De La Fere Family/Virovene

From BattleMaster Wiki

Letter from Cato De La Fere

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Knight Vita,

You are partly correct about one of the Kingdoms... It wasnt weak... But indeed at earlier stage its capitol was Muspelheim, later it was changed to Mimer just because it was more central location and some weird creatures came from west. The creatures took the Libbi island, so Mimer was perfect to protect the east. As you might notice then the realm controlled Lots of todays Springdale, and also the territories of Astrum and Morek...

About its religion, it was very very similar to Sanguis Astroism, thatswhy I joined it... It nearly is the same... Sadly I dont know the name of the religion of the past, but princibles are the same...

The name of the realm was Virovene and it was destroyed by some unhuman powers allied with human powers... Its ruler and its court fled the island when 6 times more powerful enemy burned 90% of the Kingdom... They escaped using Mimer... ofcourse the ships went to follow them... there was a battle... Virovene ships lost and lots lost their life to allow the escape of the ruler, he got away on a small boat which was destroyed by a storm... Some other crewmembers survived too, but their location is unknown... But names are stored... I have the books, I wont share them... Also the government was a mixture of Monarchy and Theocracy...

From where do I know this? Cause this ruler who fled, is my father Charles De La Fere, who is at his very old age at the moment... Residing on Atamara in realm of Minas Ithil... He drew a map and sent me to find this continent... On my travels I also had a shipwreck.. but thats not this story...

Thing is that my father lost his memory when he got hit on storm, but it came back to him, bit by bit.. He saves it all to letters which he sends me every month...

I hope this was enough for you... If you want proof then come to me into Muspelheim, I will show you the secret library...

With Respect,

Sir Cato De La Fere

Duke of Muspelheim