor Relak, Duke of Fontan is spotted wearing the Dazzling Ring of Glory. Ricard De Montfort, Marshal of the Democratic Guard takes command of his army. Tal ConDoin, Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Fontan Strike Regiment takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.
Turn No. 1 De Montfort Revengers (16) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 232 hits. Imperial Fists (25) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 53 hits. Warriors of the Balance (32) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 60 hits. Fontaneros (21) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 108 hits. <OoT> Lavender Lightning (5) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 147 hits. <OoT> Imperial Fists (4) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 204 hits. ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (41) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 330 hits. Fontanese Mixed Foot (22) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 89 hits. <OoT>In the eye (10) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 304 hits. ~=FSR=~ Karbala Defenders (42) have no enemy in range and hold their fire. |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (34) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 172 hits. Fontan Polo Club (20) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge. <OoT> Horseshoe Guard (3) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge. |DG| Horsemen of Artemesia (35) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge. The Yellow Rooster (30) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (47) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge. ~=SFR=~nO1000 (50) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge. Lion's Heavy-Armed Infantry (27) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy. Undead Horde (1) advance towards the enemy. Dragoons (18), ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (45), ~=FSR=~ Band of the Hawk (40), Vanatori de Munte (31), Blood Drinkers VII (13), ~=FSR=~ Ehrwig (39), <OoT> Montijo Marauders (6), -OoT- Lynxs (11), |DG| Pumpkin Scissors I (36), <OoT> Elite Peasants (2), Imperial Cagilan Guard (24), ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Beauty (48), Restonical Infantry (29), Defiance (17), Blood Drinkers VII (12), ~=FSR=~ Ehrwig (38), Bruthish Minions (14), Wrath of Conan (33), ~=FSR=~Elite (46), |DG| Saladin's Shield (37), Elite guards (19), <OoT> Thunder Guardians (9), ~=FSR=~ Legion (43), ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (44), ~=K.D.F=~ The Lions Glory (49), <OoT> Sinclair Unit (8) and <OoT> Shieldwall (7) move forward to take up positions at the outer wall. Relak Guard (28), Honour and Glory (23), Coastal Guard (15) and Kane Family Guard (26) hold their positions at the outer wall, waiting for the attack.
Close Combat: 1 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. Lion's Heavy-Armed Infantry (27) score 118 hits. Undead Horde (1) score 66 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 118, Defenders: 66
Lion's Heavy-Armed Infantry (27) take 66 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Undead Horde (1) take 1817 hits (118 in close combat, 1699 from archer fire), which cause 18 casualties, wiping the unit out. Total casualties: 18 attackers, 2 defenders
Defender Victory!
Battle Results (12 days, 20 hours ago) Your unit participated in a battle in Krimml. Your scribe has written down a battle report as a Scribe Note. The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 1 Honour. None of your men were killed in this battle. Your unit gains 1 points of Morale. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 3 points.
January 17th -- Epic Battle -- Oberndorf
Battle in Oberndorf (10 days, 20 hours ago) No. Role Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A <OoT> Clybr Lancers Laicch Fontan 30 Cav wedge 609 2 A <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot Leane Fontan 40 MI line 519 3 A <OoT> Horseshoe Guard Antony Fontan 30 Cav wedge 427 4 A <OoT> Knights of the Apoca Alise Fontan 20 Inf line 201 5 A <OoT> Shieldwall Gervase Fontan 19 Inf line 218 6 A <OoT> Sinclair Unit Sabin Fontan 26 Inf line 374 7 A <OoT> Spadet suklaas syo Belendel Fontan 31 Inf line 402 8 A <OoT> Thunder Guardians Basilius Fontan 24 Inf line 282 9 A <OoT>Helronian Balancers Helos Fontan 20 Cav wedge 395 10 A -=FSR=- Hand of More Moremegis Fontan 30 Inf line 344 11 A -OoT- Lynxs Arthas Fontan 15 Inf line 302 12 A Averam Family Guard Crassus Fontan 22 Inf line 264 13 A Bogenschutzen Friedrich Fontan 18 Arch line 185 14 A Defiance Ardithor Fontan 25 Inf line 299 15 A Elite guards Woefix Fontan 38 Inf line 400 16 A Fontan Polo Club Alexi Fontan 59 Cav wedge 903 17 A Fontaneros Little John Fontan 28 MI line 432 18 A Honour and Glory Turin Fontan 7 Inf line 85 19 A Imperial Cagilan Guard Moira Fontan 25 Inf line 459 20 A Kane Family Guard Gadfrey Fontan 20 Inf line 195 21 A Red Elites aaron Fontan 15 Inf line 266 22 A Shock Troopers Ferdinand Fontan 19 Inf line 194 23 A Vanatori de Munte Vlade Fontan 12 Inf line 175 24 A |DG| Arrows of An Najaf Guthrinc Fontan 30 Arch line 349 25 A ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge Sky Fontan 14 Inf line 191 26 A ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows Korkut Fontan 37 Arch line 582 27 A ~=FSR=~ Legion Tal Fontan 41 Inf line 449 28 A ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield Lorrie Furion Fontan 39 Inf line 432 29 A ~=FSR=~ The Avengers Elric Fontan 32 Inf line 524 30 A ~=FSR=~ Yours to command Fidel Fontan 41 Inf line 609 31 A ~=FSR=~Elite johnnn Fontan 50 Inf line 820 32 A ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers Scylla Fontan 34 Cav wedge 616 33 A ~=K.D.F.=~Iongai Leoini Rory Fontan 50 Inf wedge 662 34 A ~=K.D.F=~ Black Raven Haku Fontan 56 Inf wedge 761 35 A ~=K.D.F=~ Carnes Fanatics~ Elberan Fontan 60 Inf wedge 793 36 A ~=K.D.F=~ Darton's Bless brewers Fontan 50 Inf wedge 792 37 A ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip Ertugrul Fontan 94 Arch line 1047 38 A ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Adron Jasmine Fontan 38 SF wedge 896 39 A ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Darton Syntia Fontan 46 SF wedge 927 40 A ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Beauty Suna Fontan 53 Inf wedge 779 41 A ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Power Kira Fontan 50 Inf wedge 709 42 A ~=K.D.F=~ The Lions Spirit Sulliven Fontan 53 Inf wedge 841 43 A ~=K.D.F=~The True Swords Duncan Fontan 50 Inf wedge 721 44 A ~=SFR=~nO1000 Xavier Fontan 22 Cav line 492 45 D -=FL=-Kazan Army Patrick Old Rancagua 14 Inf box 168 46 D -=FL=-MIUW112 Tarl Old Rancagua 30 Inf line 380 47 D 1st Bruck Mounted Regiment Jean-Luc Old Rancagua 21 Cav wedge 321 48 D Army of Truth Jack Old Rancagua 30 Inf line 314 49 D Ashforth Arbalests emma emma Old Rancagua 20 Arch line 204 50 D Batteling Duellants Maria Old Rancagua 40 Inf box 485 51 D Bee's Pointy Squad Butch Sirion 21 Arch line 166 52 D Best of the Best SY Old Rancagua 18 SF line 499 53 D Blaze of Glory Luvly Sirion 68 Inf box 698 54 D Bruisers Caine Sirion 14 Cav line 171 55 D Dee's Horsie Squad Daryna Old Rancagua 20 Cav line 134 56 D Destroyers Hyraltic Sirion 30 Inf line 241 57 D Elven Archers Arthur Sirion 15 Arch line 262 58 D Elven Archers Kayleigh Sirion 22 Arch line 324 59 D Elven Longbows Circle Sirion 93 Arch line 1019 60 D Fire In the Sky Tabitha Old Rancagua 54 Arch line 646 61 D HUZZAH! Gertrude Old Rancagua 25 Inf line 220 62 D Just my guys Daydreamer Sirion 32 Inf box 385 63 D Kail's Revenge Kail Old Rancagua 30 Inf line 500 64 D knights templar akillis Old Rancagua 18 Cav wedge 365 65 D Kraze Cypher II Old Rancagua 72 Arch line 766 66 D Light Guard Orin Sirion 8 Inf line 192 67 D Naluskrildelas Ariah Old Rancagua 9 Inf box 112 68 D Obandian Peasant Cavalry Bashclaw 'The Carver' Old Rancagua 6 Cav wedge 129 69 D Oberndorf Archers Tzarmeister Sirion 50 Arch line 420 70 D Orgonian Guard Apollyon Old Rancagua 6 Inf line 117 71 D Oroyian Protectorate High Guard Old Rancagua 40 Inf box 494 72 D Personal Guard An'ton II Old Rancagua 25 Arch line 213 73 D Personal Guard Brojn Sirion 21 Inf box 228 74 D Phoenix Guardians Thomsen Sirion 23 Inf box 246 75 D Pincushion Practitioners Areku Sirion 16 Arch line 261 76 D Red Blades Sirius Old Rancagua 17 Inf box 250 77 D RHG Belegrist Syban Old Rancagua 23 Inf box 286 78 D Risembool Rangers Hei Sirion 17 Arch line 306 79 D Sardaukar Melkor Sirion 14 Cav wedge 336 80 D Shellem's Band Shellem Old Rancagua 15 Inf box 135 81 D Silver Bows Mari Old Rancagua 43 Arch line 400 82 D Slim Riders Dorian Sirion 30 Cav wedge 594 83 D Spear Warband of the Huz Sotomayor Sirion 17 Inf box 192 84 D Sure_Fire Druzil Old Rancagua 10 Inf box 144 85 D Swift's Back Swift Old Rancagua 21 Inf box 168 86 D Templar Infantry Fenix Old Rancagua 33 Inf box 419 87 D Templars of Old Rancagua drakor Old Rancagua 30 Inf box 356 88 D Templars of Old Rancagua Santiago Old Rancagua 22 Inf box 326 89 D Templars of Old Rancagua Adrahil Old Rancagua 10 Inf line 120 90 D Templars of the White Tree Olaf Old Rancagua 21 Cav wedge 428 91 D The Last Drop Antan Old Rancagua 10 Arch line 98 92 D Tisiphone's Minions SFC Dick Sirion 7 Inf box 67 93 D Vanguard Kyj Old Rancagua 15 Cav wedge 243 94 D Vanilla Tand Sirion 20 Cav wedge 272 95 D Vengeance Organ Old Rancagua 12 Inf box 180 96 D Wanderer's Bows Eavan Sirion 25 Arch line 282 97 D Warm Bodies Bert Old Rancagua 45 Arch line 193
Total: 44 attackers (987 Inf, 68 MI, 179 Arch, 195 Cav, 84 SF) 53 defenders (623 Inf, 528 Arch, 179 Cav, 18 SF) Total combat strengths: 21922 vs. 16475 The region owner Sirion and their allies defend. The Fontan troops attack because they are at war with Sirion.
Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck.
Sir Elberan Carnes, Minister of Finances of Fontan, Count of An Najaf is spotted wearing the Sacred Crown of Ice. drakor Dracon (Knight of Oroya) is spotted reading from the Ornate Book of Betrayal. Sir Elberan Carnes, Minister of Finances of Fontan, Count of An Najaf is spotted wearing the Blessed Plate Mail of the Kings. Sir High Guard Tezokian, High Marshal of Old Rancagua, Duke of Oroya is spotted wearing the Enchanted Chain Mail of the Maiden. Tal ConDoin, Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Fontan Strike Regiment takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation. Sir Ertugrul Kalkandelen, Marshal of the Lions takes command of his army. Olaf Stormblade, Count of Dale, Marshal of the Templars of the White Tree takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation. Fenix Arc, Count of Salta, Marshal of the Fearless Legions of Old Rancagua takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.
Turn No. 1 Bogenschutzen (13) fire on Blaze of Glory (53), scoring 50 hits. Bee's Pointy Squad (51) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37), scoring 55 hits. Elven Longbows (59) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37), scoring 305 hits. Personal Guard (72) fire on ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26), scoring 23 hits. Elven Archers (58) fire on ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26), scoring 229 hits. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) move in, hoping to reach close combat. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) fire on Blaze of Glory (53), scoring 58 hits. The Last Drop (91) fire on |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (24), scoring 11 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37) fire on Blaze of Glory (53), scoring 388 hits. Warm Bodies (97) fire on |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (24), scoring 11 hits. Fire In the Sky (60) fire on |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (24), scoring 172 hits. Kraze (65) fire on Red Elites (21), scoring 136 hits. |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (24) fire on Best of the Best (52), scoring 147 hits. ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26) fire on Oroyian Protectorate (71), scoring 211 hits. Oberndorf Archers (69) fire on <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2), scoring 116 hits. Fontaneros (17) move in, hoping to reach close combat. Fontaneros (17) fire on Batteling Duellants (50), scoring 59 hits. Pincushion Practitioners (75) fire on Fontaneros (17), scoring 204 hits. Risembool Rangers (78) fire on Shock Troopers (22), scoring 117 hits. Silver Bows (81) fire on Bogenschutzen (13), scoring 97 hits. Wanderer's Bows (96) fire on Red Elites (21), scoring 139 hits. Ashforth Arbalests (49) fire on <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2), scoring 91 hits. Elven Archers (57) fire on Shock Troopers (22), scoring 46 hits. Fontan Polo Club (16), <OoT> Clybr Lancers (1), <OoT> Horseshoe Guard (3), ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32), ~=SFR=~nO1000 (44) and <OoT>Helronian Balancers (9) ride on, closing in on the defenders. Slim Riders (82), Sardaukar (79), Bruisers (54), Templars of the White Tree (90), Obandian Peasant Cavalry (68), Dee's Horsie Squad (55), Vanguard (93), Vanilla (94), knights templar (64) and 1st Bruck Mounted Regiment (47) ride on, closing in on the enemy. Orgonian Guard (70) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Oroyian Protectorate (71) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Templars of Old Rancagua (87) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Personal Guard (73) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Blaze of Glory (53) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Sure_Fire (84) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Swift's Back (85) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Destroyers (56) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Templars of Old Rancagua (88) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Red Blades (76) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Naluskrildelas (67) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Shellem's Band (80) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. ~=K.D.F=~ Carnes Fanatics~ (35), Imperial Cagilan Guard (19), <OoT> Knights of the Apoca (4), ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Beauty (40), ~=K.D.F=~ Black Raven (34), Vanatori de Munte (23), <OoT> Spadet suklaas syo (7), -=FSR=- Hand of More (10), Kane Family Guard (20), ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Power (41), ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge (25), ~=FSR=~ Yours to command (30), Red Elites (21), ~=FSR=~Elite (31), ~=K.D.F=~ Darton's Bless (36), <OoT> Shieldwall (5), ~=K.D.F=~The True Swords (43), <OoT> Thunder Guardians (8), ~=K.D.F.=~Iongai Leoini (33), Honour and Glory (18), ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Darton (39), Averam Family Guard (12), ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (28), ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (29), Shock Troopers (22), <OoT> Sinclair Unit (6), Defiance (14), ~=FSR=~ Legion (27), Elite guards (15), -OoT- Lynxs (11), ~=K.D.F=~ The Lions Spirit (42) and ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Adron (38) advance towards the enemy. HUZZAH! (61), Tisiphone's Minions (92), Army of Truth (48), -=FL=-MIUW112 (46), Vengeance (95), Spear Warband of the Huz (83), Phoenix Guardians (74), Just my guys (62), Kail's Revenge (63), Templar Infantry (86), Best of the Best (52), RHG Belegrist (77), Batteling Duellants (50), Light Guard (66), Templars of Old Rancagua (89) and -=FL=-Kazan Army (45) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat: 2 Sirion banners are visible in the melee. 1 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. 6 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee. The defenders crowd around the outnumbered attackers - Overkill! Tisiphone's Minions (92) score 36 hits. Army of Truth (48) score 168 hits. Vengeance (95) score 88 hits. Spear Warband of the Huz (83) score 98 hits. Phoenix Guardians (74) score 166 hits. Just my guys (62) score 312 hits. Red Elites (21) score 172 hits. Kail's Revenge (63) score 322 hits. Templar Infantry (86) score 248 hits. Best of the Best (52) score 314 hits. ~=SFR=~nO1000 (44) score 378 hits. Shock Troopers (22) score 122 hits. RHG Belegrist (77) score 181 hits. Batteling Duellants (50) score 283 hits. Templars of Old Rancagua (89) score 59 hits. -=FL=-Kazan Army (45) score 73 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2020 (2348 before overkill), Defenders: 672
Bogenschutzen (13) take 97 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties. Tisiphone's Minions (92) take 148 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out. SFC Dick Iskaban (Knight of Rollbar, Sirion) has been captured by Fontan forces. Army of Truth (48) take 90 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. Vengeance (95) take 66 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Spear Warband of the Huz (83) take 68 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) take 207 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37) take 360 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties. Phoenix Guardians (74) take 60 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (24) take 194 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties. Just my guys (62) take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Oroyian Protectorate (71) take 211 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26) take 252 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties. Blaze of Glory (53) take 496 hits from archer fire, which cause 12 casualties. Fontaneros (17) take 204 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. Red Elites (21) take 1093 hits (818 in close combat, 275 from archer fire), which cause 15 casualties, wiping the unit out. Kail's Revenge (63) take 54 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Templar Infantry (86) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Best of the Best (52) take 191 hits (44 in close combat, 147 from archer fire), which cause 4 casualties. ~=SFR=~nO1000 (44) take 723 hits in close combat, which cause 15 casualties. One Fontan banner is lost. Shock Troopers (22) take 642 hits (479 in close combat, 163 from archer fire), which cause 19 casualties, wiping the unit out. RHG Belegrist (77) take 26 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Batteling Duellants (50) take 93 hits (34 in close combat, 59 from archer fire), which cause 2 casualties. Total casualties: 86 attackers, 42 defenders
Turn No. 2 Elven Archers (58) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37), scoring 133 hits. Silver Bows (81) fire on ~=FSR=~Elite (31), scoring 102 hits. Fontaneros (17) retreat from the close combat near them. Elven Archers (57) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37), scoring 50 hits. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) retreat from the close combat near them. Oberndorf Archers (69) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37), scoring 135 hits. Warm Bodies (97) fire on ~=FSR=~Elite (31), scoring 11 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37) fire on Blaze of Glory (53), scoring 428 hits. Bogenschutzen (13) fire on Oroyian Protectorate (71), scoring 56 hits. Fire In the Sky (60) fire on ~=FSR=~Elite (31), scoring 140 hits. Kraze (65) fire on ~=FSR=~ Yours to command (30), scoring 229 hits. Ashforth Arbalests (49) fire on ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (29), scoring 50 hits. Wanderer's Bows (96) fire on ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26), scoring 106 hits. Pincushion Practitioners (75) fire on ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (28), scoring 231 hits. |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (24) fire on -=FL=-MIUW112 (46), scoring 150 hits. Personal Guard (72) fire on ~=FSR=~ Legion (27), scoring 20 hits. ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26) fire on Risembool Rangers (78), scoring 205 hits. Risembool Rangers (78) fire on Imperial Cagilan Guard (19), scoring 211 hits. Bee's Pointy Squad (51) fire on ~=FSR=~ Legion (27), scoring 52 hits. Elven Longbows (59) fire on <OoT> Spadet suklaas syo (7), scoring 374 hits. The Last Drop (91) fire on ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (29), scoring 12 hits. Dee's Horsie Squad (55) are eager to charge, but the melee is too crowded already. Bruisers (54) charge forward. <OoT> Horseshoe Guard (3), <OoT> Clybr Lancers (1), <OoT>Helronian Balancers (9), Fontan Polo Club (16) and ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks. Obandian Peasant Cavalry (68), Slim Riders (82), 1st Bruck Mounted Regiment (47), Sardaukar (79), Templars of the White Tree (90), Vanguard (93), Vanilla (94) and knights templar (64) charge ahead, into the attackers' ranks. Elite guards (15), ~=K.D.F=~ Black Raven (34), <OoT> Spadet suklaas syo (7), ~=FSR=~Elite (31), <OoT> Thunder Guardians (8), ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Beauty (40), ~=K.D.F=~ Carnes Fanatics~ (35), Kane Family Guard (20), ~=K.D.F.=~Iongai Leoini (33), ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Darton (39), Imperial Cagilan Guard (19), ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Adron (38), Honour and Glory (18), ~=FSR=~ Yours to command (30), ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Power (41), Averam Family Guard (12), <OoT> Sinclair Unit (6), ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge (25), <OoT> Shieldwall (5), Vanatori de Munte (23), <OoT> Knights of the Apoca (4), ~=K.D.F=~ The Lions Spirit (42), -OoT- Lynxs (11), Defiance (14), -=FSR=- Hand of More (10), ~=K.D.F=~ Darton's Bless (36), ~=FSR=~ Legion (27), ~=K.D.F=~The True Swords (43), ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (29) and ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (28) advance towards the enemy. Templars of Old Rancagua (88), Red Blades (76), Naluskrildelas (67), Swift's Back (85), -=FL=-MIUW112 (46), Orgonian Guard (70), Light Guard (66), HUZZAH! (61), Destroyers (56), Templars of Old Rancagua (87), Blaze of Glory (53), Shellem's Band (80), Oroyian Protectorate (71), Sure_Fire (84) and Personal Guard (73) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat: 5 Sirion banners are visible in the melee. 12 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. 15 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee. Spear Warband of the Huz (83) score 86 hits. Elite guards (15) score 195 hits. <OoT> Spadet suklaas syo (7) score 215 hits. Templars of Old Rancagua (88) score 237 hits. Red Blades (76) score 113 hits. ~=FSR=~Elite (31) score 557 hits. <OoT> Thunder Guardians (8) score 202 hits. Obandian Peasant Cavalry (68) score 152 hits. Slim Riders (82) score 1660 hits. <OoT> Horseshoe Guard (3) score 529 hits. Naluskrildelas (67) score 46 hits. 1st Bruck Mounted Regiment (47) score 472 hits. Army of Truth (48) score 141 hits. Sardaukar (79) score 1060 hits. RHG Belegrist (77) score 157 hits. Swift's Back (85) score 65 hits. Vengeance (95) score 78 hits. Templars of the White Tree (90) score 640 hits. Kane Family Guard (20) score 115 hits. <OoT> Clybr Lancers (1) score 1295 hits. Imperial Cagilan Guard (19) score 371 hits. <OoT>Helronian Balancers (9) score 588 hits. -=FL=-MIUW112 (46) score 282 hits. Honour and Glory (18) score 56 hits. Orgonian Guard (70) score 56 hits. ~=FSR=~ Yours to command (30) score 378 hits. Best of the Best (52) score 301 hits. Light Guard (66) score 170 hits. Vanguard (93) score 460 hits. HUZZAH! (61) score 84 hits. Averam Family Guard (12) score 98 hits. <OoT> Sinclair Unit (6) score 236 hits. Fontan Polo Club (16) score 1788 hits. Batteling Duellants (50) score 319 hits. Destroyers (56) score 124 hits. Templars of Old Rancagua (87) score 250 hits. Blaze of Glory (53) score 238 hits. Shellem's Band (80) score 41 hits. Vanilla (94) score 413 hits. ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge (25) score 131 hits. Bruisers (54) score 128 hits. -=FL=-Kazan Army (45) score 55 hits. Oroyian Protectorate (71) score 244 hits. <OoT> Shieldwall (5) score 87 hits. Templars of Old Rancagua (89) score 70 hits. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32) score 942 hits. Vanatori de Munte (23) score 127 hits. <OoT> Knights of the Apoca (4) score 107 hits. -OoT- Lynxs (11) score 196 hits. Kail's Revenge (63) score 337 hits. Templar Infantry (86) score 291 hits. Defiance (14) score 141 hits. -=FSR=- Hand of More (10) score 173 hits. Phoenix Guardians (74) score 155 hits. Just my guys (62) score 348 hits. Sure_Fire (84) score 99 hits. ~=FSR=~ Legion (27) score 332 hits. ~=SFR=~nO1000 (44) score 173 hits. Personal Guard (73) score 119 hits. knights templar (64) score 734 hits. ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (29) score 365 hits. ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (28) score 305 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 10225, Defenders: 9702
Spear Warband of the Huz (83) take 1553 hits in close combat, which cause 15 casualties, wiping the unit out. Elite guards (15) take 2761 hits in close combat, which cause 38 casualties, wiping the unit out. <OoT> Spadet suklaas syo (7) take 1793 hits (1419 in close combat, 374 from archer fire), which cause 31 casualties, wiping the unit out. Templars of Old Rancagua (88) take 978 hits in close combat, which cause 22 casualties, wiping the unit out. Red Blades (76) take 718 hits in close combat, which cause 17 casualties, wiping the unit out. ~=FSR=~Elite (31) take 1160 hits (907 in close combat, 253 from archer fire), which cause 22 casualties. <OoT> Thunder Guardians (8) take 617 hits in close combat, which cause 17 casualties. Obandian Peasant Cavalry (68) take 1033 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out. Sir Bashclaw 'The Carver' Soulblighter (Knight of Salta, Old Rancagua) has been wounded. Slim Riders (82) take 976 hits in close combat, which cause 21 casualties. <OoT> Horseshoe Guard (3) take 769 hits in close combat, which cause 26 casualties. Naluskrildelas (67) take 1023 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties, wiping the unit out. 1st Bruck Mounted Regiment (47) take 753 hits in close combat, which cause 20 casualties. Army of Truth (48) take 561 hits in close combat, which cause 19 casualties. Sardaukar (79) take 506 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties. RHG Belegrist (77) take 177 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. Swift's Back (85) take 143 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties. Vengeance (95) take 321 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties. Templars of the White Tree (90) take 202 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties. Kane Family Guard (20) take 638 hits in close combat, which cause 18 casualties. <OoT> Clybr Lancers (1) take 405 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties. Laicch Abliarsec (Dame of Greatbridge, Fontan) has been wounded. Imperial Cagilan Guard (19) take 862 hits (651 in close combat, 211 from archer fire), which cause 16 casualties. One Fontan banner is lost. ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37) take 318 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties. <OoT>Helronian Balancers (9) take 556 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties. -=FL=-MIUW112 (46) take 325 hits (175 in close combat, 150 from archer fire), which cause 7 casualties. Honour and Glory (18) take 391 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out. Orgonian Guard (70) take 123 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Yours to command (30) take 529 hits (300 in close combat, 229 from archer fire), which cause 13 casualties. Best of the Best (52) take 83 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Light Guard (66) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Vanguard (93) take 57 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. HUZZAH! (61) take 54 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Averam Family Guard (12) take 195 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties. <OoT> Sinclair Unit (6) take 167 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. Fontan Polo Club (16) take 117 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Batteling Duellants (50) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Destroyers (56) take 57 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. Templars of Old Rancagua (87) take 24 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Blaze of Glory (53) take 448 hits (20 in close combat, 428 from archer fire), which cause 11 casualties. Shellem's Band (80) take 14 hits in close combat. No casualties. Vanilla (94) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge (25) take 84 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26) take 106 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties. Oroyian Protectorate (71) take 56 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties. <OoT> Shieldwall (5) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32) take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Risembool Rangers (78) take 205 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties. Hei Bakos, Minister of Finances of Sirion, Countess of Flismar has been wounded. Vanatori de Munte (23) take 60 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. <OoT> Knights of the Apoca (4) take 24 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. -OoT- Lynxs (11) take 49 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Legion (27) take 72 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties. ~=SFR=~nO1000 (44) are shocked. ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (29) take 62 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (28) take 231 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties. Total casualties: 247 attackers, 206 defenders
Turn No. 3 Oberndorf Archers (69) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Darton (39), scoring 94 hits. Fire In the Sky (60) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37), scoring 141 hits. ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26) fire on Silver Bows (81), scoring 203 hits. Personal Guard (72) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Adron (38), scoring 27 hits. Silver Bows (81) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ The Lions Spirit (42), scoring 139 hits. Elven Longbows (59) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Adron (38), scoring 349 hits. Risembool Rangers (78) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Darton's Bless (36), scoring 102 hits. Warm Bodies (97) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Beauty (40), scoring 11 hits. Bee's Pointy Squad (51) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Carnes Fanatics~ (35), scoring 30 hits. Bogenschutzen (13) fire on Elven Archers (58), scoring 42 hits. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) move in, hoping to reach close combat. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) fire on Wanderer's Bows (96), scoring 64 hits. |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (24) fire on Pincushion Practitioners (75), scoring 163 hits. Fontaneros (17) move in, hoping to reach close combat. Fontaneros (17) fire on Elven Archers (58), scoring 87 hits. Ashforth Arbalests (49) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Beauty (40), scoring 52 hits. Wanderer's Bows (96) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Black Raven (34), scoring 112 hits. Elven Archers (58) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Darton (39), scoring 129 hits. The Last Drop (91) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Carnes Fanatics~ (35), scoring 12 hits. Pincushion Practitioners (75) fire on ~=K.D.F=~The True Swords (43), scoring 204 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37) fire on Dee's Horsie Squad (55), scoring 329 hits. Elven Archers (57) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Power (41), scoring 43 hits. Kraze (65) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Carnes Fanatics~ (35), scoring 181 hits. Dee's Horsie Squad (55) charge forward. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Power (41), ~=K.D.F=~ The Lions Spirit (42), ~=K.D.F.=~Iongai Leoini (33), ~=K.D.F=~ Black Raven (34), ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Adron (38), ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Darton (39), ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Beauty (40), ~=K.D.F=~ Darton's Bless (36), ~=K.D.F=~The True Swords (43) and ~=K.D.F=~ Carnes Fanatics~ (35) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat: 4 Sirion banners are visible in the melee. 31 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. 11 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee. ~=FSR=~ Legion (27) score 319 hits. Kane Family Guard (20) score 31 hits. Defiance (14) score 152 hits. RHG Belegrist (77) score 144 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Power (41) score 594 hits. Shellem's Band (80) score 56 hits. Fontan Polo Club (16) score 734 hits. <OoT> Clybr Lancers (1) score 512 hits. <OoT> Knights of the Apoca (4) score 118 hits. Imperial Cagilan Guard (19) score 197 hits. ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (29) score 333 hits. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32) score 518 hits. Vanatori de Munte (23) score 109 hits. Templars of the White Tree (90) score 295 hits. Army of Truth (48) score 55 hits. Oroyian Protectorate (71) score 220 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lions Spirit (42) score 655 hits. Templars of Old Rancagua (87) score 226 hits. Templar Infantry (86) score 285 hits. <OoT>Helronian Balancers (9) score 126 hits. ~=K.D.F.=~Iongai Leoini (33) score 660 hits. Slim Riders (82) score 268 hits. Best of the Best (52) score 286 hits. Destroyers (56) score 138 hits. Orgonian Guard (70) score 33 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Black Raven (34) score 694 hits. ~=FSR=~ Yours to command (30) score 288 hits. <OoT> Shieldwall (5) score 95 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Adron (38) score 907 hits. Blaze of Glory (53) score 254 hits. Bruisers (54) score 73 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Darton (39) score 602 hits. HUZZAH! (61) score 75 hits. -=FL=-MIUW112 (46) score 239 hits. Vengeance (95) score 12 hits. Personal Guard (73) score 152 hits. Phoenix Guardians (74) score 182 hits. knights templar (64) score 286 hits. Swift's Back (85) score 65 hits. -=FSR=- Hand of More (10) score 179 hits. Templars of Old Rancagua (89) score 61 hits. Vanilla (94) score 173 hits. Sardaukar (79) score 92 hits. Vanguard (93) score 159 hits. <OoT> Sinclair Unit (6) score 235 hits. Light Guard (66) score 117 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Beauty (40) score 598 hits. Sure_Fire (84) score 98 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Darton's Bless (36) score 754 hits. ~=K.D.F=~The True Swords (43) score 677 hits. <OoT> Horseshoe Guard (3) score 77 hits. Kail's Revenge (63) score 300 hits. -OoT- Lynxs (11) score 231 hits. Just my guys (62) score 278 hits. ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge (25) score 119 hits. ~=FSR=~Elite (31) score 414 hits. <OoT> Thunder Guardians (8) score 101 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Carnes Fanatics~ (35) score 684 hits. ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (28) score 247 hits. ~=SFR=~nO1000 (44) score 215 hits. 1st Bruck Mounted Regiment (47) score 19 hits. -=FL=-Kazan Army (45) score 62 hits. Averam Family Guard (12) score 91 hits. Batteling Duellants (50) score 319 hits. Dee's Horsie Squad (55) score 40 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 5062, Defenders: 12266
~=FSR=~ Legion (27) take 1114 hits in close combat, which cause 27 casualties. Kane Family Guard (20) take 1106 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out. Gadfrey Kane (Knight of Tokat, Fontan) has been wounded. Defiance (14) take 342 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties. RHG Belegrist (77) take 1718 hits in close combat, which cause 17 casualties, wiping the unit out. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Power (41) take 369 hits (326 in close combat, 43 from archer fire), which cause 9 casualties. Shellem's Band (80) take 1372 hits in close combat, which cause 15 casualties, wiping the unit out. Shellem Pallor (Knight of Obando, Old Rancagua) has been captured by Fontan forces. Fontan Polo Club (16) take 566 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties. Alexi Pelevin, Duke of Krimml has been wounded. <OoT> Clybr Lancers (1) take 242 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. <OoT> Knights of the Apoca (4) take 301 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties. Imperial Cagilan Guard (19) take 160 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (29) take 127 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32) take 109 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. Vanatori de Munte (23) take 154 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties. Templars of the White Tree (90) take 1193 hits in close combat, which cause 17 casualties, wiping the unit out. Olaf Stormblade, Count of Dale, Marshal of the Templars of the White Tree has been captured by Fontan forces. Army of Truth (48) take 1358 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, wiping the unit out. Oroyian Protectorate (71) take 1458 hits in close combat, which cause 30 casualties. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lions Spirit (42) take 212 hits (73 in close combat, 139 from archer fire), which cause 5 casualties. Templars of Old Rancagua (87) take 827 hits in close combat, which cause 20 casualties. Templar Infantry (86) take 825 hits in close combat, which cause 23 casualties. 2 Old Rancagua banners fall. <OoT>Helronian Balancers (9) take 76 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. ~=K.D.F.=~Iongai Leoini (33) take 72 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Rory MacColl (Knight of Fontan, Fontan) has been wounded. Slim Riders (82) take 844 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties, wiping the unit out. Best of the Best (52) take 668 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties, wiping the unit out. Destroyers (56) take 421 hits in close combat, which cause 19 casualties. Orgonian Guard (70) take 206 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out. Silver Bows (81) take 203 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. ~=K.D.F=~ Black Raven (34) take 189 hits (77 in close combat, 112 from archer fire), which cause 5 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Yours to command (30) take 41 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. <OoT> Shieldwall (5) take 52 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Adron (38) take 420 hits (44 in close combat, 376 from archer fire), which cause 9 casualties. Blaze of Glory (53) take 152 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties. Bruisers (54) take 209 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties. ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Darton (39) take 269 hits (46 in close combat, 223 from archer fire), which cause 6 casualties. Syntia Deron, Marchioness of Viseu has been wounded. HUZZAH! (61) take 132 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. -=FL=-MIUW112 (46) take 89 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Vengeance (95) take 175 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out. Organ Strongblade (Knight of Pucallpa, Old Rancagua) has been wounded. Personal Guard (73) take 75 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Phoenix Guardians (74) take 66 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. knights templar (64) take 77 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Swift's Back (85) take 77 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. -=FSR=- Hand of More (10) take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Templars of Old Rancagua (89) take 74 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. Vanilla (94) take 53 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Sardaukar (79) take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Vanguard (93) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Light Guard (66) take 36 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Beauty (40) take 63 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties. Sure_Fire (84) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. ~=K.D.F=~ Darton's Bless (36) take 102 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties. ~=K.D.F=~The True Swords (43) take 204 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties. Kail's Revenge (63) take 35 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Wanderer's Bows (96) take 64 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties. Elven Archers (58) take 129 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties. Pincushion Practitioners (75) take 163 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties. ~=K.D.F=~ Carnes Fanatics~ (35) take 223 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. ~=SFR=~nO1000 (44) are shocked. ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37) take 141 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties. Dee's Horsie Squad (55) take 329 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties. Total casualties: 133 attackers, 238 defenders
Turn No. 4 Oberndorf Archers (69) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37), scoring 121 hits. Personal Guard (72) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37), scoring 30 hits. Risembool Rangers (78) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37), scoring 143 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37) fire on Silver Bows (81), scoring 372 hits. Bee's Pointy Squad (51) fire on ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26), scoring 32 hits. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) retreat from the close combat near them. Warm Bodies (97) fire on ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26), scoring 16 hits. Elven Longbows (59) move closer to get better shots. Elven Archers (58) fire on Fontaneros (17), scoring 156 hits. ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26) fire on Elven Longbows (59), scoring 269 hits. |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (24) fire on Elven Longbows (59), scoring 88 hits. Kraze (65) fire on Bogenschutzen (13), scoring 200 hits. Fontaneros (17) fire on Wanderer's Bows (96), scoring 104 hits. Elven Archers (57) fire on |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (24), scoring 43 hits. Ashforth Arbalests (49) fire on ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26), scoring 92 hits. Pincushion Practitioners (75) fire on |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (24), scoring 178 hits. Bogenschutzen (13) fire on Elven Longbows (59), scoring 46 hits. Silver Bows (81) fire on ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26), scoring 111 hits. The Last Drop (91) fire on Fontaneros (17), scoring 13 hits. Wanderer's Bows (96) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37), scoring 108 hits. Fire In the Sky (60) fire on Fontaneros (17), scoring 118 hits.
Close Combat: 4 Sirion banners are visible in the melee. 29 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. 9 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee. -OoT- Lynxs (11) score 184 hits. Sardaukar (79) score 36 hits. Dee's Horsie Squad (55) score 16 hits. ~=FSR=~ Legion (27) score 120 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Adron (38) score 575 hits. ~=FSR=~Elite (31) score 361 hits. <OoT> Knights of the Apoca (4) score 88 hits. Templars of Old Rancagua (89) score 54 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Darton's Bless (36) score 699 hits. Oroyian Protectorate (71) score 73 hits. <OoT>Helronian Balancers (9) score 94 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Darton (39) score 739 hits. Personal Guard (73) score 125 hits. Bruisers (54) score 48 hits. Phoenix Guardians (74) score 152 hits. <OoT> Sinclair Unit (6) score 246 hits. Imperial Cagilan Guard (19) score 143 hits. Fontan Polo Club (16) score 584 hits. Swift's Back (85) score 45 hits. ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge (25) score 112 hits. Averam Family Guard (12) score 79 hits. ~=K.D.F.=~Iongai Leoini (33) score 560 hits. HUZZAH! (61) score 63 hits. 1st Bruck Mounted Regiment (47) score 19 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Black Raven (34) score 496 hits. -=FL=-Kazan Army (45) score 60 hits. -=FSR=- Hand of More (10) score 204 hits. Sure_Fire (84) score 84 hits. Templars of Old Rancagua (87) score 77 hits. Templar Infantry (86) score 111 hits. Defiance (14) score 102 hits. <OoT> Clybr Lancers (1) score 317 hits. <OoT> Shieldwall (5) score 86 hits. Vanguard (93) score 168 hits. ~=FSR=~ Yours to command (30) score 271 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Beauty (40) score 792 hits. Vanatori de Munte (23) score 102 hits. knights templar (64) score 307 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Power (41) score 576 hits. ~=SFR=~nO1000 (44) score 184 hits. ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (28) score 306 hits. <OoT> Thunder Guardians (8) score 98 hits. <OoT> Horseshoe Guard (3) score 64 hits. Blaze of Glory (53) score 199 hits. Vanilla (94) score 144 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lions Spirit (42) score 790 hits. ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (29) score 329 hits. Destroyers (56) score 70 hits. -=FL=-MIUW112 (46) score 185 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Carnes Fanatics~ (35) score 686 hits. Kail's Revenge (63) score 332 hits. Batteling Duellants (50) score 242 hits. ~=K.D.F=~The True Swords (43) score 535 hits. Light Guard (66) score 113 hits. Just my guys (62) score 300 hits. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32) score 409 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 3023, Defenders: 10931
-OoT- Lynxs (11) take 726 hits in close combat, which cause 14 casualties, wiping the unit out. Sardaukar (79) take 1227 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out. Melkor Bauglir, Count of Limbar has been wounded. Dee's Horsie Squad (55) take 1287 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out. Daryna Babchuk (Dame of Osslamar, Old Rancagua) has been wounded. ~=FSR=~ Legion (27) take 299 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors. ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Adron (38) take 420 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. ~=FSR=~Elite (31) take 379 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties. johnnn doe, Minister of Defense of Fontan has been wounded. <OoT> Knights of the Apoca (4) take 168 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 1 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat. Templars of Old Rancagua (89) take 1385 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out. Adrahil Vantryn (Knight of Pedrera, Old Rancagua) has been wounded. ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37) take 402 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties. ~=K.D.F=~ Darton's Bless (36) take 227 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. Oroyian Protectorate (71) take 953 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out. Sir High Guard Tezokian, High Marshal of Old Rancagua, Duke of Oroya has been wounded. <OoT>Helronian Balancers (9) take 202 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out. ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Darton (39) take 121 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. Personal Guard (73) take 1299 hits in close combat, which cause 19 casualties, wiping the unit out. Brojn Stronginthearm (Knight of Trinbar, Sirion) has been wounded. Bruisers (54) take 587 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, wiping the unit out. Phoenix Guardians (74) take 860 hits in close combat, which cause 19 casualties, wiping the unit out. <OoT> Sinclair Unit (6) take 82 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Imperial Cagilan Guard (19) take 112 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Lady Moira Dubhaine (Dame of Negev, Fontan) has been wounded. Fontan Polo Club (16) take 58 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Swift's Back (85) take 344 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors. ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge (25) take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Averam Family Guard (12) take 71 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. ~=K.D.F.=~Iongai Leoini (33) take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. HUZZAH! (61) take 774 hits in close combat, which cause 18 casualties, wiping the unit out. 1st Bruck Mounted Regiment (47) take 256 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out. Jean-Luc Du Valroux of Old Rancagua has been wounded. ~=K.D.F=~ Black Raven (34) take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. -=FL=-Kazan Army (45) take 269 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties. -=FSR=- Hand of More (10) take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Sure_Fire (84) take 395 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties, wiping the unit out. Templars of Old Rancagua (87) take 196 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. drakor Dracon (Knight of Oroya, Old Rancagua) has been wounded. Templar Infantry (86) take 241 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Vanguard (93) take 126 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties. knights templar (64) take 118 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. Elven Longbows (59) take 403 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26) take 251 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties. ~=SFR=~nO1000 (44) are shocked. |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (24) take 221 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties. Blaze of Glory (53) take 123 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. Vanilla (94) take 137 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties. Fontaneros (17) take 287 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Destroyers (56) take 74 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. -=FL=-MIUW112 (46) take 59 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Kail's Revenge (63) take 69 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Bogenschutzen (13) take 200 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Silver Bows (81) take 372 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Batteling Duellants (50) take 54 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Light Guard (66) take 59 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Wanderer's Bows (96) take 104 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties. Just my guys (62) take 39 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Total casualties: 107 attackers, 173 defenders
Turn No. 5 Kraze (65) move closer to get better shots. Elven Archers (57) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37), scoring 64 hits. ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26) fire on Elven Longbows (59), scoring 160 hits. Elven Archers (58) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37), scoring 133 hits. Pincushion Practitioners (75) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37), scoring 143 hits. |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (24) fire on Elven Longbows (59), scoring 94 hits. Fire In the Sky (60) fire on ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26), scoring 179 hits. Warm Bodies (97) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37), scoring 15 hits. Elven Longbows (59) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37), scoring 389 hits. Risembool Rangers (78) fire on |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (24), scoring 93 hits. Personal Guard (72) fire on |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (24), scoring 22 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37) fire on Kraze (65), scoring 285 hits. Wanderer's Bows (96) fire on |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (24), scoring 102 hits. Oberndorf Archers (69) fire on ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26), scoring 132 hits. The Last Drop (91) fire on |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (24), scoring 15 hits. Bee's Pointy Squad (51) fire on |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (24), scoring 31 hits. Ashforth Arbalests (49) fire on ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26), scoring 76 hits. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) move closer to get better shots. ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (28) break through the frontlines!
Close Combat: 4 Sirion banners are visible in the melee. 26 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. 5 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee. Fontan Polo Club (16) score 657 hits. -=FL=-MIUW112 (46) score 215 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lions Spirit (42) score 779 hits. Averam Family Guard (12) score 96 hits. Vanguard (93) score 116 hits. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32) score 508 hits. ~=FSR=~Elite (31) score 331 hits. <OoT> Horseshoe Guard (3) score 66 hits. ~=SFR=~nO1000 (44) score 221 hits. ~=K.D.F=~The True Swords (43) score 628 hits. knights templar (64) score 226 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Beauty (40) score 612 hits. ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (29) score 317 hits. Blaze of Glory (53) score 230 hits. Just my guys (62) score 357 hits. <OoT> Shieldwall (5) score 79 hits. <OoT> Clybr Lancers (1) score 378 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Darton (39) score 458 hits. ~=K.D.F.=~Iongai Leoini (33) score 622 hits. Kail's Revenge (63) score 254 hits. Vanatori de Munte (23) score 102 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Carnes Fanatics~ (35) score 542 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Black Raven (34) score 679 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Darton's Bless (36) score 609 hits. -=FL=-Kazan Army (45) score 38 hits. Defiance (14) score 100 hits. Batteling Duellants (50) score 240 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Power (41) score 629 hits. -=FSR=- Hand of More (10) score 188 hits. Vanilla (94) score 120 hits. ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge (25) score 104 hits. ~=FSR=~ Yours to command (30) score 275 hits. <OoT> Sinclair Unit (6) score 249 hits. <OoT> Thunder Guardians (8) score 97 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1796, Defenders: 9326
Close Combat: 1 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. 2 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee. The defenders crowd around the outnumbered attackers - Overkill! Kraze (65) score 160 hits. ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (28) score 307 hits. Elven Archers (58) score 48 hits. Pincushion Practitioners (75) score 55 hits. Warm Bodies (97) score 6 hits. Elven Longbows (59) score 187 hits. Risembool Rangers (78) score 40 hits. Wanderer's Bows (96) score 39 hits. Bee's Pointy Squad (51) score 14 hits. Ashforth Arbalests (49) score 23 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 255 (572 before overkill), Defenders: 307
Kraze (65) take 356 hits (71 in close combat, 285 from archer fire), which cause 11 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26) take 387 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties. Fontan Polo Club (16) take 252 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. -=FL=-MIUW112 (46) take 2622 hits in close combat, which cause 20 casualties, wiping the unit out. ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (28) take 255 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties. Elven Archers (58) take 52 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lions Spirit (42) take 232 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. Pincushion Practitioners (75) take 59 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Averam Family Guard (12) take 302 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (24) take 263 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties, wiping the unit out. Vanguard (93) take 1688 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, wiping the unit out. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32) take 223 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties. ~=FSR=~Elite (31) take 174 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. <OoT> Horseshoe Guard (3) take 141 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out. Warm Bodies (97) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. ~=SFR=~nO1000 (44) take 76 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 1 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat. ~=K.D.F=~The True Swords (43) take 52 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. knights templar (64) take 1023 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties, wiping the unit out. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Beauty (40) take 97 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (29) take 67 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Blaze of Glory (53) take 812 hits in close combat, which cause 20 casualties. Elven Longbows (59) take 286 hits (32 in close combat, 254 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties. Just my guys (62) take 917 hits in close combat, which cause 29 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. One Sirion banner is lost. Sir Daydreamer Perfect, Count of Ustimbar has been wounded. Risembool Rangers (78) take 45 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. <OoT> Shieldwall (5) take 74 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. <OoT> Clybr Lancers (1) take 42 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Darton (39) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. ~=K.D.F.=~Iongai Leoini (33) take 26 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Kail's Revenge (63) take 498 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37) take 744 hits from archer fire, which cause 18 casualties. -=FL=-Kazan Army (45) take 573 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out. Batteling Duellants (50) take 630 hits in close combat, which cause 15 casualties. Vanilla (94) take 563 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties, wiping the unit out. Tand Vanilla (Imperial Knight of Sirion) has been captured by Fontan forces. Total casualties: 88 attackers, 163 defenders
Turn No. 6 ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37) fire on Fire In the Sky (60), scoring 149 hits. Fire In the Sky (60) fire on <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2), scoring 138 hits. Personal Guard (72) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37), scoring 22 hits. ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26) fire on Oberndorf Archers (69), scoring 57 hits. Elven Archers (57) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37), scoring 64 hits. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) move in, hoping to reach close combat. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) fire on Oberndorf Archers (69), scoring 47 hits. Oberndorf Archers (69) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37), scoring 122 hits. The Last Drop (91) fire on ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26), scoring 12 hits. ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (29) break through the frontlines! ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Darton (39) break through the frontlines! ~=K.D.F.=~Iongai Leoini (33) break through the frontlines! Defiance (14) break through the frontlines! ~=K.D.F=~ The Lions Spirit (42) break through the frontlines! ~=FSR=~Elite (31) break through the frontlines! -=FSR=- Hand of More (10) break through the frontlines! Vanatori de Munte (23) break through the frontlines! <OoT> Sinclair Unit (6) break through the frontlines! ~=K.D.F=~ Darton's Bless (36) break through the frontlines! ~=K.D.F=~The True Swords (43) break through the frontlines! ~=K.D.F=~ Carnes Fanatics~ (35) break through the frontlines! ~=FSR=~ Yours to command (30) break through the frontlines! <OoT> Shieldwall (5) break through the frontlines! ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Power (41) break through the frontlines! ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Beauty (40) break through the frontlines!
Close Combat: 3 Sirion banners are visible in the melee. 5 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. 2 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee. <OoT> Clybr Lancers (1) score 328 hits. Batteling Duellants (50) score 179 hits. Blaze of Glory (53) score 103 hits. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32) score 350 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Black Raven (34) score 704 hits. ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge (25) score 123 hits. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) score 82 hits. <OoT> Thunder Guardians (8) score 86 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 282, Defenders: 1673
Close Combat: 24 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. 2 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee. ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (29) score 330 hits. Elven Longbows (59) score 310 hits. Wanderer's Bows (96) score 67 hits. Pincushion Practitioners (75) score 97 hits. Warm Bodies (97) score 10 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Darton (39) score 521 hits. ~=K.D.F.=~Iongai Leoini (33) score 550 hits. Defiance (14) score 123 hits. Bee's Pointy Squad (51) score 33 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lions Spirit (42) score 705 hits. ~=FSR=~Elite (31) score 341 hits. -=FSR=- Hand of More (10) score 209 hits. Vanatori de Munte (23) score 88 hits. <OoT> Sinclair Unit (6) score 263 hits. Ashforth Arbalests (49) score 49 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Darton's Bless (36) score 710 hits. ~=K.D.F=~The True Swords (43) score 646 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Carnes Fanatics~ (35) score 699 hits. ~=FSR=~ Yours to command (30) score 298 hits. <OoT> Shieldwall (5) score 83 hits. Kraze (65) score 182 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Power (41) score 549 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Beauty (40) score 758 hits. Elven Archers (58) score 113 hits. Risembool Rangers (78) score 75 hits. ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (28) score 223 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 936, Defenders: 7096
~=FSR=~ The Avengers (29) take 122 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. Elven Longbows (59) take 1934 hits in close combat, which cause 52 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Pincushion Practitioners (75) take 1267 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, wiping the unit out. Areku Serac (Imperial Knight of Sirion) has been wounded. Wanderer's Bows (96) take 587 hits in close combat, which cause 18 casualties, wiping the unit out. <OoT> Clybr Lancers (1) take 60 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Warm Bodies (97) take 617 hits in close combat, which cause 34 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors. ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Darton (39) take 237 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. ~=K.D.F.=~Iongai Leoini (33) take 99 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Defiance (14) take 96 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37) take 208 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. Sir Ertugrul Kalkandelen, Marshal of the Lions has been wounded. Bee's Pointy Squad (51) take 676 hits in close combat, which cause 21 casualties, wiping the unit out. Butch Babchuk (Knight of Tallbar, Sirion) has been captured by Fontan forces. Batteling Duellants (50) take 868 hits in close combat, which cause 21 casualties, wiping the unit out. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lions Spirit (42) take 69 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. ~=FSR=~Elite (31) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. -=FSR=- Hand of More (10) take 63 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Fire In the Sky (60) take 149 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties. Vanatori de Munte (23) take 57 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. <OoT> Sinclair Unit (6) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Ashforth Arbalests (49) take 743 hits in close combat, which cause 19 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors. ~=K.D.F=~ Darton's Bless (36) take 26 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Blaze of Glory (53) take 805 hits in close combat, which cause 18 casualties, wiping the unit out. ~=K.D.F=~The True Swords (43) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. ~=K.D.F=~ Carnes Fanatics~ (35) take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32) take 60 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Kraze (65) take 482 hits in close combat, which cause 15 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26) take 12 hits from archer fire. No casualties. Elven Archers (58) take 489 hits in close combat, which cause 14 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 1 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat. ~=K.D.F=~ Black Raven (34) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge (25) take 42 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) take 174 hits (36 in close combat, 138 from archer fire), which cause 4 casualties. <OoT> Thunder Guardians (8) take 33 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Oberndorf Archers (69) take 104 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties. Risembool Rangers (78) take 301 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, wiping the unit out. ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (28) are shocked. Total casualties: 37 attackers, 238 defenders
Turn No. 7 ~=K.D.F=~ Lion's Whip (37) fire on Fire In the Sky (60), scoring 129 hits. Oberndorf Archers (69) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Black Raven (34), scoring 152 hits. The Last Drop (91) fire on ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32), scoring 17 hits. Fire In the Sky (60) fire on ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32), scoring 170 hits. Personal Guard (72) fire on <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2), scoring 30 hits. Elven Archers (57) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ Black Raven (34), scoring 100 hits. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) move in, hoping to reach close combat. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) fire on Oberndorf Archers (69), scoring 73 hits. ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (26) fire on Personal Guard (72), scoring 80 hits. <OoT> Clybr Lancers (1) are eager to charge, but the melee is too crowded already. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32) are eager to charge, but the melee is too crowded already. ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Darton (39) break through the frontlines! ~=K.D.F=~ Black Raven (34) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. ~=K.D.F=~ Carnes Fanatics~ (35) break through the frontlines! ~=K.D.F=~ Darton's Bless (36) break through the frontlines! ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Power (41) break through the frontlines! Defiance (14) break through the frontlines! ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (28) break through the frontlines! ~=FSR=~ Yours to command (30) break through the frontlines! ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Beauty (40) break through the frontlines! <OoT> Sinclair Unit (6) break through the frontlines! -=FSR=- Hand of More (10) break through the frontlines! ~=K.D.F.=~Iongai Leoini (33) break through the frontlines! ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (29) break through the frontlines! ~=K.D.F=~ The Lions Spirit (42) break through the frontlines! ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge (25) and <OoT> Thunder Guardians (8) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat: 6 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. 2 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee. ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge (25) score 100 hits. Kraze (65) score 142 hits. <OoT> Thunder Guardians (8) score 70 hits. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) score 82 hits. <OoT> Shieldwall (5) score 88 hits. ~=K.D.F=~The True Swords (43) score 466 hits. ~=FSR=~Elite (31) score 283 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 142, Defenders: 1089
Close Combat: 20 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. 1 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee. Oberndorf Archers (69) score 75 hits. The Last Drop (91) score 8 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Darton (39) score 627 hits. Fire In the Sky (60) score 82 hits. Personal Guard (72) score 17 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Carnes Fanatics~ (35) score 663 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ Darton's Bless (36) score 650 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Power (41) score 572 hits. Defiance (14) score 107 hits. ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (28) score 249 hits. ~=FSR=~ Yours to command (30) score 269 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Beauty (40) score 779 hits. <OoT> Sinclair Unit (6) score 192 hits. -=FSR=- Hand of More (10) score 196 hits. ~=K.D.F.=~Iongai Leoini (33) score 525 hits. ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (29) score 240 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lions Spirit (42) score 756 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 182, Defenders: 5825 With no infantry cover left, Elven Archers (57) panic and retreat.
Oberndorf Archers (69) take 2780 hits (2707 in close combat, 73 from archer fire), which cause 46 casualties, wiping the unit out. Tzarmeister Ironfist, Count of Hillmar has been wounded. The Last Drop (91) take 939 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, wiping the unit out. ~=K.D.F=~ Paladins of Darton (39) take 55 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Fire In the Sky (60) take 1590 hits (1461 in close combat, 129 from archer fire), which cause 44 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Tabitha Everlasting (Dame of Kazakh, Old Rancagua) has been captured by Fontan forces. ~=K.D.F=~ Black Raven (34) take 252 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties. Personal Guard (72) take 798 hits (718 in close combat, 80 from archer fire), which cause 25 casualties, wiping the unit out. ~=K.D.F=~ Carnes Fanatics~ (35) take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. ~=K.D.F=~ Darton's Bless (36) take 26 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. ~=K.D.F=~ The Lion's Power (41) take 36 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Defiance (14) take 21 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (28) are shocked. ~=FSR=~ Splitting Edge (25) take 56 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Kraze (65) take 1089 hits in close combat, which cause 35 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Cypher II Squable, Duke of Kazakh has been wounded. <OoT> Thunder Guardians (8) take 46 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Elven Archers (57) are shocked, causing panicked flight among the survivors. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) take 70 hits (40 in close combat, 30 from archer fire), which cause 2 casualties. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (32) take 187 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. Total casualties: 21 attackers, 160 defenders
Attacker Victory!
The battle does extensive damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 22 %. The local roads network has also been damaged.
Battle Results (10 days, 20 hours ago) Your unit participated in a battle in Oberndorf. Your scribe has written down a battle report as a Scribe Note. The battle lasted for 2 hours. You have gained 3 Honour and 3 Prestige. You have improved your leadership skill. 9 of your men were killed and 12 were wounded in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 20 points. Your men's equipment suffers 17 % damage. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 1 points.
19th January -- Skirmish -- Salta
Battle in Salta (8 days, 20 hours ago) No. Role Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A Peasant Militia (militia/guard unit) Old Rancagua 429 other line 528 2 D <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot Leane Fontan 32 MI line 426 3 D <OoT> Minutemen XI Abigail Fontan 60 Inf line 688 4 D <OoT> Shieldwall Gervase Fontan 16 Inf line 206 5 D <OoT> Sinclair Unit Sabin Fontan 23 Inf line 344 6 D <OoT> Thunder Guardians Basilius Fontan 6 Inf line 129 7 D <OoT>In the eye Mulla Xul Fontan 29 Arch line 416 8 D -=FSR=- Hand of More Moremegis Fontan 29 Inf line 351 9 D Averam Family Guard Crassus Fontan 7 Inf line 150 10 D Bruthish Minions Brashnak Fontan 17 Inf line 170 11 D Elite guards Woefix Fontan 10 Inf line 173 12 D Fontan Polo Club Alexi Fontan 50 Cav wedge 748 13 D Fontaneros Little John Fontan 21 MI line 360 14 D Imperial Cagilan Guard Moira Fontan 11 Inf line 255 15 D Lilith's Great Archers Rillan Fontan 15 Arch line 261 16 D Longbows of Pain Hans Fontan 15 Arch line 256 17 D Omnia William Fontan 5 Cav wedge 76 18 D Red Elites aaron Fontan 3 Inf line 89 19 D Rotenbund Erwin Fontan 28 Inf line 264 20 D Vanatori de Munte Vlade Fontan 6 Inf line 106 21 D |DG| Arrows of An Najaf Guthrinc Fontan 15 Arch line 229 22 D |DG| Saladin's Shield Saladin Fontan 23 Inf line 343 23 D ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows Korkut Fontan 27 Arch line 453 24 D ~=FSR=~ Karbala Defenders Arica Fontan 16 MI line 294 25 D ~=FSR=~ Legion Tal Fontan 14 Inf line 177 26 D ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield Lorrie Furion Fontan 31 Inf line 377 27 D ~=FSR=~ The Avengers Elric Fontan 29 Inf wedge 476 28 D ~=FSR=~ Yours to command Fidel Fontan 35 Inf line 539 29 D ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers Scylla Fontan 25 Cav wedge 493 30 N -=FL=- Arcadian Guard Joanov Old Rancagua 16 Inf box 185
Total: 1 attackers (429 other) 28 defenders (348 Inf, 69 MI, 101 Arch, 80 Cav) Total combat strengths: 528 vs. 8849 1 neutral observers (185 combat strength). -=FL=- Arcadian Guard successfully evade the foreign troops. <OoT> Minutemen XI tried to evade foreign troops, but were spotted. The troops from Fontan set up defenses because they control the battlefield. The Old Rancagua troops attack because they are at war with Fontan.
A calm wind blows, to the joy of the archers. Tal ConDoin, Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Fontan Strike Regiment takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.
Turn No. 1 |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (21) fire on Peasant Militia (1), scoring 82 hits. ~=FSR=~ Karbala Defenders (24) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions. <OoT>In the eye (7) fire on Peasant Militia (1), scoring 120 hits. ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (23) fire on Peasant Militia (1), scoring 140 hits. Longbows of Pain (16) fire on Peasant Militia (1), scoring 83 hits. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions. Lilith's Great Archers (15) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions. Fontaneros (13) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (29), Fontan Polo Club (12) and Omnia (17) ride on, closing in on the enemy. Peasant Militia (1) advance towards the enemy. ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (26), ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (27), Elite guards (11), Averam Family Guard (9), Bruthish Minions (10), Red Elites (18), <OoT> Shieldwall (4), <OoT> Minutemen XI (3), ~=FSR=~ Legion (25), Rotenbund (19), Vanatori de Munte (20), <OoT> Thunder Guardians (6), -=FSR=- Hand of More (8), ~=FSR=~ Yours to command (28), <OoT> Sinclair Unit (5), Imperial Cagilan Guard (14) and |DG| Saladin's Shield (22) advance towards the enemy.
Peasant Militia (1) take 425 hits from archer fire, which cause 19 casualties. Total casualties: 19 attackers, 0 defenders
Turn No. 2 Fontaneros (13) fire on Peasant Militia (1), scoring 108 hits. |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (21) fire on Peasant Militia (1), scoring 106 hits. <OoT>In the eye (7) fire on Peasant Militia (1), scoring 130 hits. ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (23) fire on Peasant Militia (1), scoring 147 hits. Longbows of Pain (16) fire on Peasant Militia (1), scoring 109 hits. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) fire on Peasant Militia (1), scoring 56 hits. ~=FSR=~ Karbala Defenders (24) fire on Peasant Militia (1), scoring 100 hits. Lilith's Great Archers (15) move closer to get better shots. Fontan Polo Club (12), Omnia (17) and ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (29) ride on, closing in on the enemy. Peasant Militia (1) advance towards the enemy. ~=FSR=~ Yours to command (28), <OoT> Thunder Guardians (6), Imperial Cagilan Guard (14), Bruthish Minions (10), Red Elites (18), Rotenbund (19), Vanatori de Munte (20), <OoT> Sinclair Unit (5), <OoT> Minutemen XI (3), |DG| Saladin's Shield (22), -=FSR=- Hand of More (8), ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (26), Averam Family Guard (9), <OoT> Shieldwall (4), ~=FSR=~ Legion (25) and Elite guards (11) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat: 7 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. ~=FSR=~ Yours to command (28) score 387 hits. Fontan Polo Club (12) score 728 hits. <OoT> Thunder Guardians (6) score 88 hits. Peasant Militia (1) score 28 hits. ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (27) score 328 hits. Omnia (17) score 31 hits. Bruthish Minions (10) score 87 hits. Red Elites (18) score 77 hits. Rotenbund (19) score 123 hits. Vanatori de Munte (20) score 76 hits. <OoT> Sinclair Unit (5) score 231 hits. <OoT> Minutemen XI (3) score 562 hits. |DG| Saladin's Shield (22) score 246 hits. -=FSR=- Hand of More (8) score 207 hits. ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (26) score 246 hits. Averam Family Guard (9) score 68 hits. <OoT> Shieldwall (4) score 105 hits. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (29) score 319 hits. ~=FSR=~ Legion (25) score 142 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 4051, Defenders: 28
~=FSR=~ Yours to command (28) take 28 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Peasant Militia (1) take 4807 hits (4051 in close combat, 756 from archer fire), which cause 214 casualties. Total casualties: 214 attackers, 1 defenders
Turn No. 3 ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (23) have no viable target and wait for one to appear. Longbows of Pain (16) retreat from the close combat near them. ~=FSR=~ Karbala Defenders (24) retreat towards safer positions. Fontaneros (13) retreat towards safer positions. <OoT>In the eye (7) retreat towards safer positions. Lilith's Great Archers (15) retreat towards safer positions. |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (21) retreat towards safer positions. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) have no viable target and wait for one to appear. Imperial Cagilan Guard (14) and Elite guards (11) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat: 7 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. Rotenbund (19) score 134 hits. Bruthish Minions (10) score 97 hits. ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (27) score 299 hits. Averam Family Guard (9) score 68 hits. <OoT> Shieldwall (4) score 82 hits. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (29) score 420 hits. Fontan Polo Club (12) score 555 hits. |DG| Saladin's Shield (22) score 265 hits. ~=FSR=~ Yours to command (28) score 356 hits. Omnia (17) score 31 hits. ~=FSR=~ Legion (25) score 117 hits. -=FSR=- Hand of More (8) score 168 hits. ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (26) score 321 hits. Peasant Militia (1) score 14 hits. <OoT> Thunder Guardians (6) score 83 hits. <OoT> Sinclair Unit (5) score 212 hits. Vanatori de Munte (20) score 86 hits. Elite guards (11) score 85 hits. <OoT> Minutemen XI (3) score 537 hits. Red Elites (18) score 62 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 3978, Defenders: 14
Rotenbund (19) take 14 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Peasant Militia (1) take 3978 hits in close combat, which cause 177 casualties. Total casualties: 177 attackers, 1 defenders
Turn No. 4 Longbows of Pain (16) hold their fire. |DG| Arrows of An Najaf (21) hold their fire. ~=FSR=~ Karbala Defenders (24) hold their fire. Lilith's Great Archers (15) hold their fire. Fontaneros (13) hold their fire. <OoT>In the eye (7) hold their fire. ~=FSR=~ Dervishes with bows (23) retreat towards safer positions. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (2) retreat towards safer positions. Imperial Cagilan Guard (14) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Close Combat: 7 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. The defenders crowd around the outnumbered attackers - Overkill! Peasant Militia (1) score 3 hits. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (29) score 355 hits. Omnia (17) score 38 hits. Fontan Polo Club (12) score 678 hits. -=FSR=- Hand of More (8) score 189 hits. ~=FSR=~ Legion (25) score 127 hits. ~=FSR=~ Yours to command (28) score 348 hits. |DG| Saladin's Shield (22) score 249 hits. Red Elites (18) score 72 hits. ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (27) score 383 hits. Elite guards (11) score 87 hits. <OoT> Minutemen XI (3) score 563 hits. Vanatori de Munte (20) score 84 hits. <OoT> Sinclair Unit (5) score 267 hits. Averam Family Guard (9) score 55 hits. <OoT> Shieldwall (4) score 95 hits. ~=FSR=~ Southern Shield (26) score 267 hits. Rotenbund (19) score 138 hits. Bruthish Minions (10) score 88 hits. <OoT> Thunder Guardians (6) score 86 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 900 (4169 before overkill), Defenders: 3
The attackers are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.
Peasant Militia (1) take 900 hits in close combat, which cause 19 casualties, wiping the unit out. ~=FSR=~Skullcrushers (29) take 3 hits in close combat. No casualties. Total casualties: 19 attackers, 0 defenders
Defender Victory!
Battle Results (8 days, 20 hours ago) Your unit participated in a battle in Salta. Your scribe has written down a battle report as a Scribe Note. The battle lasted for 2 hours. You have gained 0 Honour. None of your men were killed in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 14 points. Unit cohesion rises 1 points.
20th January -- Skirmish -- Salta
Battle in Salta (8 days, 8 hours ago) No. Role Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot Leane Fontan 32 MI line 422 2 A Imperial Cagilan Guard Moira Fontan 13 Inf line 282 3 A Lilith's Great Archers Rillan Fontan 15 Arch line 265 4 A Omnia William Fontan 5 Cav wedge 88 5 A Red Elites aaron Fontan 3 Inf line 89 6 A |DG| Saladin's Shield Saladin Fontan 23 Inf line 343 7 A ~=FSR=~ The Avengers Elric Fontan 29 Inf wedge 481 8 D >>---| ARIES-|--->> Henry Old Rancagua 127 Arch line 716 9 D -=FL=- Arcadian Guard Joanov Old Rancagua 16 Inf line 188 10 D -=FL=-MIUW112 Tarl Old Rancagua 27 Inf line 341 11 D A New Hope Antan Old Rancagua 10 Inf line 150 12 D Entourage of the Sacred Nnaoj Sirion 24 Inf line 254 13 D knights templar akillis Old Rancagua 3 Cav wedge 105 14 D Kraze Cypher II Old Rancagua 53 Arch line 608 15 D ninjas Neji Old Rancagua 11 Arch line 157 16 D Personal Guard An'ton II Old Rancagua 22 Arch line 198 17 D Red Blades Sirius Old Rancagua 20 Inf line 234 18 D RHG Belegrist Syban Old Rancagua 40 Inf line 466 19 D Royal Templars Dekion Old Rancagua 19 SF line 458 20 D Silver Bows Mari Old Rancagua 47 Arch line 428 21 D Slim this Popsi Sirion 30 Cav wedge 556 22 D Templar Infantry Fenix Old Rancagua 39 Inf line 461 23 D Templars of the White Tree Talius Old Rancagua 45 Inf line 566 24 D Templars of the White Tree Sargeras Old Rancagua 20 Inf line 249 25 D The Cobalt Guard Cerulean Old Rancagua 15 Inf line 189
Total: 7 attackers (68 Inf, 32 MI, 15 Arch, 5 Cav) 18 defenders (256 Inf, 260 Arch, 33 Cav, 19 SF) Total combat strengths: 1970 vs. 6324 The region owner Old Rancagua and their allies defend. The Fontan troops attack because they are at war with Sirion.
A calm wind blows, to the joy of the archers. Fenix Arc, Count of Salta, Marshal of the Fearless Legions of Old Rancagua takes command of his army. They deploy in Fortification Defense formation.
Turn No. 1 Kraze (14) fire on ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (7), scoring 139 hits. Silver Bows (20) fire on ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (7), scoring 137 hits. >>---| ARIES-|--->> (8) fire on ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (7), scoring 98 hits. Lilith's Great Archers (3) fire on Templar Infantry (22), scoring 70 hits. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (1) move in, hoping to reach close combat. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (1) fire on RHG Belegrist (18), scoring 64 hits. Personal Guard (16) fire on <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (1), scoring 48 hits. ninjas (15) fire on <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (1), scoring 63 hits. Omnia (4) ride on, closing in on the defenders. Slim this (21) and knights templar (13) ride on, closing in on the enemy. ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (7), Imperial Cagilan Guard (2), |DG| Saladin's Shield (6) and Red Elites (5) advance towards the enemy. Templars of the White Tree (23), Royal Templars (19), -=FL=- Arcadian Guard (9), Templars of the White Tree (24), -=FL=-MIUW112 (10), RHG Belegrist (18), The Cobalt Guard (25), A New Hope (11), Red Blades (17), Templar Infantry (22) and Entourage of the Sacred (12) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat: 2 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. 1 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee. -=FL=-MIUW112 (10) score 280 hits. ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (7) score 378 hits. RHG Belegrist (18) score 289 hits. The Cobalt Guard (25) score 126 hits. A New Hope (11) score 75 hits. Templar Infantry (22) score 346 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1116, Defenders: 378
<OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (1) take 111 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties. -=FL=-MIUW112 (10) take 123 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. ~=FSR=~ The Avengers (7) take 1490 hits (1116 in close combat, 374 from archer fire), which cause 29 casualties, wiping the unit out. RHG Belegrist (18) take 173 hits (109 in close combat, 64 from archer fire), which cause 4 casualties. The Cobalt Guard (25) take 60 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Cerulean Cobalt (Dame of Pucallpa, Old Rancagua) has been wounded. A New Hope (11) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Templar Infantry (22) take 108 hits (38 in close combat, 70 from archer fire), which cause 3 casualties. Fenix Arc, Count of Salta, Marshal of the Fearless Legions of Old Rancagua has been wounded. Total casualties: 32 attackers, 13 defenders
Turn No. 2 <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (1) move into close combat. Lilith's Great Archers (3) fire on >>---| ARIES-|--->> (8), scoring 43 hits. ninjas (15) fire on |DG| Saladin's Shield (6), scoring 56 hits. Personal Guard (16) fire on |DG| Saladin's Shield (6), scoring 63 hits. Silver Bows (20) fire on |DG| Saladin's Shield (6), scoring 138 hits. Kraze (14) fire on Red Elites (5), scoring 195 hits. >>---| ARIES-|--->> (8) fire on |DG| Saladin's Shield (6), scoring 170 hits. Omnia (4) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks. Slim this (21) and knights templar (13) charge ahead, into the attackers' ranks. The Cobalt Guard (25) break through the frontlines! -=FL=-MIUW112 (10) break through the frontlines! A New Hope (11) break through the frontlines! Red Blades (17) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. RHG Belegrist (18) break through the frontlines! Royal Templars (19) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Templar Infantry (22) break through the frontlines! Imperial Cagilan Guard (2) advance towards the enemy. Templars of the White Tree (24), -=FL=- Arcadian Guard (9), Templars of the White Tree (23) and Entourage of the Sacred (12) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat: 1 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. 1 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee. The Cobalt Guard (25) score 108 hits. |DG| Saladin's Shield (6) score 245 hits. -=FL=-MIUW112 (10) score 254 hits. A New Hope (11) score 85 hits. Imperial Cagilan Guard (2) score 191 hits. Red Elites (5) score 73 hits. RHG Belegrist (18) score 292 hits. Templar Infantry (22) score 372 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1111, Defenders: 509
Close Combat: 2 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. 2 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee. Templars of the White Tree (24) score 136 hits. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (1) score 160 hits. Slim this (21) score 1480 hits. Omnia (4) score 109 hits. -=FL=- Arcadian Guard (9) score 107 hits. Templars of the White Tree (23) score 266 hits. Entourage of the Sacred (12) score 148 hits. knights templar (13) score 273 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2410, Defenders: 269
Templars of the White Tree (24) take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. <OoT> Fontanese Mixed Foot (1) take 2182 hits in close combat, which cause 29 casualties, wiping the unit out. The Cobalt Guard (25) take 167 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties. Slim this (21) take 41 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. |DG| Saladin's Shield (6) take 1218 hits (791 in close combat, 427 from archer fire), which cause 23 casualties, wiping the unit out. Saladin ymerej (Knight of Greatbridge, Fontan) has been wounded. Omnia (4) take 228 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out. -=FL=- Arcadian Guard (9) take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. -=FL=-MIUW112 (10) take 104 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. A New Hope (11) take 74 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Imperial Cagilan Guard (2) take 234 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. Templars of the White Tree (23) take 47 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Red Elites (5) take 281 hits (86 in close combat, 195 from archer fire), which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out. aaron Kirsch1 (Noble of Fontan) has been wounded. RHG Belegrist (18) take 103 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Entourage of the Sacred (12) take 32 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. knights templar (13) take 49 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. >>---| ARIES-|--->> (8) take 43 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties. Templar Infantry (22) take 61 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Total casualties: 65 attackers, 19 defenders
Turn No. 3 Silver Bows (20) fire on Lilith's Great Archers (3), scoring 59 hits. >>---| ARIES-|--->> (8) hold their fire. Kraze (14) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions. ninjas (15) hold their fire. Personal Guard (16) fire on Lilith's Great Archers (3), scoring 30 hits. Lilith's Great Archers (3) fire on Templars of the White Tree (23), scoring 88 hits. Slim this (21) are eager to charge, but the melee is too crowded already. knights templar (13) are eager to charge, but the melee is too crowded already. Templars of the White Tree (24) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. -=FL=- Arcadian Guard (9) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Templars of the White Tree (23) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Entourage of the Sacred (12) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Red Blades (17) and Royal Templars (19) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat: 1 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee. The defenders crowd around the outnumbered attackers - Overkill! -=FL=-MIUW112 (10) score 209 hits. Imperial Cagilan Guard (2) score 141 hits. The Cobalt Guard (25) score 84 hits. Templar Infantry (22) score 353 hits. A New Hope (11) score 63 hits. RHG Belegrist (18) score 271 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 307 (980 before overkill), Defenders: 141
-=FL=-MIUW112 (10) take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Imperial Cagilan Guard (2) take 307 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties. The Cobalt Guard (25) take 22 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Templar Infantry (22) take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Lilith's Great Archers (3) take 89 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties. Templars of the White Tree (23) take 88 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties. A New Hope (11) take 39 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Total casualties: 9 attackers, 6 defenders
Turn No. 4 Lilith's Great Archers (3) move closer to get better shots. >>---| ARIES-|--->> (8) fire on Lilith's Great Archers (3), scoring 77 hits. ninjas (15) fire on Lilith's Great Archers (3), scoring 38 hits. Personal Guard (16) fire on Lilith's Great Archers (3), scoring 40 hits. Kraze (14) fire on Lilith's Great Archers (3), scoring 185 hits. Silver Bows (20) fire on Lilith's Great Archers (3), scoring 112 hits. knights templar (13) are eager to charge, but the melee is too crowded already. Slim this (21) are eager to charge, but the melee is too crowded already. Templars of the White Tree (24) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Entourage of the Sacred (12) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. -=FL=- Arcadian Guard (9) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Templars of the White Tree (23) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Red Blades (17) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Royal Templars (19) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Close Combat: 1 Old Rancagua banners are visible in the melee. The defenders crowd around the outnumbered attackers - Overkill! Imperial Cagilan Guard (2) score 18 hits. A New Hope (11) score 60 hits. RHG Belegrist (18) score 243 hits. The Cobalt Guard (25) score 68 hits. -=FL=-MIUW112 (10) score 224 hits. Templar Infantry (22) score 296 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 72 (891 before overkill), Defenders: 18
The attackers are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.
Lilith's Great Archers (3) take 452 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Rillan Rubyns (Knight of Hagley, Fontan) has been wounded. Imperial Cagilan Guard (2) take 72 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out. A New Hope (11) take 18 hits in close combat. No casualties. Total casualties: 12 attackers, 0 defenders
Defender Victory!
Battle Results (8 days, 8 hours ago) Your unit participated in a battle in Salta. Your scribe has written down a battle report as a Scribe Note. The battle lasted for 2 hours. You have gained 3 Honour and 1 Prestige. You have improved your leadership skill. 7 of your men were killed and 6 were wounded in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 17 points. Your men's equipment suffers 13 % damage. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 1 points.
26th January -- Skirmish -- Oberndorf
No. Role Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A -=FL=-MIUW112 Tarl Old Rancagua 23 Inf box 281 2 D Imperial Cagilan Guard Moira Fontan 7 Inf line 208 3 D Lilith's Lesser Archers Tzarina Fontan 25 Arch line 257
Total: 1 attackers (23 Inf) 2 defenders (7 Inf, 25 Arch) Total combat strengths: 281 vs. 465 -=FL=-MIUW112 tried to evade foreign troops, but were spotted. The troops from Fontan set up defenses because they control the battlefield. The Old Rancagua troops attack because they are at war with Fontan.
Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck.
Turn No. 1 Lilith's Lesser Archers (3) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions. -=FL=-MIUW112 (1) advance towards the enemy. Imperial Cagilan Guard (2) advance towards the enemy.
Turn No. 2 Lilith's Lesser Archers (3) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions. -=FL=-MIUW112 (1) advance towards the enemy. Imperial Cagilan Guard (2) advance towards the enemy.
Turn No. 3 Lilith's Lesser Archers (3) fire on -=FL=-MIUW112 (1), scoring 53 hits. -=FL=-MIUW112 (1) advance towards the enemy. Imperial Cagilan Guard (2) advance towards the enemy.
-=FL=-MIUW112 (1) take 53 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties. Total casualties: 1 attackers, 0 defenders
Turn No. 4 Lilith's Lesser Archers (3) fire on -=FL=-MIUW112 (1), scoring 102 hits. -=FL=-MIUW112 (1) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat: -=FL=-MIUW112 (1) score 205 hits. Imperial Cagilan Guard (2) score 133 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 133, Defenders: 205
-=FL=-MIUW112 (1) take 235 hits (133 in close combat, 102 from archer fire), which cause 6 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 5 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat. Imperial Cagilan Guard (2) take 205 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties. Total casualties: 6 attackers, 4 defenders
Defender Victory!
Battle Results (2 days, 8 hours ago) Your unit participated in a battle in Oberndorf. Your scribe has written down a battle report as a Scribe Note. The battle lasted for 2 hours. You have gained 2 Honour and 1 Prestige. You have improved your leadership skill. 1 of your men were killed and 3 were wounded in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 12 points. Your men's equipment suffers 7 % damage. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 4 points.