Capet Family
The House of Capet
Active kin
Amaury Capet
Noble of Pian en Luries
Formerly a noble of Caerwyn
Titles: Duke of Askileon, Marshal of the Silver Hammer of Tyr
Former titles: Count of Ciarin Tut, Grand Imperator of Pian en Luries
Liege: Alanna Anaris, Queen of Pian en Luries
Age: 27
Unit: Chevaliers de l'Aigle (elite cavalry)
Items: Accurate Dagger (Weapon, +4 prestige), Brilliant Aegis of Deception (Shield, +5 prestige)
By far the most successful of all the Capets, Amaury's career has taken off rather impressively. His first year in noble service was quite unremarkable, serving an unknown Lord of Caerwyn in the wilderness of western Dwilight. At a tournament, he met Gorlack Capelo, a Marquis from Pian en Luries and a well-respected jouster. Impressed by the Marquis' prowess, Amaury offered his service and followed Gorlack back to his province of Nid Tek, in southeastern Dwilight, where he quickly distinguished himself. Shortly after his eighteenth birthday, he was chosen by Queen Alanna to serve as the Count of Ciarin Tut, after the disappearance of his predecessor. As time passed, his service in the ducal army of Duke Proslyn of Askileon led him to become Vice-Marshal of the army under his old liege Gorlack. Together, they defended the Lurian borders from countless monster attacks. During that time, Amaury became a true cavalry man, and subsequently he became a cavalier, vowing never to fight on foot again.
Later, he was chosen by the Queen to become Grand Imperator of Pian en Luries, the commander of all the realm's armies, due to his military prowess and keen tactical insight, a position he occupied for almost three years. His crowning achievement, at least by his own account, was the destruction of Myern, a small, defiant realm which denied the dominion of the Lurian Empire. However, the human contribution to the demise of Myern was small. One region was taken bloodlessly, after its Lord declared his allegiance to the Lurians to avoid bloodshed. For the rest, the Lurians watched as Myern became overrun with monsters. Many of its nobles deserted their King, and Myern soon fell to anarchists, rogues and monsters, heralding the end of their existence. Shortly after the fall of Myern, Amaury hosted a tournament in Askileon, honoring 'his' victory. Almost immediately after the tournament was announced, several Fissoans called for a boycott, which greatly angered Amaury, and contributed immensely to his hatred for the Grand Duchy.
At the age of just twenty-four, Amaury learned of a mysterious, grave illness striking down Duke Proslyn of Askileon, and he put his name forward as candidate for the ducal seat, citing his six years of devoted service to the city and the Crown as his qualifications. To his great joy, the Queen agreed, and inaugurated him as the new Duke. Under Amaury's governorship, Askileon has seen both prosperity and adversity. Especially in winter, famine is a major concern for the Askileonese citizens, and thousands have perished from it, prompting Amaury to take on a more isolationist stand in politics. Under his decree, the provinces in his duchy stockpile their excess food in Askileon, rather than offer it to the other Lurian duchies. With the illness of the former Duke, the Silver Shield of Askileon became defunct, and Amaury established a new army, the Silver Hammer of Tyr, in honor of his patron god.
Noah Capet
Noble of Arcaea, Knight of Tapaliez
Formerly a noble of C'thonia and Soliferum
Titles: none
Former titles: none
Liege: Desiderata Lisieux, Countess of Tapaliez
Age: 20
Mehdi Capet
Noble of Eston, Knight of Barad Riel
Titles: none
Former titles: none
Liege: Arturius Entreri, Duke of Barad Riel
Age: 20
Retired/deceased kin
Tristan Capet
Noble of Soliferum, Knight of Osaliel
Liege: Maximus Testaverde, Duke of Osaliel, Minister of Finances of Soliferum
Age: 25
Status: dead
Tristan started his career in the Far East, in the realm of Soliferum. Always eager to speak his mind and defend his opinions, he had grabbed the attention of several high ranking nobles, and even Prime Minister Conan himself. He served Duke Maximus Testaverde of Osaliel as a member of the Army of the Republic. With the army, Tristan had undertaken a succesful assault on the Nighthelmian city of Azros, during which his efforts had gained him much praise from his peers.
Tristan was a relatively chivalrous noble, who refused to harm unarmed commoners, and openly declared such actions to be beneath the level of a true noble. He was fiercely loyal to his liege and his ruler, and would not hesitate to offer them his views.
Shortly after his last campaign in Nighthelm, Tristan received a mysterious letter from his father urging him to set sail to Beluaterra for reasons unknown. Unfortunately, Tristans ship was caught in a fierce thunderstorm, and sunk to the bottom of the ocean, taking every passenger along with it. His place in the Far East was taken by his younger brother Guillaume.
Nicolas Capet
Noble of Fontan, Knight of Krimml
Liege: Amelia Bernstein, Duchess of Krimml
Age: 17
Status: retired
Nicolas started his career in the mercenary armies of Darka, but after not finding a liege after several weeks of enquiry, he became fed up with the realm and boarded a ship to the East Continent, where he joined the ranks of the Fontanese nobility. After becoming a vassal to Amelia Bernstein, he was assigned to the Fontan Strike Regiment, and has partaken in battle against the armies of Perdan.
Nicolas was a warrior first and foremost. Being the youngest of three brothers, he felt a strong urge to prove himself worthy of being an heir to the Capetian family, and as such, he sought battle whereever it may be found. A serious hunting accident has left him crippled, however, and he has retired from active duty to spend his days as a hermit.
Guillaume Capet
Status: slain in duel
Hugues Capet
Status: executed
Alexandre Capet
Status: executed
Lanfrank Capet
Status: slain in duel
Cheyne Capet
Status: unknown