Dubhaine Family/Aoifa/Roleplays/2020/June
Dubhaine Family | |
Fame | 40 |
Wealth | 17675 |
Home Region | Ashforth |
Home World | East Continent |
8th June
Summer Day - Dark Citadel
Godric Altenahr
Bode Batura, a battlefield, several days old, night time.
The tent was dark inside. No light or fire was lit. The only illumination was from the eyes of the Kings personal bodyguard.
They stood now, in untiring vigil around their fallen King. Outside the tent was an untidy heap of bodies, animals, and people, all life drawn from their desiccated bodies. Aldea, the captain of the Kings Shadow was irritated. None of the sacrifices had raised the corpse of the King. They were all too weak.
Two Shadow came into the room.gathered around the body of their fallen king. They dragged a mightily struggling man, a giant of a fellow with brawny arms and fighting all the way. With difficulty, Aldea extended his powers and dominated the mind of the warrior until he became a mindless doll.
"He is a Halcyon deserter. We found him looting the dead. He is a murderer of wounded men"
"Good, he has a strong soul then, better than the weak wretches you brought before"
Aldea, prepared the man for sacrifice, inscribing the runes on his body. Then he began to chant and mutter the ritual incantations. It was Daemon magic, gleaned from the unclean studies of the Death Knights. Slowly the wind began to moan and spirits gathered around the tent. One drifted nearer, the spirit of the King. With one swift stroke of his knife, Aldea cut the throat of the soldier, while holding him over the king. The blood spurted over the Kings mouth and trickled down his throat. With a mighty groan, the spirit of the King was sucked into waiting body and his eyes began to glow. with difficulty he moved and raised himself to a seated position. He spoke, and his voice was weary beyond belief.
"Good my children! it tastes Good! Now let us leave this miserable place and gather our strength!"
26th June
Summer Day - Dark Citadel
Tournament Announced
- Gaenv ap Gaenvan, King of Oritolon, Royal of Oritolon has announced a Tournament of Joust and Swordfight to be held in Oritolon 5 days from now.
- The winner will be rewarded with 250 gold in addition to the honour and prestige that his victory will earn him. There will also be a reward of 100 gold for the runner-up.
- All nobles of the continent are welcome on the tournament grounds on the day of this event. Make sure you announce your participation in time.