Dubhaine Family/Aoifa/Roleplays/2020/August

From BattleMaster Wiki
Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17675
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

1st August

New Ruler Elected

The realm of Portion has elected Amélie Tempest as its new Queen.

Family Investment

Aoifa Dubhaine, Margravine of Dark Citadel has initiated an investment of 190 gold in the region of Dark Citadel. Production soars to 211 %.

2nd August

New Ruler Elected

The realm of Gothica has elected Donagal Prestongreen as its new Dark King.

3rd August

Taxes Received

As the Margravine of Dark Citadel, you earn 225 gold. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold.

5th August


Halcyon has taken control of Bode Batura. The region used to belong to (rogue).

Rakaarox Nabarl

A crowd had gathered (almost) below the hole in the wall of the Chairthing’s tower office (only almost below as they knew quite often things would come flying out of it that weren’t designed to fly and so would quickly plummet to the cobbles beneath).

...anyway... the crowd had gathered as there was a commotion of some sort going on up there (which again wasn’t something new, and was usually entertaining, but it was different somehow, and the people picked up on this and wanted to be there to witness it).

As they waited, quiet conversation and gesticulation going on amongst them, the first scribe of the night was heard to mutter “damnit” shortly before his swift flight and bone crunching (and cracking (and creaking (and shattering))) landing emphasised with a quite impressive meaty thudding landed him in the D4 and E5 grid positions that the bookmakers drew out each day.

”...and the head stops in... H9 No winners! Purse will roll over, minus commission, to the next landing! Place your bets!”

Someone was heard whispering “what’s “H9”? Isn’t it guillotine baby?”

Another bit of noise from above and a shower of torn papers softly spiralled and fluttered and flirted and flapped their way all around the square, followed shortly thereafter by a few part chewed bricks.

On seeing the bricks a number of the older peasants looked taken aback and some of their chatter got louder:

”He’s eating the bricks again?!”

”Remember what happened last time!?”

”The Abyss! Look at the timing! It matches!”

”At least those Giblets aren’t around any more!”

”Nor Zyzyx... Dark times, and not Abyss Dark times!”

”This could be tomorrow?”

”What’s he going to do this time?”

Their ever incredulating conversations were interrupted as the bookmakers called bets for the next head landing position.

Another muttering “so much for that career choice” before the next shadow appeared far above, flapping its arms as it it thought that might help before seeming to shrug, wave to someone in the crowd, then aim themselves towards the grid.

After rather similar disturbing sounds as the last time (though a sharper crack and more squelching) the bookmaker called out “C3! A perfect landing with everything, apart from the splatters, in the one square. A jackpot is being won by the lady in the... erm... dirty and falling apart brownish dress? Congratulations madam!”

”Thank you Bert my son. You did promise to aim for that one if you ever found yourself in position...”

The bookmaker scowled a little and muttered about needing to change the rules a little.

A few more bricks rained down, along with a large cloud of brick dust that drifted from the hole to give a gentle powdering to the every road and building close to the tower. Then a collective gasp of shock went up from the entire crowd as the rickety chair shattered on the ground in front of them.

There were flickers from the hole now, as if a large fire were burning, but no more sounds. Shortly afterwards a figure walked out of the door and pulled a hood over its head before slinging a bag over its shoulder and heading out of the city...

6th August

New Ruler Elected

The realm of Outer Tilog has elected Darius Rea as its new Chairthing Extravagant.

Darius Rea

Darius stared in confusion at all the bones, baubles, and a pair of pink fluffy slippers now sitting on his desk. What had Rakaarox been doing? Darius picked up a small top, and spun it, watching the top wobble. Well, there had to be some meaning to it. Or not. It was hard to tell really.

Harbinger Schwarzherzig

Harbinger made his way into the office of the Chairthing with a slew of slaves in tow, carrying a throne made of bones. It had once been Aquilla's travelling throne, made from the bones of slain Tilogians.

"Set it right there..." Harbinger commanded, and then noticed he wasn't alone.

"WHY IS IT IN OUR OFFICE! IT HAS PINK SLIPPERS! WE TOLD EVERYONE!" Harbinger hollered, casually decapitating a slave. Harbinger glared, and sat down upon his bone chair.

"There are no salads here Darlene."

7th August

Family Investment

Aoifa Dubhaine, Margravine of Dark Citadel has initiated an investment of 190 gold in the region of Dark Citadel. Production soars to 211 %.

Darius Rea

Darius had been sitting in his Ducal office (he hadn't moved into the proper Chairthing Offices just yet), spinning the top, when a band of slaves and a large bone chair made its way into the room. He made a face, visible confusion written across his features. Harry marching in behind the mess, and setting himself on top of the bone-throne, and yelling at Darius's face, cleared it up nearly every question he had.

"What are you doing in my office, Harry? And I should hope not, salads are illegal in several sections of Outer Tilog Law."

Darius glanced at a corner, darker then the others.

"Get that pile of bones out of my office this instant, Harry. I have enough to deal with without your foolishness."

Harbinger Schwarzherzig

"These bones are my chair. This is now my office. Now begone, I have chair things to do, Darlene. Garm needs a flea bath, for example." Harbinger gestured for Darius to leave.


Darius Rea

Darius stood, fire in his eyes, but, before he spoke, an idea came to him. A whimsical smile lit his face, and he gleefully swept the contents of his desk into a nearby trashcan, before picking up the can, and turning for the door. The shadow in the corner stirred.

"You know what, you are right, this is your office."

Once Darius exited his Ducal offices, he quickly found a scribe. "You, make a sign over that office there, a fancy one that says "Chairthing." Then get the actual Chairthing offices ready for my arrival." Darius started to walk away from the man, trash can swinging merrily.

"Sir, those are Ducal offices?" The man shouted at the retreating back.

"Then make him a Duke then!"

12th August

Summer - Dark Citadel

Monthly Fee Paid

Your rank of Senior Shadowist in "Shadowism" has to pay a monthly fee of 5 gold. Your balance with this religion has been adjusted accordingly. Your balance is now -70 gold.

13th August

Summer - Dark Citadel

Duchy Changes Allegiance

The Duchy of Norgothland has changed its allegiance with all its regions to the realm of Outer Tilog. The duchy used to belong to Gothica.

16th August

Summer - Dark Citadel


Halcyon has taken control of Vir el Mari heights. The region used to belong to (rogue).

17th August

Summer - Dark Citadel

Taxes Received

As the Margravine of Dark Citadel, you earn 232 gold. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold.

Aoifa Dubhaine

An update from my last report.

Current fortification
Citadel (8)
Blocks to upgrade: 84
Blocks constructed: 20
Each block costs 88 gold.
Total cost 7392 gold.
Outstanding cost 5376 gold.
Cash available 215 gold.
Weekly income 180 gold.
Time to raise funds 29 weeks.

On average I can build 3 blocks per week so the time to completion is 22 weeks.

21st August

Summer - Dark Citadel

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Asker:

Portion vs. Outer Tilog
Estimated strengths: 890 men vs. 470 men
The Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations (Outer Tilog), sponsored by Margrave Hazno Harte, were led into battle by Marshal Harbinger Schwarzherzig.
The Army of the Black Ravens (Portion), sponsored by Duchess Raven Leather, were led into battle by Marshal Mybin Clipt.
Viscount Johnathan Rasthaven is spotted wearing the Forgotten Circlet.
Dame Lady Sevima MacArbin is spotted wearing the Singing Ring.
Knight Rory Sarwell is spotted wielding the Dark Sword.
Earl John Elynbrigge is spotted wielding the Grisly Axe.
Duke Edwin Burep is spotted wearing the Blessed Suit.
Defender Victory!

22nd August

Summer - Dark Citadel

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Asker:

Outer Tilog vs. Portion
Estimated strengths: 180 men vs. 360 men
The Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations (Outer Tilog), sponsored by Margrave Hazno Harte, were led into battle by Marshal Harbinger Schwarzherzig.
The Army of the Black Ravens (Portion), sponsored by Duchess Raven Leather, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Eraus Castillo.
Viscount Johnathan Rasthaven is spotted wearing the Forgotten Circlet.
Dame Lady Sevima MacArbin is spotted wearing the Singing Ring.
Knight Rory Sarwell is spotted wielding the Dark Sword.
Duke Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard is spotted wearing the Holy Ring.
Baron James Stewart is spotted wearing the Spiked Helmet.
Defender Victory!

24th August

Summer - Dark Citadel

Taxes Received

As the Margravine of Dark Citadel, you earn 233 gold. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold.

30th August

Summer - Dark Citadel


Outer Tilog has taken control of Highglades. The region used to belong to (rogue).